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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 2 hours ago, CloudMouse said:

    See above response. The goal is not to make perma-burn, though the more often its up the more often the -res proc hits. This is about having a utility buffer support an in process brute survive out of range fire farm runs. 

    Okay, but the -res proc doesn't stack, and most enemies (outside of EBs) die within a few seconds in fire farms so it still doesn't seem necessary to me. I can understand needing a pocket emp as the fire farmer levels up though.

  2. Over 200% recharge and the Brutes attack chain is going to have powers available faster, but things like burn don't stack. It's overkill IMO. Damage is going to be capped too between chewing reds, Fury, Build Up/Fiery Embrace, and IOs. And endurance recov is essentially capped as well with Ageless every 2 minutes. And then all that's left is fire defense at or around 45%. Sneeze and you've got capped fire resists so that's not even important really. 


    So why do you need a pocket emp for a fire farm? If it was outside AE content, that could potentially make more since to me. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Techwright said:

    I'm assuming if anyone is popping into this thread, they'll know the trailer spoilers are flying.  Why else would one be here?


    I would not have realized it was Colin Ferrell.  The look is remarkable, and strangely disturbing because I feel I've seen that face before somewhere.


    Even the coffee cup has a green stripe.  Nice touch.


    Per IMDB, 4 villains (that we've been told), or perhaps 3 villains & 1 anti-hero/rogue.  This makes me think they'll not do a full take-down this picture, but will deal with one, maybe two, and set the stage for subsequent films. 


    I'm hoping they've a very, very slow burn in mind for introducing the Joker to this new telling.  Batman's Rogues Gallery is the best in the business, and it's time to mine it's full depth. ( I'd love to finally have a proper, scary live-action Mr. Freeze or see Clock King brought to the franchise in full compulsive, precision psycho-genius mode. ) In fact, I think I'd rather have a cameo from Condiment King before yet another Joker appearance.

    Yes! Or Calendar Man 😃 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Maj said:

    Hi looking to get some help with my build, looking to make it more streamlined for fire farming, looking at making it quicker in the farms and just generally alot better



    <small><code>|&nbsp;Copy&nbsp;&&nbsp;Paste&nbsp;this&nbsp;data&nbsp;into&nbsp;Mids'&nbsp;Reborn&nbsp;:&nbsp;Hero&nbsp;Designer&nbsp;to&nbsp;view&nbsp;the&nbsp;build&nbsp;|<br&nbsp;/>|-------------------------------------------------------------------|<br />|MxDz;1584;747;1494;HEX;|<br />|78DA65944B4F135114C7EF74A6D69696520A94F7A3409F5028A02646632288411E1|<br />|2314657CD08034C52DBA60F234BBF821AD908E8C6E073A3887E078D0BFD062E7C10|<br />|1475E7A69E99FF4987A49334BF7BCFB9E77FFFF79E99CEDE9A70BF3C7FFB8C90BCE|<br />|369B550488D67F3F952AE98CD3BE6D46229AFA665418F837E1D9554EA929A59D196|<br />|121325359D9AD70BC56CBA10B0B2674BCBCB89693DA315F5C58270CD67B3E9C4424|<br />|ED3963CE670525F592DEA9915AF399BD1D4252D5F58D5733E733E95B9A917F4EB7A|<br />|5A2FAE05CEE5F4C584219C9A4CAB37B4D4AC5A286AF9B566723342BF509DE0A76C1|<br />|77D8A104945C4FA992166181C8C30A3E07BA9522B8B6FB219B37D67FE00953D304C|<br />|FB48BC8FF41AF5477698EFC0A36F98BBA0EB2DF8810A65C9A82E0BB95598B108E9D|<br />|94DC172395A87DB35B41DA336D47E41AD7B0C73F709B0F618F338F891349C02DACE|<br />|C7C40E450449AC06DAB69A38F6AB638698365AE3C19E92E72221486BE6C07ACA795|<br />|12FBC8631C526E2E4D1C71E7DCFE0ADFE05F339D8B00D869E309F823269F8A167F7|<br />|07E0B1615832734D49E618D83C02768E820AD536726DE3347AD1EC42AEB586E906D|<br />|B3D4C2FE8A1DA003C8B40236203748E16D66BB1D9B1D757E87606C1EE57B8A3EE5D|<br />|E60E68DC451BEBB5B19E8F621DD0533A38D6F3173A3D7F98BFC1DE0370903C74B18|<br />|7AE07B8A3DE0DE626D8B7C57CC87CC4774CFB05D94390F7FB44E8E758FF3ADE8BCF|<br />|148BE0BD9022464A9145D4071E89091147CE163F8DF503A798274107AD49F0B9122|<br />|3F03DC43D1BE29E25B94749EE5D2D791B661FC3ECAD5D39F48D5D23D0B718BE0A0E|<br />|5CC6FB36B4004EC72A6BCB31ABCE989649B12A92AC8A8C5645C6AA225346045F637|<br />|9C61C73D68993CF2B952F5D48668593FA25B3AF7D17171B593FEEF3971593A50B92|<br />|7936A5877BBD0F26AFE03E7E1EAEAF45FD81155324EE5FF80EF33E18BDC7BC0B6E5|<br />|02FEDEC69F3D078CB67FDAF984F6B03ADE7C064C01AEFF559E375BF35DE0E5A63EB|<br />|F9D76445FF03AA8EFCA8|<br />|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</code></small>



    Corruptors don't have a great damage modifier and don't have very good defense or resistance either. Scrapping together enough through IOs would end up being detrimental to the primary goal during farming, which is damage output. While Scourge and Fulcrum Shift would allow a great deal of this to be made up, this would likely require a custom/tailored AE mission that meets the needs of your build in order to achieve your stated goal. 

    My recommendation, reroll as a Rad/Fire or Spines/Fire Brute or Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, or anything with a higher damage ceiling really.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Nerio72 said:

    You are absolutely correct, I don't get to tell you what you can say. And I didn't. You aren't a Dev so you don't get to tell people what the HC team can or cant do also. Or what they might deem "worth" their time. And the fact that I/We/You don't know what it would take WAS my point.


    And they are great suggestions. I happen to think the OPs suggestion is worth looking into. You don't. I get to give my opinion same as you. Feel free to ignore it.

    Ah! I missed that point. Apologies then, we are in agreement. I appreciate the added clarification. 


    And I also agree that the suggestions made in this thread by everyone (including the OP) have so far been superb. The suggestions are superb - but the implementation of some of them are what I don't agree with. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

    When I was putting together my background music "City Soundtrack" playlist, Shonokin (Dark/WP Sentinel), my Appalachian gentleman-monster... 




    ... needed something that was both modern and that reminded me of the folk music from the mountains of Eastern Tennessee. I went with Tony Furtado's Bolinas


    Tony Furtado's Bolinas - YouTube


    That's awesome! That song is fire 🔥 

  7. 7 hours ago, Nerio72 said:

    Why do people need to get this aggressive by someone asking if the portal can be moved/expanded. Feel free to disagree that it needs to be done, give your suggestions on workarounds (they can disagree with your suggestions just like you disagree with theirs). None of you know how easy or difficult it would be to do, maybe it's as simple as moving a portal in a base, maybe they'd have to invent a new coding language. A GM/Dev would have to answer that, all of you are guessing on what it would take.

    I personally think it's worth looking into. It could cause the world to implode tho, so good luck everyone!

    You aren't a mod, don't get to say to anyone what they can or can't say. My posts are well within the guidelines of these forums and they have not been moderated or edited once. Listen to your own advice and don't tell other people what to do. 


    You also have no evidence to prove that the suggestion from the OP would be easy to implement either. So if you can imagine it's easy, then you can imagine it's also hard as well. Right? That's only fair to assume since there is no evidence to prove either way. 


    My alternatives require NO EFFORT in behalf of the HC team, and would instead require individual players use all the resources available to them to solve their own problem. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Excraft said:


    I did do something about it.  I made a suggestion in the suggestions and feedback forum, which to my knowledge is encouraged by the developers here.  You're welcome to disagree with my suggestion, however the "I have a sandwich" and "suck it up" don't work and isn't helpful at all, nor is moving to another server or any of the other "solutions" you mentioned.  I would appreciate it if what is or isn't a lot of work for the development team be left to the real development team instead of the gatekeepers like yourself.  Gatekeeping isn't helping anyone and is more a detriment to these forums and community than it is a help.  


    Thanks for your comments.  Your solutions aren't helpful in the least and quite frankly aren't worth my time or effort to respond to anymore.

    I didn't say the things you are attributing to me. In fact, I provided a summation of all the other alternatives that were offered in this thread instead of your suggestion. You're clearly not interested in solutions to your problem. You just wanted a place to complain. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Only 999,999,999 inf per email.  


    So per account, you can have 99,999,999,900 stored in email.  You have 1,000 character slots per shard for total of 5,000.  Each character can hold 2bn, and has up to 200 market slots.


    Lots.  And then you can have an unlimited number of accounts.  So unlimited lots.

    Ah thank you for the correction! So 999.9 million influence x 100, plus the 2 billion a player can hold. 


    So without taking in to account (lol) other characters on an account, how much can ONE character hold altogether? Approximately? Or even a guess?

  10. So 100 emails X 2 billion per email = 200 billion influence for storage per character


    Add in the ability to throw inf on impossible bids....

    Add in the max quantity of allowable recipes, enhancements, and salvage (at whatever the highest going rate for each respectively), inspirations (ultimates or supers really)

    Add in personal base storage quantities saved of the above maybe? Or that might not be an accurate gauge...


    How much inf can a player have in their figurative pockets??


  11. 6 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    1. ...along with everyone else in your SG and the other people that you regularly group with. Not logistically feasible.


    2. ...after the wait for your Ouro Portal recharge, because you used it to get to Ouro in the first place. Adding a several-minute wait is even more inconvenient than trying to fish out the exit from the crowd.


    4. ...if you have a teleportation power.


    5. "Just suck it up" is a fairly insensitive suggestion, in essence the "It's not a problem for me, so your opinion doesn't matter" attitude.


    Rather than moving the arrival point or imposing an intermittent repulsion field, a potential solution would be to alter the Ouro portal graphic and activation point to make it taller, putting the targetable part high enough that it doesn't get buried among all the people standing at the arrival point. The third-person view that is the default in the game makes raising the target point a negligible change for the players.

    1. Beggars can't be choosers, eh? If the population is too high, there is bound to be situations like this occurring. If it bothers a player enough, they will do something about it. If not, they won't do anything (except maybe look for other alternatives).


    2. 5 minutes to wait versus moving over to the portal and clicking it... 


    3. Noticed you didn't say anything about 3, so I take that as approval. 


    4. There are plenty of options for players if they don't want to experience what is described in the OP. Teleportation powers are one of those options. You did not come up with a reason why this is not good alternative.


    5. You used quotes in that one, but those aren't my words, so I am assuming you're responding to someone else... but then you quoted my post. Are you confused about something here? Definitely don't understand what you are saying here.


    Moving the arrival point or imposing an intermittent repulsion field require time and effort on behalf of the HC team, my alternatives do not. They put the onus on the players to use what is given to them to solve their own problems. 

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  12. 40 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    All of those are negated by having people zone in a little further away.   And seriously, "go play on a less populated server" is literally a stupid excuse lol.  

    Those are not excuses, they are alternatives that don't require any work to be done on behalf of the HC team. Playing on a different server is a solution for the problem discussed by the original poster.


    For you to call them stupid means you are not worth my time, welcome to ignore.

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  13. 15 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    You're welcome to disagree but having the zone in point a little further back from the portal itself prevents it from getting cluttered by bodies and prevents people from having to move away from it as they come in themselves.  So yeah, it does solve the problem on both ends.

    Disagree again. Here are five alternatives already suggested in this thread that accomplish the same thing and require no additional work on the part of the HC team:

    1. Play on a different server with a lower population

    2. Use the Ouroboros portal while in the zone to get teleported directly to the exit.

    3. Exit using any other methods (Team teleport, Long Range Teleport, Mission Teleport, Supergroup Base Portal power, Mission Team teleport, temp teleport powers, etc.)

    4. Teleport to the exit or have another player teleport you to the exit.

    5. Just click the exit and grumble about it later.

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  14. 38 minutes ago, Excraft said:

    I know having to move their character a little when they come in is a big ask.

    Whether this was sarcastic or not, the same could be said for the players who aren't willing to drag their mouse/move over to the portal and click it to exit, or use the other methods mentioned in this thread.


    And while I've stated I'm against this suggestion, I would be open to dropping a second portal that provides the same function if that is an easy fix. 

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