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Everything posted by TheOtherTed

  1. "Bang a Gong" by T Rex. The particular line where I got the idea was "You're built like a car, you've got a hubcap diamond star halo." I instantly though of a "biker angel" character, but changed it to a "biker Valkyrie." Kept the wings, though. Still a bit miffed that we can't use a hubcap as a shield...
  2. This is a side-note to the thread, but I have a Mace/Shield Brute with the concept of "A valkyrie takes a vacation". She's armed with a pipe wrench and a manhole cover, and even though Mace seems slow to me, she's been a blast to play. However, I was lucky concept-wise; I was driving home late at night and a classic rock song basically shoved the idea in my head. That said, a fun concept doesn't necessarily help a powerset "stick." I don't know how many false starts I've made with Dual Pistols, and at this point I've just kind of given up. Back on live, I had a Pistols / Energy Manip blaster, which seemed to work - until I realized that blapping with EM was a lot more fun than Pistol dancing. I've tried a few other combos since HC launched, but aside from the damage issue, I realized I just don't like the weapon customizations all that much. My live character used Sidereal Sidearm, which fit nicely with the character's concept, but since then I find myself settling for the plain old boring default Semi-Auto. Everything else is just too improbable, too unwieldy, too retro, or too difficult (or impossible) to color. Other sets I'd like to play but don't: Devices, Traps, Broadsword, Dual Blades, Katana, and most "elemental" sets (though I recently started a Fire/Fire Tank. Things I am not likely to play, and probably will not feel like I'm missing out on: Anything Mastermind, any of the "epic" ATs, and finally, I doubt I'll ever play Dominators or Defenders again (they keep getting re-rolled as Controllers or Corruptors, respectively).
  3. Warning: Watching this video may skew your image of your redside characters forever... Tom Waits - God's Away on Business
  4. Sweet jeebus, I'd completely forgotten about this map - and now I'm too angry and stressed to go to work. Actually, I'm staying home because I'm sicker than two dogs (hence my spelling of "jeebus" with a lower-case "j"), but the anger and stress this map brings to mind isn't helping things. On the flip side, though, my second most hated map is that office level where the elevator dumps you in front of a bifurcated corridor that loops back on itself, with nothing but an elevator on the other side. No mobs, no side doors, no nothing. I always feel deeply insulted by that one.
  5. Here's one for your "Music to Evil Genius By" playlist. Or your "Work from Home" list, you know, same thing, really. Aram Khachaturian, Masquerade Suite, Waltz
  6. I'm not sure that Xoanon counts as a companion (in spite of being half-Doctor in a sense), but we can always do what the writers have done - make sh*t up whole-cloth and hope no one notices.
  7. I don't like the cut of your jib.
  8. A is for Adric, who ended an age. B is for Bill, who died to blue rage. Practically writes itself.
  9. Oops, yep, you're right. I guess I now know why I couldn't remember what I'd picked...
  10. Kind of, though my story is about pool powers rather than primaries and secondaries. On my Archery/MA Blaster, I wanted both Combat Jumping and Acrobatics, but I didn't want Super Jump. So I had to take Jump Kick. I used it once - and immediately removed it from my power bar. Never want to see that animation again, especially on that character. Similarly, I wanted Super Speed as the same character's travel power, which meant I had to choose between Flurry and Hasten. Nope, I don't like either. Nope, I'm not interested in why either one is the best power in the game. And, nope, I'm not interested in exactly how terrible a player I am for not using whatever I picked (I honestly can't remember). Don't worry, I don't team, so nobody will be "stuck" with my horrible terribleness. The punchline is that I have two slots on one character dedicated to powers I'll never use in order to get the powers I wanted.
  11. Would need to see more. Not quite buying Nick Cage as Dracula, the supporting characters seem a bit flat, and Renfield himself seems a bit too well-adjusted, even after 125 years of coming to terms with his "new normal." But all that could change with the next trailer. TSDR - Tim Burton's "Batman," or Des McAnuff's "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle"? Could go either way.
  12. "Merely a gifted surgeon, and nothing more"? If so, that's from the radio mission where you rescue Dr. Stephen Fayte. Possibly my favorite mission in the game. Two of my characters are based on it, in fact.
  13. That was me on Live. Or at least one of me, specifically my Illusion/Empathy controller. My reasoning on that character (and pretty much all others) was this - the more people who were standing and fighting, the less pressure there was on any one character, and the more manageable the fight would be. Thus, if any one character seemed to be having issues, I'd work on "stabilizing" that character with whatever tools I had. My goal was to avoid a cascade effect of aggro switching from fallen characters to someone else who was likely already busy - if that doesn't get nipped that in the bud, it could turn into a team wipe incredibly quickly. I've since found out that this is apparently a "bad thing" in the MMO world at large. But it worked. Keeping that weak link standing turned out to be key, not only to preventing a team wipe, but to giving more timid players the confidence to take risks they might otherwise have avoided. That confidence, in turn, seemed to helped boost team morale and camaraderie - everyone was in the fight, and even "sub-par" players were contributing what they could. Of course, I don't know if that explains any of what you've been seeing lately wrt buffers; just offering it as a possibility.
  14. Looks like more than a rumor.... https://variety.com/2022/tv/global/doctor-who-david-tennant-14th-doctor-ncuti-gatwa-1235412291/ Don't forget, this is the Doctor who cheated death - or, regeneration, rather - so I'm sure they'll use that as a hand-wavy explanation as to why he could come back as a "new" Doctor.
  15. On a side note, I spotted someone on Live with the name "Happy Fun Ball." The bio was nothing but those quick, short, terrible jokes that you can't help but laugh at. You could almost hear that comedy drum riff (whatever it's called) after each one. Also, RIP Phil Hartman.
  16. I always wanted the name "The Disappointed Scientist," but it's too many characters. It's enough to drive one mad.
  17. For whatever reason, Google in Firefox wouldn't point to that site for me this morning. It does now. Oddly enough, DuckDuckGo lists it as the first entry, while Google's first entry (on my machine) is their LinkedIn page, followed by Instagram. I'll chalk it up to internet gremlins. Anyway, I think at least one of my basic questions has been answered. I wasn't aware that there was an Ark II coming out this year (featuring Vin Diesel in game, I guess?), so that answers the "why" of it. Still not clear on the "who" parts, i.e., who's bankrolling the series and who thought an animated series would be as good an investment (or better) than regular video game advertising. Connections or no, none of those people work for peanuts.
  18. Apparently this studio has been developing the "Ark: Survival Evolved" TV show coming out next year. I've never heard of them, and a Google search just gives me an Instagram page and a bunch of random unhelpful things, half of which are marked "archive" and half of the rest have Lex without an Otis. So who are they? I'm mainly asking because I'm one of those annoying "follow the money" people, and they've shelled out big money for big voice actors (e.g., Michelle Yeoh, Karl Urban, and David Tennant to name a few). Are they bankrolling it themselves, or is someone else? Were they hired by Wildcard Studios (the people who developed the game)?
  19. The series has never bothered much about hanging threads, though, especially when it comes to companions (note to self - think about writing an Ed Gorey style book about each of the companions' ends). That said, I get what you mean, and I've no doubt this is an attempt to revitalize the series. It will probably work - for a bit. I'll watch it, certainly (assuming it's not exclusive to one of the two streaming services I've forsworn against forever). However, at some point the show runners are going to have to get their house in order, or at least realize that each actor who portrays the Doctor needs to bring something of themselves to the role. On that note, I still think Olivia Colman would make an excellent and unique Doctor. Maybe she doesn't want the role, though...
  20. This was posted on another game forum, so I figured I'd share. Am I a bad person for asking, "...why now?"
  21. "The Bob Newhart Show," although this is kind of cheating in that we know what happened. Bob divorced his wife, changed his name, took four years to find himself, got re-married, and opened an inn in Vermont.
  22. I'll admit - my brain's second reaction to the title was "Indiana Jones and the Teasmade of Time." Skeptically optimistic. Much as I love Harrison Ford, IMO he hasn't interviewed well as he's aged, and for that reason I haven't watched anything he's been in for a while. But if someone can tell me he's got an Avery Brooks thing going on (rambling and borderline incomprehensible when unscripted, but fantastic on screen), I'd definitely give this a try. Also, how was "Bladerunner 2049"? Didn't even know that was a thing until I reviewed his filmography.
  23. They can have mine. It's pretty ratty, and I've been meaning to get a new one anyway.
  24. I'm wondering if it's some sort of blanket attack. For a week or two, almost everything I log in to has been challenging me to verify that I'm me. I also can't help but notice that all this activity coincides with the lead-up to the U.S. midterm elections.
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