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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 hour ago, Faultline said:

    Please don't make this thread about Kinetic Melee - we're trying to get eyes on all the bugfixes on the patch in order to publish it to live on Tuesday, and discussion on Kinetic Melee is not helpful. The critter Flight AI tweaks, Spirit Ward FX and power changes that aren't just a simple number change are the priority.


    Spirit Ward FX Test: In-game Sound FX Volume 100%


    Conclusion: FX applies to a subjectively auditorily satisfying amount. It was almost unnoticeable to my ears. 






    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

    Testing Methodology: Level 50 Mastermind with all Flight Travel Pool Powers. All engagements were executed while using Fly and ranged attack powers to force enemy flight.


    Conclusion: Based on my testing, enemies that use fly engage in normal attack behavior.


    Croatoa > Level 30 > The Cabal > Attack



    Notes: The mob was on the ground when combat was initiated. They immediately took to flight and engaged in both ranged and melee attacks. When using ranged attacks they flew away a short range to engage and when using melee attacks they flew in close. Behavior normal.


    Firebase Zulu > Level 41 > Natterling + Observer > Attack



    Notes: The Natterlings and the Observer remained airborne throughout the engagement. They attacked with both ranged and melee attacks, cycling between their attacks and moving in and out for ranged attacks. Behavior normal.


    Crey's Folly> Level 41 > The Swarm > Attack



    Notes: Targets are always aloft, moved in and out of melee range. Did not attack from ranged distance. Behavior normal.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

    Here's where I go into Once Upon A Time story-mode... 


    I was in the closed beta for Going Rogue, when KM was introduced. I tested the set on a Stalker (She was remade later when GR was released. That was Shade in Shadow, my first Praetorian-) and at the time, the 100% crit rate for Burst when used out of Hide was brought up as a possible bug. We were told at the time that it was not one... That that was working as intended. I want to say it was excused as a trade-off for the set's over-all slow animations and resulting poor DPS, but I may be misremembering that. It was a long, long time ago.  I also wish I could remember exactly which of the devs to attribute that statement to, but I only really remember it coming up at the time. 


    So... no. Even way-back-then, it wasn't a bug. It was a feature of the set and always has been. (That's why I thought it was a little odd in the other thread when Max tried to tell me that this crit rate nerf "didn't happen". 😝


    In any case, The Great Standardization Push is probably a foregone conclusion regardless of original intent, so looking at the set in general, and Burst in particular is probably the best route forward. As one of those few, crazy people who actually play the set... My main here is a KM/Bio Stalker, after all... I'd suggest leaving the damage where it is and adding to radius/number of targets a bit. Debuffs also wouldn't be a bad thing. We are, after all, knocking these goons right on their butts from out of nowhere. It wouldn't be inappropriate for that to put them at a disadvantage.  

    While I have no evidence to disprove what you claim, you also aren't presenting any evidence either to support what you say. Until such evidence can be presented I am leaning towards this as being a bug.

  4. 1 minute ago, Riot Siren said:

    I would say when its been this long standing, its a feature. At a certain point, the distinction no longer matters, people have had enough time to know the set and the powers for that reason. Regardless of if it is actually a bug, the players view it as a feature and have for some time, on top of that it hardly makes the set over powered (it still underperforms if anything). My suggestion would be to embrace it as a feature and balance it accordingly.

    Thank you for your input. I also agree with the idea of making the Kinetic Melee powerset have a unique draw that also keeps it balanced with other Stalker primary sets. To me that means fixing the 100% critical rate bug to 50% in line with the other Stalker primary powersets AND THEN adding a unique feature/gimmick to ensure it remains enjoyable and balanced.


    And I would caution offering the "people's opinion" of something unless you have quantifiable data to support this assertion. Then it becomes a matter of "oh yeah well everyone thinks this" versus "nuh uh! everyone thinks this" circular arguments. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Riot Siren said:

    Please stop Standardizing things simply for the sake of standardizing them, ESPECIALY when it nerfs a set and ESPECIALY when it isn't a particularly well preforming set. The 100% crit on burst is honestly pretty cool and very satisfying,  its one of the few draws to what would otherwise be one of the worst AoEs available to stalker. I know people who picked up the set for that very reason. This is one of those cases where I would make it a "Feature" and simply place info in the powers description about it. I still agree Kin melee overall needs a look, but removing a feature of the set that was one of the few draws to it is not the way to do it, especially when you aren't reworking the set at the same time.


    Even with a rework I would still prefer burst to retain its 100% crit from hide (balanced around this of course), as people generally consider it currently to be a feature of the set, its usually one of the first things mentioned about Kinetic melee when the topic comes up on the stalker forums.

    Is it a feature of a powerset or a bug? Would you agree that the distinction is important when describing changes made to a specific powerset?


    And question - just looking back at the patch notes, is the Stalker > Kinetic Melee > Burst change specific to just PvE or does it also apply to PvP (as the other Stalker power changes make note of)? I am unable to verify on brainstorm.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Troo said:

    So these can be used while buffing?


    Thanks for addressing the broken out of combat functions.


    (and just fyi Defense has an 's' Luck: +12.5% Defense to all attacks)

    There are different ways to spell the same word in the English vernacular. It is common for folks in the commonwealth nations to spell it 'defence' . It's not wrong, but if your point was to ensure the spelling matches what is appropriate for in game, that's fair. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, Troo said:

    No new vendor for Siren''s Call mentioned yet?

    @Troo I am confident that what you are referring to is working as intended. The vendor(s) on both sides work when you achieve the prerequisites. And an alternative if you find that unsatisfactory is to go in to another PvP zone and purchase charges or temps from those vendors then come back to Siren's Call where they work just the same.  

  8. 28 minutes ago, Alisson said:

    Tested and sweep is working properly again with AoE knockdown and the extra minor damage.


    Oh also I couldn't make teleport not work, so that seems fixed too!

    I tried for an hour to force the AoE Knockdown at the end of the combo, but I realized I didn't understand the set combo mechanic and chalked it up to my own failure 😅. Thank you for confirming your findings!

  9. 2 hours ago, Techwright said:

    Another loose end from The Falcon & the Winter Soldier:

      Hide contents

    The super soldier serum.  When Karli pulled the pouch from it's cemetery hiding place and observed it contents, there were 5 unaccounted for vials.  The creator of the refined serum stated he'd made 20.  Karli's people, Walker, and Zemo's stomping exercise account for 15 total.  So where are the other 5?  I strongly suspect this will come to light in productions yet to come. 


    Also, whomever or whatever the Power Broker truly is, I've a pretty good suspicion, based on the mid-credits scene, that they'll be one of those vying for Stark Tech secrets during the upcoming Armor Wars miniseries featuring Rhodey.


    I'd have to rewatch the scene, but I thought they were all destroyed except one, which was taken by John. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    This was on live by the way. Am I in the beta forum by mistake?

    Ah! See I was reading that wrong so I tested in on Beta. This may very well be the case on live though.

  11. Spoiler


    I've removed all enhancements from Teleport and continued to move around the zone without encountering the bug you described. Again, I am on the Brainstorm beta server, so perhaps the issue was address in the latest patch on the beta server?

  12. Just now, Wavicle said:

    I experienced it just a little while ago, I’ll check again. This was with one range SO.

    Ah thank you for that added detail, I will reslot and see what I encounter!

  13. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

    A lot of "Target Blocked" and accidentally teleporting through the geometry still in Ouro itself.

    I've attempted to duplicate this bug on the beta Brainstorm shard, but without success. I teleport as expected to each location I select throughout Ouroboros (including the outlying islands and underneath the main atrium).

  14. Just now, ForeverLaxx said:

    It's wording like this that contributes to the sentiment that once the devs intend to nerf/adjust something, it's already a done deal. "Additional Ways" says, to me, that this change to KM is happening no matter what because it "must" change, but that maybe it can be "balanced/softened" if additional changes elsewhere are made to the set to cause the nerf to sting less.


    Is it any wonder that I, and many others, believe that once something hits Open Beta Testing that it's no longer up for debate that an amputation is being made, but rather, that all we're doing is negotiating how far up the leg we amputate?

    Or.. perhaps the GAME MASTER GM_Impervium was steering the conversation on this thread towards something where players and developers come to an amicable solution. 

    • Like 3
  15. Quote

    New Prestige Powers

    • OnlyAffectSelf.png.58f9796877712b9b9a363e9094f5fc30.png Only Affect Self
      • Activating this power prevents you from attacking foes or aiding allies - all powers will only affect yourself
      • If you are attacked, this power will suppress, allowing you to fight back
    • Disable_All.png.8c716acc1a4ff27a88690a0dd3bd366a.png Disable All Powers
      • Activating this power will stop all your powers and set bonuses from working
    • Both of these powers can be acquired from the P2W vendor in the Prestige Utility category for zero cost


    Just a heads up, for the Disable All Powers Prestige Power, the toggle does not prohibit the following powers being active:

    • Holiday Spirit Temporary Power
    • Walk
    • Flames of Prometheus
    • Archetype Inherent Powers
    • The four stat boosting accolades (+HP/+End, +End, +HP) and the Architect Entertainment Comlink
    • Prestige Power Summon Pet (Tested with Blue Wisp)

    This was not an exhaustive test of powers, just what happened to be on one of my test characters. Thought it was worth mentioning though!



    Flight / Peacebringer

    • Flight_EvasiveManeuvers.png.e8a448c6e4bd9ee94450dff84b76faab.png Evasive Maneuvers and LuminousAura_LightofReason.png.be20fa0ec0a4353d8eb64035796846ea.png Quantum Maneuvers
      • Defence will no longer suppress upon activating any power
        • Defence will now suppress on all attacks, including pseudopet attacks
    • Flight_GroupFly.png.ddb9e9d14c2076bd52a110301f83d675.png Group Fly
      • This power should now acknowledge the owner having the Disallow Group Fly option from Null the Gull enabled


    Evasive Maneuvers defense suppression is working as described (Yippee!!) 


    Disallowing Group Fly via Null the Gull works to the extent that it does not allow the effects of the power to apply to the caster. If that was the intention, it was successful. Anecdotally, the caster can still activate the power.





    ****Related Bug: Respecing out of Flight or Mystic Flight while the power is active will keep the player in flight until zoning. 



    Power Tray Locking

    • Add the ability to lock tray numbers, which removes the little arrows from power trays (both regular and floating)
      • Trays can still be changed using commands, binds, and macros
    • This option can be adjusted with /optionset LockTrayNumbers 1 or 0, or it can be found in the Windows tab of the options menu
    • Right-clicking on a power tray (both regular and floating) now includes "Lock Tray Numbers" and "Lock Powers in Trays" shortcuts


    Anecdotal feedback - great feature! I am no longer accidentally clicking then dragging a power when I mean to just activate it when the Powers In Tray is Locked. Works well!



    Sprint / Run / Jump Invention Sets

    • Added two new IO set categories: Running and Sprints and Leaping and Sprints
    • Quickfoot and Celerity are now in the Running and Sprints category
    • Unbounded Leap and Springfoot are now in the Leaping and Sprints category
    • All Sprint powers no longer accept Running and Leaping sets, instead they accept Running and Sprints and Leaping and Sprints sets
    • All powers which accept Running sets also accept Running and Sprints sets
    • All powers which accept Leaping sets also accept Leaping and Sprints sets
    • Running and Sprint sets share an Enhancement Converter bucket with Running sets
    • Leaping and Sprint sets share an Enhancement Converter bucket with Leaping sets
    • TL;DR: This has no impact on existing slotting, builds or conversion, we've made this change in order to be able to introduce new Running and Leaping sets in the future without having to balance them around them being slotted in Sprint


    Nothing to test here really, I see them correctly labeled in my builds and on the Auction House. This begs the question though, will Fly and Teleport sets also get a dual-hatted set? Will Universal Travel IO sets be moot? 



    Powers Bug Fixes

    • Pool > Speed > Super Speed: Fixed this power sometimes preventing you from picking new powers when levelling up
    • Pool > Teleportation > Teleport (+Shadow Step): Fixed these powers occasionally failing to activate if you had a non-combat NPC targeted
    • Pool > Flight > Afterburner: Fixed the color palette on the Minimal FX theme for this power
    • Pool > Leaping > Super Jump: Now correctly refers to Double Jump instead of High Jump
    • Inherent > Rest: You can no longer walk very slowly while resting with a weapon drawn
    • Inherent > Stance > Slide: This stance will no longer interrupt flight stances
    • Prestige Utility > Reveal: Fixed this power not being usable in PvP zones
    • Temporary Powers: Fixed several Halloween costume powers still being mutually exclusive with stealth powers
    • Trick Arrow > EMP Arrow: Fixed an issue where the EMP Field left by this power would be colored white when picking No Redraw theme, instead of matching the other fx in the power
    • Controller > Darkness Affinity > Fade: Fixed this power causing characters to constantly flicker
    • Controller > Illusion > Spectral Terror: ToHit debuff enhancements should now work in this power
    • Stalker > Dual Blades > Ablating Strike: Fixed a bug where this power would not apply AoE knockdown on combo completion
    • Stalker > Dual Blades > Sweeping Strike: PvP Hide Crit changed from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Ice Melee > Ice Sword: Fixed minor scale discrepancy in PvP hidden crit (scale changed from 1.5713 to 1.571)
    • Stalker > Ninja Blade > Flashing Steel: PvP non-hide crit increased from 5% to 20%
    • Stalker > Ninja Blade > Dragonfly: PvP non-hide crit increased from 5% to 20%
    • Stalker > Spines > Spine Burst: PvP hide crit decreased from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Spines > Ripper: PvP hide crit decreased from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Spines > Throw Spines: PvP hide crit decreased from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Street Justice > Spinning Strike: PvE crit scale increased from scale 1.5368 to 1.54
    • Stalker > Electrical Melee > Jacobs Ladder: PvP Hide Crit changed from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Electrical Melee > Thunder Strike: (Splash Damage only) PvP Non-Hide/Held/Slept Crit changed from 10% to 20%
    • Stalker > Fiery Melee > Breath of Fire: PvP Hide Crit changed from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Fiery Melee > Fire Sword Circle: PvP Hide Crit changed from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Kinetic Melee > Burst: PvE Hide Crit changed from 100% to 50%
    • Stalker > Savage Melee > Shred: PvP Hide Crit changed from 100% to 50%


    Reveal was tested and works in all four PvP zones.


    Tested Stealth successfully in conjunction with the following Costume Temporary Powers:



    • Permanent Rulu-Shin Costume
    • Banished Pantheon Shaman Costume
    • Carnival Harlequin Costume
    • Carnival Strongman Costume
    • Consortium Guard Costume
    • Coralax Minion Costume
    • Council Galaxy Costume
    • Council Penumbra Costume
    • Crey Agent Costume
    • Crey Powersuit Costume
    • Crey Security Costume
    • Freakshow Boss Costume
    • Freakshow Stunner Costume
    • Goldbricker Costume
    • Hellion Thug Costume
    • Knives of Artemis Costume
    • Legacy Chain Costume
    • Lost Costume
    • Malta Gunslinger Costume
    • Malta Operative Costume
    • Nemesis Solider Costume
    • Outcast Thug Costume
    • Paragon Protector Costume
    • Pirate Costume
    • PPD Cop Costume
    • PPD Hardsuit Costume
    • PPD SWAT Officer Costume
    • Scrapyarder Costume
    • Skulls Thug Costume
    • Skyraiders Costume
    • Troll Costume
    • Tsoo Inkman Costume
    • Vahzilok Eidolon Costume
    • Warriors Thug Costume


    I used every costume available from Annah in Croatoa to test.

    • Like 1
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  16. 1 minute ago, ScarySai said:

    The power hardly overperforms even with the extra crit, so I would not call it a balance issue unless we were talking about how the change hits an already hurting set.


    @Glacier Peak You seemed to imply otherwise with your wording and the topic at hand, but if you're being sincere, good to know.

    Sure thing. I had hoped by prefacing the post with the fact that I hadn't yet tested these changes and was simply reading patch notes was enough implication. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. Just now, macskull said:

    It is possible to have a set be balanced against other sets while still having something unique about powers within that set. Regardless, this change accomplishes the opposite of bringing the set into balance.

    Yes, that is the distinction I have seen after reading the patch notes for the KM change, but I plan on testing the set before I make any quantitative feedback known. Again though, I am speaking broadly of power changes, not specifically about the KM change. 

  18. I've looked at the patch notes. Now I will go to beta to test these changes before I provide any quantitative feedback. 


    37 minutes ago, GM Impervium said:

    For those dissatisfied with the normalization of the Crit chances: are there additional ways to normalize the sets in question (KM specifically, apparently) to help make it competitive without relying on a single power working much better than it probably should?


    Subjectively though, I value balance over outliers. Bringing a power set in line with its competitor sets is more important to me than having one or two superior sets for an archetype. 


    Edit: For @ScarySai with your confused emote, I was replying to GM_Imprevium's query.


    • Confused 1
  19. Suggestion: Add a column that indicates the number of Praetorian players on each shard. The total number at the bottom already includes heroes and villains, as well as whatever else is left ( it may be a mixture of Rogues as Villains' / Vigilantes as Heroes'). If this is not feasible given current hardware/software or appropriate use of volunteer time, please disregard.



  20. 1 hour ago, Jawbreaker said:

    Ma/Shield scrapper

    A Council repair tech who lost both legs and her right arm after a savage attack by Captain Mako. The Council rebuilt her with plans to add her to the roster of super soldiers, but she had other ideas.


    Your costume mash up image looks awesome! Real comic book-esuqe.

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