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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. No new high scores to update this week. Perhaps there are no challengers who can usurp the incredible gauntlet thrown down by Excelsior. Everlasting certainly got within striking distance, but Indomitable has not been able to surpass 1800 in months, so I fear we may be at a standstill in this competition. Is it time to move to niche builds and strategized guides for the next big jump in high score?
  2. Yeah, now that's how they work - but before, when they were created during legacy, I'm pretty sure a player could have five buffs at once.
  3. Definitely not like that on Indomitable either.
  4. Weren't these originally balanced around having five of them in an SG base? The effects would stack, if my very short memory of SG items of power is correct. Is that how the bonuses apply now?
  5. Is this a two way conversation or are you here to just dunk on the community? Since Homecoming started they've asked players to contribute in many ways, including becoming a developer to support content expansions and by testing out changes both on the open and closed beta shards. Homecoming has added more content in the last six years than I can even believe, on par with legacy content.
  6. Variety is preferable to me over homogeneous power choices. And Pool Powers use AT modifiers, so each power behaves differently for each Archetype.
  7. Getting to level 50 was the goal in the retail version. Here it doesn't matter. We can play the game how we want. If you need xp, join a team or start one and run content together. Grab double xp boosts for more or join a farm if you're not interested in the content available at your current level range.
  8. I suppose I failed to make clear in my YouTube video, but if you fly far enough out, you can drop to the bottom of the zone without getting kicked back to the slopes. The zone will continue for a very long distance, but you won't find anything else out there not shown in my video.
  9. That video made me cringe. Vulgar and demeaning for no reason. I stopped watching once the video got about half way.
  10. I asked someone about this movie and they told me what they thought. I think I'll wait for it to come out on Disneyplus. The movie going experience is not anywhere near what it was when I was a youngster - my needs as a customer have changed and the movie theater chains I go to have a specific target audience they want to maximize their profit from. And that's totally cool with me. As a consumer, when I don't like a change in a product I've been consuming, I can make a choice to stop consuming it. Here's a comparison I think it's appropriate - I think asking Arby's to give me their business expenses and revenue information so that I could make an informed decision on whether to order the ham with cheese or a deli sandwich is strange. They already tell me the ingredients, how many calories each item contains, what they pay their employees, etc. I ask myself, "am I hungry enough to pay for this product or do I want to spend less for something else." If the product doesn't meet the individuals needs, they're going to go elsewhere (at least in free markets). Hopefully the detour to a comparison like food isn't lost on the discussion about a movie.
  11. Enjoying the season so far. Pretty dialog heavy, not much action as far at I've seen. Excited for the multi....marks though!
  12. Deserving of a remake... or Reboot?
  13. Hey that attitude isn't going to get you very far in this community.
  14. I find it boring to play a character that can't be defeated, but also can't defeat anyone. I find it exciting to play a character that is an absolute glass cannon. With all the options available to players to build a character however, if it's not fun then why play the character.
  15. GM gave clear guidance. CoC says to follow it. There are three overarching ground rules that must be followed at all times: Anything an Administrator or Game Master says overrides anything else in this document - if they give you an instruction, please follow it. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/code-of-conduct/
  16. Silver lining...? https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/27/us/captain-america-ceiling-collapse-wenatchee-washington.html?unlocked_article_code=1.0U4.qibY.DR9QBUVYnNNn&smid=url-share
  17. Hey Midnyte - apologies, but I'm still out of town.
  18. Alright folks, love the Superman discussion, but this thread is about the Fantastic Four movie. Let's keep the discussion about that.
  19. So what? Why does it need to mean anything? Other games make that important, let that be a thing there. Players can try those other games out if they want that experience. What benefit would that have to the Homecoming community by bringing it here; where players can already individually do this, on their own volition, without changing anyone elses game play experience?
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