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Everything posted by TheOtherTed

  1. I figured he was in college myself - the 2-human rooms where I went to school were so tiny that we had to have bunk beds. That said, all I could think of while watching that video was, "Jeez kid, clean your room."
  2. I don't know if it's "better," but I often use Wiktionary in conjunction with Google Translate and momjunction.com to "triangulate" on a name. It even works sometimes!
  3. Someday has arrived. After well over a year and a half of not playing M&B, and nearly 10 years of not playing Swadia, I'm championing the cause of King Harlaus once again. I've even rediscovered my old strategy of playing "whack-a-mole" - capturing a few castles, leaving them without garrisons, and jumping every Johnny Wannabe who comes along looking for an easy land-grab. As a result, my real castle (the one I actually fortify and throw prisoners into) ends up "hosting" about half the enemy lords in short time. And with Swadia, I don't release "good guy" lords and I don't accept ransoms.
  4. It worked for the original Star Trek, so, you know, why not? We'll have to bring our own styrofoam rocks, though.
  5. My first thought was "Vanilla Ice," but that's probably taken and would get you generic'ed anyway. Second thought was "Twice as Ice," which sounds just as deliberately cheesy early hip-hop. Slice of Ice? Dicey Ice? Ice Shredder? Ice Crusher? The City So Nice They Iced It Twice?
  6. That's not a necro. THIS is a necro: Yeah, but did you get that thing I sent you?
  7. I rarely team on HC (crappy internet connection), but on Live I teamed almost exclusively. However, I got more "helpful suggestions" about using AoE roots, fears, disorients, and other abominable affronts to the Most Holy Burn Patch than I ever got about KB. Never got kicked for any of it, though. Possibly because I was prepared to live by one of my personal rules of squishy play - "take what you want, but eat what you take." As far as I can remember, the only time I got even vaguely annoyed at KB was when a blaster AoE'd a whole spawn over a rail milliseconds before my Transfusion went off. Couldn't help but laugh IRL at that one though - the timing was too perfect.
  8. Sorry to double post, but actually I'm not sorry. Sorry for lying about that. For the most part my characters have no pretenses about being heroic or villanous. They just are what they are, and feel no need to up- or downplay their actions. Sort of like this guy up until the 8:15 mark. Most of them could also cross the line to "the other side" depending on the circumstances, and more than a few have gone rogue or vigilante (but only one has ever crossed over fully). Other than that, there's no real uniting factor. Except maybe for the shoe thing mentioned by Chrono-Bot. Boy, that really grinds my gears.
  9. "...while visions of KB Blappers danced in their heads..."
  10. There are a few books I read avidly in my youth that I know my older self would hate, notably Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series and Madeleine L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time series. Even just typing them out brings a grimace to my face. Pure escapism, and I have no doubt that the more "adult" aspects of the former (maybe both?) would make me grimace even more. But to give credit where it's due, the Wrinkle books may very well have jump-started my brain into thinking about seriously weird s**t. On the flip side, I'm still digging pretty much anything by Jules Verne. H.G. Wells, and JRR Tolkien (plus all the stuff his son kept burping out). On the flip side of the flip side, I didn't like the Dune books when I was younger, and now that I'm older, I can see why. Plus, I'm not as fond of Asimov and Clarke as I once was - although I might re-read the Rama books. I read 1984 in, well, 1984, and re-read it a couple of years ago. I liked it then, but didn't realize how deep it was. All I really remembered from the first read was big loud TVs everywhere with Big Brother's face on them. Childhood and teenage classics that I've been meaning to re-read and just never do include the Earthsea books and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Maybe someday. One book I shouldn't have read as a kid and doubt I'll read again is Satan, his Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler, J.S.P.S.
  11. RIP - many fond memories of The Monkees. So Dolenz is the last one standing. Does that make him the sole beneficiary of the tontine?
  12. You know, when I saw the initial post, I was going to give a "me too" response to Diantane, as I've never had a character past 46 (either here or Live) and I have absolutely no interest in anything beyond workbench IOs. Now, with the way this thread has gone, I suspect I'll be tagged as a "troll," or, worse, a "contrarian," and I have no doubts that at least one poster will scour my history to reveal what a terrible excuse of a human I am. But I'm posting anyway, because I have this morbid curiousity about the darker sides of social interaction. Edit: Also just wanted to point out that the sort of tone found in this thread can have a silencing effect on people whose preferred playstyles differ from the majority voice.
  13. I'm wondering if they're starting a "scatter shot" strategy - just throw as many MMO ideas out there as possible, and hope that one takes off. Maybe they've forgotten that the industry as a whole tried just that in the first decade after WoW's launch, with mixed results at best. But back on topic, I wish Jack well, but I'm going to assume it's vaporware until it isn't.
  14. Sure, I agree. But I don't think that Amazon is throwing MMO darts at the wall for chump change. (yes, slight exaggeration, but when I first heard about NW and their Middle-Earth MMO, I had to wonder what they thought they were doing)
  15. Is it my imagination, or is there some sort of weird MMO Renaissance going these days? I'd have thought that folks would have figured out by now that WoW was an aberration, and that MMOs aren't the cash cows that people though they were back in 2008.
  16. It's about time - I've been holding this in for 2 years now: Speaking of which, I've gotten a fair bit of mileage out of Youtube as well - even after Google bought it out and dropped the phrase "Don't be evil" from its code of conduct. It is the stumpy but steady third leg of my visual entertainment tripod. Why, yes, that did sound wrong as I typed it.
  17. Netflix and Amazon Prime - and to be honest, I only have the latter for the free shipping (I order enough junk from them that it's worth the sub). As for Netflix, someone gave me a gift card for it years ago, and even with that I was on the fence about it - until I discovered they had the original Star Trek on their streaming service. Bam. Sold. In for life. That said, AFIAIC no show is essential. Even STotUA ("Star Trek of the Unfortunate Acronym). Actually, especially STotUA. Saw one season on Prime for free, bought a couple episodes of season 2 to see if it got better, and, well, it didn't. IMO. That, more than anything, convinced me that it probably isn't worth subscribing to any of the millions and billions of streaming services out there.
  18. I might have thought so, too - until I saw a near-perfect Homer Simpson at a costume contest on Triumph way back when. Granted, he barely had enough time to say "D'oh!" before getting kicked off the server, but I was honestly and deeply impressed on several levels.
  19. Superjump makes you realize that there just aren't enough power lines in the game.
  20. Well, I dunno what you Rookie sellouts are doing, but I'm still a newbie. NOOBS 4 LIF!
  21. ...for today, we are ALL forum newbies.
  22. IMO the writing isn't the only thing. Each Doctor is unique in no small part because each actor brings something new to the role, while still exhibiting a certain edge-of-chaos energy that, for me, has become a hallmark of the role. I'll admit that I've only seen Whittaker (and Colman) in "Broadchurch," so I don't really know her range as an actor. However, "chaos" is not a term I would have associated with her. I watched a few episodes of her as the Doctor, and my impression was that she was trying to recapture Tennant's performance more than anything. There wasn't anything "new," and while she delivered a lot of energy, it felt forced. It wasn't her own. Maybe she's made the role her own by now. If that's true, I'd gladly watch the rest of her run.
  23. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Olivia Colman would have made a great - and very different - Doctor, especially when opposed with Missy?
  24. I like your eyes. Can I have them for my collection?
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