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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Keep in mind Kinetic (and Psionic, which was missed) are underpowered, and Staff and Electric are mediocre. As for a suggestion, you might give Savage/Electric, Savage/Bio, or Savage/Fire a go--depending on what flavor or perks you want from your armor set. SS/Bio is my primary Brute and works well. (I have an SS/EA I am casually working up and she works well too.) My most recent Brute (for redside play) is an Energy/Electric and has been enjoyable (at least up to level 35). Electric will not perform better on a Scrapper or Stalker, and you get a damage aura increased by Fury (a trick Tankers cannot match). Add too that while Tanker do get more area for their area attacks, Energy Melee's big hitters are single-target. It is painfully obvious Brutes need something but we cannot even have the conversation as when the issue pops up, people who never post in the Brute forum (other than to suggest whatever power combination is under discussion would be better played on another AT) and sometimes admit they do not even play Brutes show up to insist Brutes are fine. So for the time being, look to the specific combinations which either cannot be had on other ATs or which in combination emerge better for Brutes.
  2. Energy Aura has Energy Drain, which on top of recovering endurance boosts Defense based on the number of foes hit, with the boost lasting 45s while the base recharge is 60s.You should easily be able to boost your defense to offset rage crashes.
  3. Tankers out damage Brutes on 14 of the powersets and tie on one. So, consider Brute if you want to play Electric, Kinetic, or Psionic Melee (all of which suck), Staff Fighting (mediocre), Titan Weapons, Dual Blades, or Broadsword. And on top of any of that, the Tanker will be more survivable. @callador0630 do not waste your time on a Brute unless you are considering playing armor or offense sets, or a combination of both, that cannot be found on other ATs. All the advocates of other melee ATs won and forced Brutes into a position of having nothing role-defining they bring to a team. And lest someone try to claim Tankers are walking uphill, both ways in the snow when it comes to levelling or dealing with bosses, my last couple of Tankers have far more easily upped the difficulty setting upward to make opponents pay more experience on top of having more of them to defeat and get even more experience because the Tanker is not going to die--and the damage is fine because you mostly spending your time clearing trash. Ohhhh, I may have to swing a few more times on a boss...how horrible. Those extra seconds are more than compensated by not having to waste time healing up (because while Brutes may have equal resistance caps, they do not reach it as easily). There are reasons why there is far more discussion going on in the Tanker subforum and it why three threads out of four IN THE BRUTE SECTION invariably turn to playing a Tanker. In fact, I dare say, if you look across the various AT subforums you will find the subforum with the most references to some other AT will be Brutes and those references will be to Tankers.
  4. So started with this image from the costume customizer at Icon: Used the prompt: Filipino man with lightning bolt emblem on chest having brown fauxhawk hair with blonde highlights Set AI Strength to 0 Used CGI model Did Quick Enhance to get: Enhance and Upscale yielded:
  5. If anything, there is content you only see in the alignment missions. There is a series of missions I played back on Live when I worked a character around the wheel of alignments I have never seen since. I have considered doing that again because the missions were so cool.
  6. You know some people don't change their characters alignments? And others only do it by playing the missions to do so? The ONLY time I change a character's alignment is if I want a Patron power on a hero--which is not that common. It is also the only reason I've ever used Null. L
  7. So can Group Flight be turned off by itself, or are other powers impacted as well? I've no desire to turn off Team Teleport just to avoid Group Fly.
  8. I use Krea.ai. The steps I follow are: Upload image saved from game scale it to fill screen Set ai strength low. 0-4 is what I typically use Select photo mode (cgi and concept mode might appeal too) Describe the character you've uploaded. I typically include gender, build, ethnicity, type of clothing, chest emblem, and aura if necessary. I think I used something like, "muscular Filipino man with faux hawk hair dyed blonde at ends wearing t-shirt with blue lightning emblem, radiating electricity" On the Generate page there is a "Quick Enhance" button. Use it to get a see what the ai strength and prompt will do. Modify your prompt to correct results. There is also a "Variations" option to make minor, random tweaks once you are basically satisfied. Once everything is good do a full upscale and enhance. This is what eats your time allotment, so use only on what you think is good.
  9. You say you need to be out of the fray, not your robots need to be out of it. Fly puts you out of the fray. Moreover, in order to get to Group Fly you have to take other powers first...so the option to be out of the fray is already there .
  10. You have Group Fly but do not have Fly?
  11. Super Reflexes
  12. There was that time he used one on his son....
  13. I can definitely see this. 😁
  14. The conceit in most MMOs is that you are the main character (except when NPCs get that distinction). It is not like from a given player's vantage point they are seeing what most of the other players are doing. -=YOU=- bring down the Big Bad...doesn't matter if other people and groups do it, your story is YOUR story.
  15. A before (screenshot) and after (AI) of my latest villain, Dreadshock:
  16. Since @Troo's build does not have Crit Strikes in Clobber and mine does, I am going to guess this is directed at me. It has been enough time since I put together the build the memory of the whys of the choices are lost to me. At a guess, there was probably some considerations of what bonuses are more easily had from which power categories and then some consideration of the estimated proc rate and which slotting would make the proc most reliably invoked.
  17. Why would Endurance be a bottleneck on a set with an endurance regain power?
  18. I am doing more redside these days thanks to friends. For my latest villain, a Brute named Dreadshock (Energy Melee/Electric Armor) the conception was an up and coming villain, not yet branched out on his own but rather working for hire as an enforcer. I figured his costume should reflect more of a street vibe to not quite spandex costume:
  19. Erratic1

    Tough as nails

    I would recommend the combination which fires your imagination and does not objectively suck. Stone/Stone should be fine.
  20. Erratic1

    Tough as nails

    I was speaking across the board. Typically yeah, we push S/L to 90% and certainly it is pretty easy to do. But what is your F/C/E/N? Most builds I have seen posted end in the 40-70% range, which is not exactly cap for a Brute. And yeah, EA and Inv, which I was addressing, have some amount of DDR.
  21. Erratic1

    Tough as nails

    I would be surprised if EA gets you there. Invulnerable...I feel as if you are going to cap your res you're going to have only moderately decent def, and if you are capping your def you're going to be decent but not at cap res (and if there is a way to do both, no telling what suffers).
  22. Always nice comparing to what someone else has done with the combo. Our numbers are comprable--mine has better AoE defense and S/L resistance, yours has better Psionic resistance. I have Agility Core Paragon planned for Alpha.
  23. Erratic1

    Tough as nails

    On their own, just relying on SOs, not sure anything does short of playing a Tanker (if then). You rely on enhancement set bonuses to push to caps.
  24. Erratic1

    Tough as nails

    90% across the board? They don't. While Invulnerability is typically considered a resistance set, it leans significantly on pushing defense. The less hits land, the lower your resistances can be to match the case of relying solely on resistance.
  25. Erratic1

    Tough as nails

    Most T9s should only be taken for slotting options and not used (Bio and Rad Armor being an exception).
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