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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. It's tricky because they don't have set standard names, they're fairly unique names related to their power. So using a targeting bind is ineffective. Normally they have an aura though, or a unique costume. If your graphics are turned up enough, you can spot those things while traveling around. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Apparition said:

    IIRC, you play on the Indomitable shard, where iTrials are formed in Pocket D.  On Excelsior (which has about six times the population of Indomitable), where iTrials are formed in Ouroboros, it's quite bad.  People zone into Ouroboros for iTrials, and then don't move at all, making access to the Ouroboros exit extremely difficult.  Sometimes, I would literally have to fly up and reach the exit from the top above everyone as getting to it from the ground was almost impossible.


    Thankfully, I moved to the Torchbearer shard several months ago, where the majority of iTrials are formed in Pocket D and Dark Astoria.  Occasionally, one is formed in Ouroboros, but due to the smaller shard population it isn't an issue.


    Still, this definitely needs to be fixed for Excelsior and Everlasting.

    Yeah, I'm mostly on Indom. I'll admit haven't experienced what is being described, but I know that my suggestion for using the ouro portal in Ouroboros still stands as a viable alternative, assuming a player went to the zone without the intention of using the flashback, like as described, or just maybe to explore the Echo zones or do the tfs.

  3. I don't think anything needs to be done about this. It's not unusable, you just have to move over to the exit and click it. Unusable would mean you click the exit and nothing happens. Besides, if you use your Ouro portal power while in Ouroboros, it will tp you right next to the exit. You'll be able to click it then. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, lemming said:

    I don't think you can leave Dr. Kane normally, so it was easier to just quit and reform.   I think that may be true of most of the trials.

    I have often used Pocket D P2W during TFs though.

    Can confirm, I also logged out during Dr. Kane and when I logged back in I was booted from the instance.

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  5. 16 hours ago, Terius said:

    I have to disagree as someone who works with PvP builds, best build always wins, def a dice roll so long as you can perform basic combat evasion.

    Replying to a two and a half year old comment... That's a big no, mainly because your statement contains an absolute. The best players with the best builds can still lose when there is enough incoming damage to deplete their health. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Take One said:

    Undead Labs (makers of State of Decay and State of Decay 2) have a kind of wish list where people post suggestions and other people can vote on them. The suggestions that bubble to the top quickest get looked at first, and sometimes get implemented into the game. Maybe something similar could be imported into these forums, to make the selection process more natural and dynamic.

    I see this happening already with the suggestion sub forum. 

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  7. Legend of Dragoon, 2001, kid me and my friends don't have a memory card for my ps1 so we leave the game on. Get to the part where Lloyd steals the moon gem from Albert and watch in terror and grief as our buddy Lavitz gets killed. Hardest fictional death for me to this day, and one of the reasons I love that game. How it makes you feel tells you a lot about a game. 

  8. Just now, Pogoman said:

    For the next time I run a Dr Kane trial/tf/thing (?)... How do you summon Black Whip anyway? THank you for the help on this one in advance.

    At the very start of the mission before entering the large mansion, go up the first set of stairs then turn left. You'll see Devil Girl next to a cobblestone. Talk to her and start the curse. Then go to both sides of the mansion where you see a guy and a lady. Convince them to jump in the candy cauldron. If all steps were completed you'll get a message and should return to where you found Devil Girl to be greeted with a Monster enemy. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Shadowsleuth said:

    An SG base portal would be great.


    There should be some NPC mentions of the other dance clubs that exist (only in in-game lore) besides Pocket D, Studio 55, and Paragon Dance Party.

    (Black Ice, The Alternative, The Crash Site, The Danger Zone and The Portal)




    I would also like to see an endless mission contact (similar to Meg Mason) that gives out missions on a Paragon Dance Party Instanced indoor map.




    Vandals are wrecking the club. Clear the gangs out of the PDP. (Hellions, Skulls, Warriors, Outcasts, Trolls)
    Stop the PDP shakedown by BossName (Family, Mooks, etc...)
    Rescue the kidnapped partygoers. (A map that starts out in a PDP map then goes into a cave network through a hole in the floor.)
    EnemyGroup is harassing the PDP patrons. Stop their aggressive recruitment.
    Mystic Ley Lines in the city converge on the location of the PDP, Stop the cultists from casting their dark ritual in the club. (Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon)
    "Assault on Paragon Dance Party", defend the club from the waves of attackers. (Please make it a lot better than "Stop 30 Fir Bolg entering door", that one is way too slow).
    BossName has wrecked rival dance clubs Black Ice & The Danger Zone; PDP is next. Stop Him.
    Stop EnemyGroup from spiking the PDP water supply with drug (Superadine, Fixadine, Outbreak, Rage, Shift, Crey Cola, Excelsior, Mutagenic Mold, Vahzilok Chemicals)
    World War II sleeper agents buried a weapon in Paragon City. Years later the location eventually became the site of the PDP. EnemyGroup has re-discovered the existence & location of the weapon. Prevent them from recovering it. (5th Column, Council)


    In the future if a developer would like to make further additions to PDP (when time allows) and make either a stage with a rock band (@Darmian's idea) or a DJ (@Greycat's idea & his idea of instrument players NPCs for SG bases is also awesome).



    My idea would be to alternate between the two, one day/night cycle could have a DJ & another day/night cycle could have a rock band; it could work the same way the dancers inside the cages in Pocket D periodically get swapped out. (If the code works the same way).

    Just an aside, but the Tiki Lounge in Pocket D has a full band of Banished Pantheon that are named and everything. Check my signature for the tour video. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, Ironblade said:

    Look on the bright side.  If you don't already have all the badges for influence earned, damage taken and damage dealt - you're simultaneously working on those.

    I've all the above minus Leader, which, at the difficulty settings I'll be running for each mission, isn't being achieved optimally at all lol

  11. 1 hour ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    You raise some interesting points of discussion, @plainguy

    Back to the original topic here:

    I think a substantial issue with additional incentivization of more Badges exists in the form that many Badges are poorly implemented.  They effectively necessitate AFK collection methods due to their extreme criteria.  Rewarding the likes of 60 Hours spent Held/Stunned/Slept could be cheeky fun, but given how that Badge is obtained, it's probably not the ideal subject for linked rewards.

    If any Badges were to be further incentivized, I would suggest focusing on Badges with sensible conditions.  And probably those that promote prosocial behaviour from players, although the validity of soloing shouldn't be dismissed either.

    Those "many badges" you refer to in your post weren't the doing of the HC Team. That was during a time when making players grind content equaled more money for the developers. Whatsmore, HC has rolled back nearly every grindy badge that used to be ridiculous to snag on live. So I think it's disingenuous to apply that logic to the current badge meta. 


    The focus that you suggested is how the HC Team tackles badge introductions. These prerequisites for badges to be awarded aren't pulled out of thin air or tied to any inclination for grinding for the sake of grinding. 


    Also, just being nitpicky, but the 60 hours requirement you're referring to is not correct at all. You can get ALL SIX Mez badges in around 23 hours total. 

  12. 18553 - Twisted Visage Fire Farm

    Description: Classic Asteroid map with clever objective placement. Upon entry, click the glowie to complete the mission- this then spawns the destructible objects (which are subsequently destroyed by enemies to spawn larger ambushes). The hostages in the center of the map draw aggro in to a centralized location ensuring maximum AoE carnage. If you enjoy laid back fire farms, this is an easy one to afk on. Recommend running at +4/8, AVs on, with +45% fire def and 90% fire resists (the Elite Bosses sometimes hit hard).


    Edit: Further context - I regularly clear the map in approximately 7 minutes and pull in approximately 8.5 million inf (plus recipe and salvage drops). That equates to around 75 million inf or so per hour (plus recipe and salvage drops). This would obviously drop if afk farming on the map, where it is usually cleared in 20-25 minutes for the same inf.


    Edit 2: Additional even more context -


    Solo runs - (+4/8, AVs on)

    Minions        8,544 xp        5,979 inf

    Lieuts          17,088 xp     20,504 inf

    Bosses        51,265 xp     64,081 inf

    Elite Boss  102,531 xp  128,164 inf


    Radiation Melee/Fire Armor Brute (Build 1, Fire Farm Focus)




    Radiation Melee/Fire Armor Brute (Build 2, Smashing/Lethal Farm Focus, i.e., Portal Corp missions)





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