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  1. It's not worth slotting for defense as such. It does make a nice place to put your defense globals (like LOTG +recharge or the Shield Wall +res one), though. And as others have already said, it's good to slot flight speed and a bit of end redux into it; you can't get it to pre-ED fast-as-Fly levels anymore, but it's still pretty good.
  2. I'm as fine with them being unpowered as the rest of the folks seem to be. But if you're interested in making them more than just a band of brawlers, maybe the lieutenant-class members could have some kind of (hopefully non-stacking) leadership/support auras. You could even mix up the bonus by type.
  3. Sprint nothing. In the old days it was almost faster than *fly*.
  4. Well, she was technically part of "team good" to begin with, even if she didn't belong at all.
  5. I actually feel kind of bad for the guy. You see him later and at higher levels, still as a hero, but it's obvious he's lost his edge and that he just can't keep up anymore. He still tries, and in some of the missions he was there holding the villains off until you show up, but still.
  6. From what I've heard, EA's as much of an Endurance hog as Dark Armor. Pair that with an End-hungry primary and you'll run out a lot. Nemu's right, though; End Drain makes a difference. Another trick is you want to go digging for endurance recovery procs; the Performance Shifter proc and the Panacea health/end proc will go a long ways toward managing your troubles. More than that IOs you replace will do for you, even. Yes, they'll be expensive. Believe me, though, they're worth it.
  7. Also true.
  8. Scrapper ninjitsu gives superspeed level stealth through Shinobi-Iri, although you can slot a movement stealth IO in it for better.
  9. This. For the low low price of 1 Inf and one market slot, I get to keep track of what I'm looking for next.
  10. Maybe there's a minimal FX option for it, the way Cloak of Darkness for Dark Armor has.
  11. An exception should work--that's how I got mine working again.
  12. Check and make sure your antivirus isn't wrongly flagging it. I had a similar problem and that was the cause.
  13. DM/DA scrappers do wonders on both Malta and Carnies. Dark Armor laughs at end drain, Oppressive Gloom turns Sappers from terrors into victims, and neither group has any real resistance to negative energy damage (although the smashing component is another matter).
  14. Thank you for the update. It looks like I have an extra slot or two to play with now. 🙂
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