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Everything posted by Moonshades

  1. Agree with everything you said, Steampunkette. In addition while we're making wish lists, add the ability to do cross faction police/newspaper missions or have a Borea style repeatable mission contact.
  2. I stated earlier in the thread that I didn't find early game content all that difficult with or without TOs slotted. Sometimes I think others are playing a different game than I am. When I stated that I breeze through content easily enough, I didn't mean i took the team option (although sometimes I do) I meant that I could handle the bulk of it solo. I don't die an extraordinary amount though I do faceplant occasionally, nor do I have to rest very often, though occasionally that as well. My continuing point being that I don't see the burning necessity of eliminating something that is working as intended, as a teachable device for new players to learn how to slot and as loot appropriate for the level of content they are awarded at.
  3. It would be more than stretching the truth to say I was friends with Ascendant, but I did talk to him in game a couple of times and he always seemed willing to have a friendly conversation with anyone at any time. The latter of the two conversations was in Pocket D after he had done one of his famous one sided phone conversations with Saul all about the injustice of NCSoft shutting down the game. I can't recapture it here, but it was a moment of in game magic. Having only found out about Homecoming a little over a month ago now, i wanted my first forum avatar to be an homage to him. Sorry for the thread derail.
  4. Too bad we can't just have an all in favor vote and call it done. It's a great suggestion, especially in the early levels when you might not yet have a travel power.
  5. I feel like the thrust of this thread is "Make the early game easier for me," in a game that is already pretty easy and becomes so much so that teams in the end game find most content trivial. The ease of levelling in this game has already been streamlined so much since the early issues that I can't agree with the OP. The early game isn't particularly hard. I generally have little trouble breezing through the first 12-15 levels with not only no SOs, but no enhancement of any kind. I'll agree with one point: Training enhancements suck, but I'd argue that they are underwhelming by design. They are bargain basement loot for characters in the basement of progression. They are good enough, if you choose to use them, to get that level 9 Frostfire mission accomplished. Or Shauna Stockwell Skulls arc or what have you. When you really need to upgrade your characters with actual enhancements, DOs then SOs begin to be available, or IOs if you have the inf for them. To sum up, TOs aren't broken or irrelevant. They are working as intended.
  6. In addition to those practical reasons, there's the joy of continuing to play a favored character, who if you have managed to get to 50, fully incarnated and IOd out, you must have some affection for and getting to continue to play brings you some kind of satisfaction.
  7. If some defender are hockey players, then I'm leading the league in penalty minutes. My D3 is pure offender style, often in melee, letting blackstar fly, secure in the knowledge that between darkest night, tanker/brute aggro management and my own middling defenses, that I'm pretty safe. Regardless of playstyle, or power selection though, defenders job is always the same; through buff, debuff or heal, keep the team on it's feet.
  8. There was an emp troller on a pug I was in today becoming frustrated because people on the team weren't gathering for buffs, but instead were on to the next mob as soon as the current one was finished. In truth the team was rolling along just fine with or without the buffs. My advice for playing the game in 2019 is to just fire off your buffs while the team is engaged with the current mob and relatively gathered together anyhow. This idea of stopping a steamrolling team in it's tracks is an artifact of the past, in the age of IOs, set bonuses and incarnates.
  9. Defenders, corruptors get them, controllers do get them as well, but a different version. A single target DoT version and a cone that does minimal damage. Prefer the defender/corruptor version, fwiw.
  10. That's what I'm saying 😊
  11. You have go see the tailor contacts for level 20, 30 and 40. Blue side they are in Steel Canyon, Independence Port and Founder's Falls, respectively. Red side, iirc 20 and 30 are both in Cap au Diable and the 40 is in St. Martial.
  12. If you're willing to be a little villainous (or heroic, depending on your natural bent) you can visit Null and cross over to the other side and do a costume mission to unlock that last slot before the Halloween season.
  13. Why is Dark Servant the most cuddly pet? Because he's Fluffy! 😜
  14. Sad that I didn't find out about Homecoming until June. My main had every anniversary badge from Celebrant on. I'd love to have those back again. Guess I am waiting until next year...
  15. I'll echo the sentiment for the original CoH D3, the double dark defender. All the debuffing, not just -tohit, but -resist and -regen as well. Other ATs do this too but none as inherently well as the defender. Add in the soft and hard controls, Fluffy and you're going to feel very controller-y with defender numbers. Damage is not good in the early game, but with IOs and procs can be brought up to surprising numbers in the end and late game. Also the defender ATOs provide some very nice set bonuses.
  16. You can use merits to get anniversary badges? How does that work?
  17. A lot of us, myself included, loved Galaxy City the way it was back in the day: The road less traveled. A quieter, less laggy place to begin our new characters. This is still a valid concern in the current year. While there are many of us who agree that we would like to see GC restored to its original glory, I'm also sure that most of us would agree that our volunteer devs have many more important things on their plate and we don't want them worrying about something that is pretty low priority. There is a way to kind of enjoy the flavor of the old days though, in the meantime between now and when that day a playable Galaxy is realized again. Roll your new alt, skip the tutorial, get into a supergroup and portal yourself to GC at level 1 and spend the next hour or so street sweeping until there's nothing but gray cons left. While you're there, take a spin around the zone and pick up all the badges and history plaques. You need them for accolades anyhow. True, there's no BaBs or sg registrar or contacts, but it's one way to re-immerse yourself in a part of the game that's gone now. Pass by the P2W and forget about the double xp for a while as well and make it last just a little longer. 😊
  18. Aim+BU on my blaster makes my insta-snipe miss what feels like half the time. I swear.
  19. Moonshades


    Allow me to partially disagree with the previous poster. Although certainly dark control has the tools to excel in itrials, don't sell a D3 short. Between Tar Patch, Tentacles and Fearsome Stare, dark/dark has all the tools in the kit to be an all star, especially in locking down escaped prisoners in a BAF.
  20. Allow me to direct your attention to the Market section of these forums. There are plenty of ways to earn big inf playing the market and never having to earn a bit of it running content. 8)
  21. Join anyway! When I'm not working I'm on from morning to night. A lot of people are like that and those of us in the Service Industry or Freelancing or Housewifing or whatever also have erratic playtimes. Yes, do join. I work 3-11 eastern myself, Tuesday to Saturday (Sunday and Monday is my weekend) and am often on late night or earlier in the day before work.
  22. My weekend is crazy, but I'm hoping to get in touch with you anyway and join you in this awesomeness. Let's get something started. Due to working evening shifts, my playing hours are a little weird, but count me in too!
  23. Add me and my character Spectrums to the list of interested redside avengers. A tell to @Moonshades will get my attention.
  24. You might know this, but I bet some people don't: You can get 5 reward merits just for collecting all of the exploration badges in a zone.
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