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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 30 minutes ago, Zhym said:

    Halloween (and finally testing and publishing an AE arc) just put me over the top of 1,500.  I still need the Winter Event badges, but I'll probably stop short of trying to get all of 1,550 (most of the arena badges and the PvP defeats badges just aren't happening).




    Nice work! I am going to be running the Arena badges on Indomitable one of these days during the weekly sunday runs. I'll try to remember to @ you when we do them if you're interested.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

    I *may* be wrong, but I don't think Power Boost affects AB or either RA, because Power Boost doesn't affect Regen/Recovery.

    Off the top of my head, I know that AB ignores multiple casts, meaning it doesn't stack if casted by the same user, but allows multiple stacks from others. The recharge portion of the buff isn't enhanceable or affected by other powers and the movement resistance isn't either. The regen and recovery aren't constrained by those conditions as far as I know though. I'm just not sure how by much it can be boosted. I'm speaking specifically about the Defender version of Empathy. 


    Edit: Oh, but I meant to add, that I didn't know Power Boost doesn't affect regen/recov values. Has that always been the case?

  3. 34 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    That but power boosted fortitude really takes the cake as well.

    Oh yeah! But Fortitude is neck and neck with Adrenaline Boost in my book. Fort comes back faster, so you can spread the love for the team - but that power boosted AB is soooo nice. I usually throw it on any other buffers on the team, or the high DPS folks if they are absent. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    Clarion's Radial is a great piece for that puzzle as well if the person can live with 90 seconds as opposed to 120, and doesn't need barrier or ageless. I like stacking clarion with power boost/power buildup depending on the toon.


    Also works great for Empathy's Recovery/Regen Aura. Otherwise I haven't tried it but I bet you could get Irradiate on a Defender depending on slotting to get up to 5-75% defense Debuff with power boost, before Debuff resistance unfortunately I don't have mids available at work so I am just guessing as I'm pretty sure the base def Debuff on irradiate is like ~21% before any enhancements.

    Yeah it is a pretty dramatic boost (using those types of powers) to the two heals; particularly Absorb Pain, where a single cast can heal for nearly 2,000 health points (while using those +special powers) and the damage to the caster doesn't scale, so players can use/abuse(?) that to their advantage.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Arbegla said:

    I realize how it can be taken that way yes. But truth be told, the vocal minority are the ones wanting a higher difficulty, not the silent majority.

    The argument was really 'Why are we adding a hard mode if only 5% of the player base uses it' which is a valid question if you have limited resources to better the game with.

    To your second point, it is because the folks who make the content (the volunteer devs) wanted to. Whether there is a vocal minority or 5% of the playerbase (assumptions not backed up by any empirical evidence I have seen) is irrelevant. In this community, the players don't tell the devs what do to. They tell them what they would like. Sometimes the interest of the developers line up with the interests of the players and we get things that are popular (or unpopular). But their volunteer time is theirs to spend.

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  6. 15 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

         +4 AV's shrug just about all debuffs.  87% AV Resistance plus 48% Purple Patch mods makes all resistable debuffs flinch.  Even huge debuffs like Benumb and Lingering Rad are seriously impaired.   The "regular" +4 mobs only have the purple patch going for them and the drain and recovery debuffs will smart.  But yes it's a very yes/no sort of debuff either it's crippling or it's hardly noticed. 

    You're not wrong about the debuff resistance curve and the purple patch. There are work arounds though! Players can pop the Vanguard Medal accolade power and Power Boost to get more bang for their debuff. If a player is relying on their debuffs to work against +4, they will utilize those types of added +Special powers, among other methods to defeat the +4 AV types.

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  7. Hero 1 was teased in another thread, rest in pizza. Pizza is the favorite food of arcade playing children. Street Fighter is an arcade game found in the 80s and 90s. X-Men had a sweet animated show on TV during that time. Time is often displayed on a watch face. The nature of the collage implies a circular logic, ergo a watch face and circles are two dimensional objects which time ignores. So ignore ripples in the water and you won't collapse? 



    • Confused 2
  8. 40 minutes ago, Arbegla said:

    And here I am, remembering begging the devs to not nerf the ITF further, because during the beta for it, LOTS of people couldn't get past Nictus Rommy and his 3 floating buddies. It took showing that it was duo-able with a MM and a Dominator before people really started to realize you can't just jump into the fight and hope to win. The ITF was one of the first Task Forces with an actual mechanic (the three different Nictus, the mass stun on death, and ambushes) which meant you had to actually think about what to do, instead of just face roll on the keyboard and win.


    Oh how the times have changed.

    And we did it with without Incarnates, and we liked it! 😄 

  9. On 10/31/2021 at 5:06 PM, aethereal said:

    I don't understand what you think in the CoD page you linked refers to knockBACK rather than knockDOWN.  It's mag 0.67, that's knockdown.


    @Arisara so the deal is that knockdown is just low-mag knockback.  There are a variety of situations where the magnitude of your knockdown can be magnified and thus turn back into knockback (by exceeding mag 1).  The two most common ones are when you attack significantly lower-level enemies (gray-conn especially, but I think anything below white-conn can do it), or against enemies like Clockwork that have a vulnerability to knockback.

    The part where it says image.png.b7e4a774f61075ececae823ea9a21405.png

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