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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. My Tanker had to make some significant power and slot investments to make Fold Space happen. I love the power too, but I ended up respecing out of it after realizing I already had the tools in the toolbox so to speak. Fold Space is still an amazing power!
  2. My very first villain to hit Level 50 was an Elec/ Elec Brute. I loved the armor and it's resilience. Same with the look of the powerset. I agree that it was lacking a +dmg aura, even some defensive mitigation, but when I think about it, it also had great endurance management that enabled me to focus my build toward chasing other areas to improve instead.
  3. There's a slash command listed on the wiki with unknown functionality that may or may not work. /powers_cancel Cancel all effects of specified power from the character if power is cancelable and target is you or your pet. ([ent id] [category.powerset.power]) So maybe... /powers_cancel Glacial Shield /powers_cancel Ice Shield Then just throw together a macro image, title, and command. Maybe it will work or maybe it's a bust.
  4. Is that mentioned anywhere, like maybe in the Privacy Policy or Terms of Service? Seems like that would be included in writing somewhere before a person donates. Perhaps in the generic message that preceeds your donation target section, albeit that would continue the recent trend I've noticed of making the post longer with things I'm sure Homecoming's legal representation advised be included. Just a thought!
  5. I like having it and the other teleport powers interruptable in case someone else summons theirs before mine - gives me a chance to save it for the next mission.
  6. What are your thoughts on the 1.0 update? What about that game pulls you away from City of Heroes? I'm a big fan of the atmosphere and the visuals, but also the game soundtrack and the limitless creativity.
  7. I've found layered mitigation to amplify my playstyle and enjoyment level when I play my Shield/MA Tanker. Base and S.T.A.R.T. Temps, Inspirations, Rune of Protection, Incarnates, it's wild how far you can go and how much fun you can have! It gives me the opportunity to focus on other things like setting the league right, moving players around when the league gets shuffled, and keep a more trained eye on chat. Great build for leading stuff!
  8. That's why I posted the link to the Archetype sub forum.
  9. It's an Archetype sub forum. A place where anyone can discuss any Archetype and powerset combo. You know, like the exact place a person would go if they had a question about that sort of stuff. You're welcome.
  10. I thought the original poster stopped playing and went back to a different game? Satisfactory?
  11. The group formation size changes frequently. Sometimes moving away far enough then back changes the size of the group formation, other times zoning and coming back or logging in and out changes it too.
  12. Cold Domination and Time Manipulation are both secondary powersets for Corruptors. Cold Domination is a fantastic powerset for any content in the game. I have no experience with Time Manipulation.
  13. Indom posts a modest improvement over last week, and while experiencing a few Minotaur pathing bugs and navbar display of high score issues!
  14. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/43-archetypes/
  15. Can you remember which button you clicked? White is rename Red is delete
  16. Teammates
  17. Works on desktop, not on mobile. Also, oh boy.
  18. Base Empowerment stations have a temp players can craft that grants a moderate 20% end drain resistance. Ageless also grants some. And then there's teammates.
  19. Open the README file.
  20. Scrapped power mechanic.
  21. I see Statesman every time I login.
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