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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 6 minutes ago, Meknomancer said:

    So it can't have been Black Whip Glacier Peak soloed in 8 min unless the rest of the team was just watching?

    I must've stated this in another similar thread, but had two alt accounts and a buddy start it, then all quit out. 


    Edit: Yep, another thread:


  2. 30 minutes ago, Meknomancer said:

    So 3rd time fighting her she was tough...well a long fight anyway earlier when i was using high dps scrappers (db/bio wm/bio). Run 3 on an elec troll with a domi and 2 blasters. Took almost 15 minutes. Is she supposed to be harder than all the SBB av's combined? Its not that she puts out massive dps but her hp bar crawls down and then you hit the other 2 av and they drop like flies. Whats that all about? How do people manage when they run this on low level/ungeared toons...is it just an epic fight or is there some sort of scaling?

    It would be beneficial to add in some -regen and -rech debuffs during the fight. Since the Monster's HP is so large, and since regeneration is tied to max HP, restricting or even flooring regeneration will help shorten the fight considerably. When I soloed this Monster on my Ice/Cold Corruptor, I used a lot of -regen, -res, and -rech. Even still, it took around 8 minutes to solo. If you still have trouble, best thing to do is just increase the size of the team to take down the Monster faster.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Darmian said:

    Yep.  You just need to be the right level in the right zone for ToT.


    Though I've not tested the tip drops in Praetoria.  Normally tips only drop from level 20 on*, and that would leave only First Ward available (Night Ward doesn't seem to do Hallowe'en, weirdly).  But tips also don't normally drop in coop zones...like First Ward.  So, some testing is in order.


    Besides that it is impossible for a 24 carat Gold to get all the badges from Whispered Rumor, because they cannot swap alignments.


    *Exploration Tips were designed to bypass this.

    Couldn't they swap after an alignment mission? From either Loyalist to Resistance or vice-versa?

  4. 3 hours ago, Sleepy said:

    I didn't think it counted towards your badge count.

    Correct, it does not count towards the overall badge count. So there are 1550 badges counted in game currently, but there are 1552 total badges (Bug Hunter & Flames of Promethius) which can be acquired.... for those who are willing to switch sides and catch em all (More if you are on the beta shard...)

  5. 24 minutes ago, DaddyBear said:

    I know now the holiday craze is upon us  and will be here for while as they cycle through Halloween, Christmas and valentines day

    IS  there a way to avoid the holiday BS?   IS there a place / server that is holiday events don't happen??

    The holidays is one of the worst times for many people; highest number of suicides and instances of domestic violence. 

     I just don't understand the need to shove the holiday events upon the entire gaming community; why not a space where they can be avoided.


    Just making a point that not everyone likes these holiday events 

    Whoa yikes, those statistics may belong in the real world, but not in this video game. The holiday events in this game are a good time, in fact some of the best times I've ever enjoyed were during holiday events. 


    I understand your point though - there are other servers out there to try during the times you're not excited about or you could run your own server as well. Just some ideas!

  6. 29 minutes ago, Burk said:


    I always hate these kind of arguments. Sure, I don't have to fight him. But I don't have to do the trial. I don't have to play the game. I really don't have to do anything.


    The point is that I wanted to fight it, I wanted the badge. And I was frustrated to find that not only was it not a boss (had not seen Cobalt's post until after I first went to fight it), but it was basically a wall of hit points and regen that I was unable to do anything with unless I abused Envenomed Daggers. I would far rather have something that is easier to kill (AV level) but much more threatening. Black Whip is still a joke in that regard.

    The joke is expecting a reward for little to no effort. I'm satisfied with the level of difficulty compared to the reward. In fact, I chose to solo the monster to feel the full weight of my efforts rewarded against this enemy. I started the trial with a friend and two alt accounts then logged them out and buddy quit. The fact that you get exemplared made it all the more challenging since I didn't have access to my higher tier primary and secondary powers. It was one of the tougher monsters I've soloed, with the pets being resummoned frequently and the large health pool. But boy if I didn't enjoy that challenge! And I got a nifty badge for it. I can't see how there is anything to complain about. Especially considering the content was added with the best of intentions for the community and cost me absolutely nothing to consume.


    And just for context, yeah - it's a monster class enemy.  Like monster mash, ya'know Halloween theme and all that? 👻🎃😱

    • Like 1
  7. I went through all the different locations in this base and was amazed at how so much could be fit in to something so small. Clever, ingenious, amazing so much detail and smart use of base items - those were things I was saying out loud when I was going through. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but YOU HAVE TO CHECK THIS BASE OUT!

    • Like 1
  8. 38 minutes ago, cotesan said:

    Thank you for the inspiration to add a second suggestion for the mods here. 
    Can we have more help with the troll situation here? It will keep players from wanting to add potentially valuable ideas and share with the community. 
    I am now unsubscribing. 

    The fact is that suggestions work both ways - players can provide feedback on your suggestion, its a forum specifically designed for that purpose. I've seen posters give their input just as you've provided your own suggestion and responses to others input. I disagree with this opinion that because players disagree with an idea (whether it is valuable is entirely subjective) that they are trolling. Perhaps it is your first experience with using internet forums, or perhaps not, but this community is welcoming and helpful when given the chance. Good luck!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  9. Not what you've described, but anecdotally, sometimes my server order is wrong. The server I play on primarily is Indom, followed by Torch, and finally Excelsior. I've never played on Everlasting or Reunion. But both of those last two have inserted themselves as the top server in the order many times. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    For me, any objections I have to changes are the ones that make me have to tab out, and revisit patch notes to make it clear to my thick noggin exactly what changed. 

    For example: the snipe change. I hated the first change. I don't like the second one either. There was nothing wrong with the way snipe was before they changed it. I had to revisit the patch notes to determine what happened to the damage, what my ToHit had to be to make it insta-cast, etc. I completely understand why we'd want to know that information. But I don't appreciate having to remind myself the first few days of these details. I have enough things swimming in my brain already. 

    That Tarnished Star Badge with the zillion pre-reqs? I completely appreciate the effort that went into the arc. But, as a badger, I didn't really appreciate having to redo the arc several times because some of the pre-reqs were story arcs that didn't have badges, so I had never done them the first time around. I completely understand the why - but I am a bit of a reluctant badger on new issues. But, when you have multiple characters with all the badges, and a new badge comes out - then one is inclined to feel like they need to get all the new badges on all the badge characters in their stable. Obviously, nobody makes us do this. We torture ourselves for reasons I'm still not clear on. I'm suffering for it now...4 characters that had already done House of Horrors now have to redo it, as well as a number of more current badge characters that I feel compelled to get the badge on. (Clearly it says more about me and my lack of sanity than anything else!) 

    I don't like new power sets or the idea of new ATs being introduced. Obviously, I'm in the minority. But, I'd rather see current sets get some attention. Why should a force field defender dish out such woefully poor damage. Why can't an empath buff themselves with clear mind and fort? The only buff they can give themselves are the two auras, regen and recovery. Doesn't seem sufficient to me. 

    It'd be nice to see the Sentinel's base damage boosted by about 150%. (I totally pulled that number from thin air) 

    But - by and large, the changes I hate the most are the ones that require me to respec my character. Like the one where afterburner was nerfed to Evasive Maneuvers. I have at least two characters that need a respec because of those changes. I have plenty of influence. I have the free respecs on those characters. What I don't have is the inclination to read about Evasive Maneuvers. Afterburner was simple. I understood it. And they changed it for their own reasons. I'd like it changed back, but I don't get my way. I just don't want to do the respec, because now that's hours of deliberation in mids that I'd rather not do. Or use someone else's build, but that makes me feel even worse. But that's just me. 

    New content that doesn't require a team is always okay with me. 
    New costumes? Fine by me, I'll probably never use 'em though. I think costumes are silly. I like the rng button and then modify from there. 

    But new powersets/ATs? At the expense of new content? No thank you. 

    I'm nitpicking here, but why would you need to respec out of Evasive Maneuvers if it became the tier 4 power in the Flight pool (which Afterburner used to occupy)?


    Were you using the flight pool powers without choosing Fly, so you didn't get the free power after the change?


    Edit: Oh and Tarnished Star link may help ya:

    Double edit: nvm! I see you posted in that thread already lol

  11. 8 hours ago, lemming said:

    Yep.   I'll have to run a non tricked to the gill char thru it, but he mainly just took more time to take down.  His damage seems lower than the AV at the end though.  (Single data point, so wildly different results most likely)

    The differences I noticed was his health pool is larger and his pets hit a little harder.


    Edit: And he give thicc merits 


    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, macskull said:

    This channel just tells you when an event is starting and stopping. If you've logged in in the middle of an event you'll have no idea there's an event going on unless you happen to be in that zone.


    EDIT: As far as timing/rotation goes for zone events:

    • Zombie invasions are triggered in a random zone whenever a team completes a KHTF.
    • Rikti invasions are triggered in a random zone whenever a team completes an LGTF.
    • Croatoa event has a 25% chance of triggering every 1-2 hours.

    Zombie events are rumored to also be triggered by redeeming costume temps from the Halloween vendors, but the source provides no citation nor confirmation from developers.



    "Zombie Apocalypse: Redeeming costume salvage with Granny Beldam appears to trigger a 20% chance for a Zombie Apocalypse event in both a hero and a villain zone. However, this has not been confirmed by a developer."

  13. 3 hours ago, Burk said:

    Is Black Whip really supposed to be a full on Giant Monster now!? Make him just an AV at the most when we're already limited to 4 players and exemplared to 29.

    You don't have to fight this enemy if you don't want the badge. You literally have to ignore moving forward with the mission and make a series of intentional choices to summon it.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    @Glacier Peak One thing to note on your screenshots - all healing is a percentage of max HP.  That beefy HP pool thus swells your numbers.


    More broadly on the topic, I would be curious to know if you skip any Empathy powers.  My take on Empathy is that most powers are great by themselves... It's the amount of power function duplication overkill that is fundamentally the issue.  If we were to improve the set, we would have to change the primary use case of someone's preferred health bar reverser.


    One thing I do want to mention in Empathy's favor: it is incredibly strong in small groups like mine, where the extremely strong ST buffs shine. Highly recommended. 


    Hard mode and healing: while I'm excited for the idea of increased usefulness of party roles, especially Support and Control, I would hope none of us wish for "hard mode" to require healing specifically. We've long worn our diverse support and recovery definitions as a badge of pride in our game. It would be miserable to see that end, even if just for new Incarnate difficulty content. 


    ... But does anyone else feel like Resurrect could be an auto-rez aura toggle and still wouldn't be OP compared to Howling Twilight?

    Interesting! The only Empathy power I didn't take was Resurrection. 

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