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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Giving Dominator another go and have come up with a bounty hunter hero, Retributive.
  2. Play it in a group and watch things die while you're still waving your hand around like you just don't care.
  3. Got my Rad/Dark to 50 last night. While I do have a tentative plan for IO'nig her, I am going to take a little time to play and confirm how I feel about how she plays before rushing to enact a plan.
  4. Erratic1

    Fiery Melee?

    Been slow (playing other characters, other games) but got the FM/EA Brute to 50 today. He feels solid enough to invest the influence/time/effort to IO, even if obviously not an S-tier combo.
  5. Erratic1


    Stalkers are acknowledge to have the best iteration of it.
  6. Erratic1


  7. She is indeed. She's been a pretty satisfying play so far (low 40s).
  8. You keep going down some path concluding things I did not say. What I did say (again): Do those words in any way suggest people should impinge on DC or Marvel creations? (Rhetorical question, no they do not.) But as for worrying about Marvel (or DC) and what they are going to do, let's keep in mind that Marvel's previous attempt alleged Statesman was infringing on Captain America because (oh this is rich), "...a white star and patriotic theme served to confuse consumers based on how many people already knew Captain America." If Marvel is going to come after CoH because Statesman, the flying, invulnerable, brick dressed in red and blue is more confusable with Captain America than Superman, then absolutely nothing one does in creating a character is reasonably safe from drawing Marvel's ire. We might as well stop making characters. This is my Tanker, Paladia... A black woman wearing a white costume...guess she's dangerously close to Storm...or Photon, at least by the standard which put Statesman as infringing Captain America. Also going to note, since you brought up Marvel and lawsuits, from the linked article above: One might figure Marvel lawyers to be somewhat proficient at the basics of trademark law given the industry they work for and yet Marvel decided to come after CoH with a flimsy enough claim it was mostly dismissed. This is not to say (AGAIN SINCE YOU SEEM TO WILLFULLY MISREAD THE POINT BEING MADE) that I support infringement, but rather you have no control over how absurd Marvel will try to be so freaking out over every character is perhaps overkill on the part of those doing so in this thread. See something problematic? Report it and move on.
  9. I didn't argue a point, a made a statement of fact. Here, let me summarize since you missed it: Read the bold and underlined sections.
  10. Nobody can know what The Mouse is going to do. On the other hand, DC published The Zen Men: Hmmm...who do they remind you of? And then Marvel have the Shi'ar Royal Guard and Squadron Supreme: Kinda reminds one of a certain legion of teens and league of heroes, no? And those are published, directly sold for profit, comics as opposed to some obscure activity by fans in a corner of the world not a lot of people are going to see. Not saying people should freely be able to impinge on trademarked characters but honestly, there is far more meaningful infringement by comics companies against each other than anything players in CoH are doing.
  11. Erratic1


    I want to like Elec and yet it continues to disappoint each time I give in and try it. My graveyard of unplayed characters is littered with Elec melee characters.
  12. Yeah, went Body Mastery on him to deal with the endurance requirement. I like him, but gotta say the WM/Nin excites me more.
  13. I am at work now. Will try to remember to PM you a link to the proper site when I get home.
  14. I have one of these and you've described him perfectly. Hits stupidly hard but endurance has to be found to drive him. Think that is part of why I made my WM/Nin character.
  15. Just installed Mid's on my new machine. There should be a link to where you can get there proper .Net version. I had to download and install it as I was getting the same error message when trying to initially install Mid's. For Juggernaut I weild go SS/Inv...possibly StJ/Inv and choose an appropriately armored costume.
  16. WM/Nin I have to imagine BA/Nin would be awesome as well. Actually, anything hard-hitting with Nin.
  17. Rad has the same number of survival related click powers as Bio (and an additional click power in Ground Zero). Looking at the powers from the survival standpoint: Bio: Ablative Carapace [+Absorption/Regen], DNA Siphon [+HP/End per target hit], Parasitic Aura [+Absorption/Regen per target hit, Foe -Dam] Rad: Radiation Therapy [+HP/End], Particle Shielding [+Absorption], Meltdown [+Resistance/Recovery] Will also note Radiation Therapy and Particle Shielding are up every 60s versus every 90s for Carapace and DNA Siphon, though Meltdown is up only every 480s compared to Parasitic Aura being up every 270s. In 480s you could click Particle Shielding and Radiation Therapy 8 times each along with Meltdown once for 17 clicks. In 270s you could click Ablative Carapace and DNA Siphon 3 times each and Parasitic Aura once for 7 clicks. So Rad is providing survivability clicks on average every 470/17=28.24s versus 270/7=38.57s. So Bio has less capacity for clicking survival powers than Rad does. Admittedly that does not address how often one needs to click a power to stay standing. Maybe Radiation has the capacity to click more often but never does. But I will say from my experience, I am click Rad's powers more often than I do on Bio, having played both Bio and Rad Tankers and Brutes.
  18. Sometimes the usual choices for travel powers do not fit the character concept. I've got a WM/Ninjitsu, magic origin scrapper and Infiltration fits perfectly. Works nicely too.
  19. Attaching from stealth with Ninjitsu gives a high chance of critting (70% I think).
  20. No, it does not do extra damage, just resets Power Siphon and only for ATs which can crit.
  21. Did it back on live. Was quite frustrating.
  22. Not even attacking from Stealth the critical chance bonus (Ninjitsu)?
  23. 'You would not write (presumably), "Whom are they?", but rather, "Who are they?" Whomever' is objective and used when you would use 'him' or 'her' in similar construction.
  24. Hopefully they don't have Fire Armor and Regen both as that would leave then with no offensive set.
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