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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lines said:

    I think those reasons would need to be resolved first before more ambient PvP is added.

    I agree with this, but I made my suggestion knowing full well the shortfalls of the game mechanic. Perhaps increasing the player base interest in this game mechanic via my suggestion would lead to a higher priority of our awesome volunteer dev team and HC staff towards addressing these issues. 


    Thanks for your reply!

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    I understand and certainly appreciate that, but as of right now the people that mostly go into the zones are badgers.  Badgers and PvP generally don’t mix well.  On a personal level, it would mean that I lose access to those zones and The Atlas Medallion accolade on new characters (among a host of other badges).

    I completely grasp the divide you mention between those two player bases, but I am an exception to that observation. I love badging and I love PvP. Both are really enjoyable to me in this game. I can see how my suggestion may alter how you and others play this fun game, so I would definitely support a compromise to give those dissenting players a voice and show of support.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

    PvP isn't a particularly popular passtime on the Homecoming servers, so I doubt there'll be much widespread support for "adding" any more zones devoted to it. Especially not when those zones already contain things that PvE players may want to access. (Yes, there are already badges in the other, already-existing PvP zones, too... But not everyone is exactly thrilled about that as it is-) 


    You would also kill off one of the things that keeps Atlas Park's local/broadcast chat from being over-run with "Can somebody drop me an Ouro portal?!" requests. 😝

    While I agree that PvP isn't particularly popular in this game, the suggestion wasn't to add zones, it was to change existing and underutilized zones in to ones which supported and incentivized player visits. 


    I believe there is a Level 11 cap for using the Ouro portal, (and Level 15 for the Ouro flashback content). That is in line with my suggestion of Echo: Galaxy City being a Level 15-30 zone. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, TraumaTrain said:

    I also no thanks. As it is, we have three PvP zones that don't get utilized much at all.


    I wouldn't mind seeing all the Echo given co-op access though. 

    We actually have four PvP zones, but you're right about their underutilization - though I would argue that is due to many reasons outside the scope of my suggestion. 


    And I like your idea regarding making Echo zones co-op. Ultimately, I would support most anything which incentivized players to visit these zones more. 

    • Like 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    On a personal level, no thank you.  I like to occasionally visit Echo: Galaxy City from time to time to just chill, as it was my starting point blue side from Issues 3 through 20, and I still miss it to this day.  That would come to an end if it became a PvP zone, as I have not entered a PvP zone in the game yet, and I never will.

    I love these zones as well. My suggestion my is aimed to promote more foot traffic in to said zones. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    • Like 2
  6. This is a suggestion, based on my opinion. I expect people to disagree or feel strongly about this suggestion, so I look forward to the discussion.


    I love the look of these old zones and enjoyed them so much back on live just as much. It was surprised to see them tucked away in the back Ouro portal (or base porters) when I started playing on HC. Since they don't have contacts or system functions (tram to other zones, arena, AE, auction houses, etc.) they would be easy zones to switch with little time or resource investment. They could all be switched to Player versus Everything zones (including other players, like Warburg).


    I'd say Echo: Galaxy City would be a great Level 1-15 zone. Echo: Faultline would work with Level 15-30 (imagine those huge drops off the sides of the tall cracks with a knockback!). Echo: Dark Astoria Level could be 30-49 ( imagine that awesome zone with the music and ambience!). I say cap at Level 49 to give a high level PvP zone without Incarnates.



    • "New" Zones for PvP
    • Gives players another reason to visit the zone besides gathering the exploration and history badges. 



    • ???


    Let's hear it!

    • Like 2
  7. Help us help you:

    • If you encounter a negative person please block or ignore them; do not escalate the situation by engaging them yourselves. If their behaviour continues, please report them (see ‘Violations and Consequences’ below).


    And this Code of Conduct rule was ignored by @Unagi. Now that everyone's dirty laundry is seen, let's get back to badging!



  8. 12 hours ago, huang3721 said:

    How did I miss this one?

    Equip dancer shoes, dancer ring, select Perky Step and let her rip!

    Whack! Whack! Whack!

    Ah that's great! Fastest character, I was always excited to pick her up because she added more turns for me, great magic stats, and decent secondary healer. Oh boy that was a tough addition to master though! I'm working on a Haschel homage now. 


    For some reason I renamed that character, thinking it was too close / not a homage, but then the name got snapped up on every server within the week lol. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Unagi said:

    Hey, you are that guy in Kings Row AE that's always running like 6 HotBoxes all at once, right ?




    I didn't think that was allowed.

    You can have as many as your computer can handle logged in as long as the server player count is under a certain number. 


    Edit: Well on second glance, the Code of Conduct says if there are 1500 or less folks on a shard, you're limited to 3 accounts. It doesn't scale down either, which seems strange. There's like 150 people on Reunion at the time of this posting, but with the CoC in mind,  that means only 3 accounts logged in at once as the cap. Oh well, I'll play by their rules, I'm happy to play at all. 

  10. 9 hours ago, sethmane said:

    Hi, I'm SETHMAN.

    I'm trying to go after ALL 1531 badges as fast as possible...

    Would love to post my progress here!

    So far I am over 850 in about 8-9 days.

    It is so nice to see so many completed badge logs, I can't wait to join your ranks.




    Great progress! Welcome and keep up the badging!

  11. 2 hours ago, Noyjitat said:

    in order to post a video here it has to be uploaded and linked else where. Meaning it has to be posted on a public site since homecoming is not going to be providing video storage for its users. Though the gms seem to have access to storage. Imgur is a public site like imageshack, photobucket etc.



    So you're saying 5 second clips are allowed?

    @Noyjitat You quoted GM Miss explicitly saying <5 second gifs are okay. What are you misunderstanding?

  12. On 7/28/2020 at 5:03 AM, Jacktar said:

    Hi, this is all you need and what I took inspiration from:

    forums - excelsior- tuesday night arena badge farms   posted by voltor.


    Good source! There was more from @Spiderin the post so I thought I would add it to this one:




    Pentad Victor 

    • Win a rated or unrated Pentad or Septad match in the Arena
    • Minimum 10 players 
    • Misc: Custom Pentads negate the need for specific ATs
    • Post event info for future:
      • Image below for correct settings.  
      • The first match was incorrectly set. Original participants had to zone to SG base and then back to Pocket D for invite to go through.
      • Badge awarded to entire winning team.
      • Also, if Arena window incorrectly shows 6 vrs 4 then you can select "Freeform Teams" to adjust # of red and # of blue (2 teams of 5) and then return setting to "Custom Pentad" before beginning match. 
      • Coliseum is a nice map for this! No hunting around! Cage would have maybe felt crowded.
      • Although it is true that Custom Pentad does not require specific ATs, the arena window will sometimes not allow for some players to be moved between teams once invited (sometimes it did, for one person it would not). Just stick with Custom and run it one more time for anyone stuck on the wrong team too many times.
      • For me, the  match needed "start" to be clicked twice. 

    Specific AT's are not required if using the Custom Pentad selection. Custom does sometimes still have buggy issues, but is an easier set up. 



    Arena Custom Pentad.jpg






    As for the buggy Swiss Draw:


    Updating my original notes. Have run this many times. It isn't really a pita except the wait time. A few extra details:

    • This can be a lengthy time commitment. I tell everyone up front. Probably because custom pentads are so fast, some might assume this is as well. It's 3 rounds for only 1 winner. 8 badgers = 24 rounds. 
    • 8 *bodies* minimum needed. Easily, one can grab spouse / 2nd accounts to fill if needed. If 16 show up, run 2 teams with 2 hosts. If 12 show up, just ask 4 to wait and then excuse the first 4 winners after they badge. 
    • The host does all the work: sets matches, selects winner in advance, sends reminders, etc. When I had groups in voice, it was super simple. Groups in text were ok, but sometimes it felt like a lot more poking. If running in text, I preferred everyone wait at the battle terminals so I could "see" them as they exit and re-enter rounds. 
    • Remind everyone to drop toggles, which saves time on matches (except the designated winner). 
    • Remind self (host) to use Cage match map. This allows us to immediately see who we are placed inside a round with. If I forget and leave it on random map, they can look at the mini map. Iirc, the hover tells them who their challenge partner is. Or yell in broadcast. Or play hide and seek... haha. no. that is a time waster on 24 rounds.
      • Though I use Coliseum map for custom pentads. It's just prettier and larger. The teams go in and immediately see one another. 
    • I like to announce the winner in advance of each run (1 run = 3 rounds).  It's buggy and time consuming, so it's not a bad idea to keep everyone on the same page. 
      • Local chat: "Heroid is winner of this run for all 3 rounds. If you are teleported inside and face to face with anyone OTHER THAN him/her, please exit the map. You may click on SCOR to exit. If you are inside the cage match with Heroid, surrender yourself to sweet death. Do NOT kill the badger. Thank you."
      • By the 3rd run, I'm just yelling "Fidessa is the winner. Dont kill her. Thanks." 
      • I'm old fashioned and keep a handwritten list of who already badged. I take 2nd alt badgers last as a courtesy to those who only badge 1 character. 
      • Invite the designated winner first! By default, you as the host will be Place # 1. That places the designated winner / first invitee in Place # 2. 
        • Wait to ensure the designated winner has accepted the invitation and is showing in the arena screen before inviting the others. 
        • I like to invite someone who also does not yet have the badge as 2nd invitee, Place # 3. This way, if something bugs, at least both potential places needed the badge anyway. 
    • Yes, exiting early does sometimes change how the 2nd and 3rd rounds work. Sometimes, those advancing find themselves inside the match with no sparring partner. This is fine. The rounds will continue and the designated winner will still badge. 
    • Following the first and 2nd rounds, at least one person (the designated winner) should see a text announcement. Something like "Round 2 begins in 2 minutes". Sometimes they dont. Iirc, it's 2 minutes. So if no one is whooshed inside in 3 minutes, it's possible the run is completely bugged. This has only happened to us once in many many runs so I don't worry about it. Some designated winners swear they never saw the countdown message and still get whooshed inside the map for the next round. 
    • What happens when the designated winner is whooshed inside a round with no one to kill? Just wait. Stand there and wait. They'll badge. Though, if they are inside the match with someone in round 2 and 3, I prefer they kill the toggle-less sacrificial lamb. 

    I like to run Pentad before Swiss Draw. 


    Arena Swiss Draw.jpg



  13. 12 hours ago, Giovanni Valia said:

    @Glacier Peak

    Thanks Glacier. I was using a different double fire spawn, but that one looks easier for positioning. I find that simply slotting out two defender bots w/ crafted IOs and using s3 slotted rest  isn't enough to outpace the double fires. Wondering if I'll need to slot set IOs to heal enough, even with two pocket defenders.


    Off-topic: Thanks for posting that PvP build on the spreadsheet, the Ice/cold dom. corrupter. I'm having a friend give it a spin.

    Yeah it is neck and neck with my two healers pushing their single target heal, but if you get the recharge high enough and you add in an incarnate self heal on your badge character, it tends to shore up the gap. I have ran the farm for up to 10 hours without having to reset due to a death. My badger is also hp capped as well. As for IO sets, it's likely they are helping as well on my healers. Both have already received Empath just from healing my badger lol


    Edit: I failed to mention I also set up a level 50 Ouro mission that way nobody gets timed out. I used Clear Mind/BFs to get out of immobilization from Rest and then move my badger in to that position.


    The PvP build for the Ice/Cold should come with a caveat - debuffing is second to damage in PvP right now. In some rare 1v1s (mostly against melee characters) and other debuffers will it come out on top, but if it is facing a damage centric AT or build, it hasn't proved advantageous. The biggest reasons is a lack of a dedicated self heal (though I picked up the temp from the P2W vender and the Incarnate destiny self heal).

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Giovanni Valia said:

    Edit: Nvm, I found it.


    @Giovanni Valia The one I use is on the back side of the burning building, located at: -2388.6 239.0 -102.6. As noted with the big red arrow, by standing in between these two patches you take both their damage aura.


    Mercy Island.jpg


    I wanted to verify this spot again after I posted, so I did two runs. My average was 2,079,048 damage taken per hour. Therefore, using this method, it would take approximately two days (48 hours) to complete all of the damage taken badges.

    • Thanks 1
  15. To all volunteers of the Homecoming staff who put this entire event together and spent their free time making these individual events possible, thank you. Especially considering all of the real world stuff happening. 


    You owe us nothing, we are grateful that this server even exists, let alone that you provide us with things to do and updates to the game. Please ignore the people who act like they are owed the world. They do not know how to appreciate what they have.


    Thank you

    • Like 5
  16. On 8/4/2019 at 9:34 PM, Omega-202 said:

    There's also Echo Galaxy City for Duelist.  You can get there from Oroboros.  


    No idea what happened to the Talos arena.  seems odd that its gone.

    Can't enter the Arena that's in Echo: Galaxy City, so no Duelist badge from that. 

  17. 15 hours ago, Voltor said:

    Hm, the 15th anniversary badge brought the total in game to 1531,  I have a second alt closing in on the magic number yet by adding the amount of badges it still needs combined with the total it has, it comes to......1532?   My main did log in for the anniversary and has 1531,  and I can see nothing missing (except bug hunter which doesn't count). 

    Did you get an accolade awarded by switching alignment, (HPT to FPRM) but not from collecting all the prerequisite badges?

  18. 20 minutes ago, Hops said:

    I’m looking for a macro that will turn my inspirations into red ones! 🙏 

     /bind ` "inspexec_name enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage"


    Turn off the insps you don't see in this bind. (i.e. awaken, breakfrees, all tier 2 and 3 and teams inspr, etc.)


    Edit: I use the ' key for my insp combine button, but if you want a different key, just replace that.

  19. 10 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    I had probably 20 characters at 50 on Victory when that hit, and probably 8 or 9 on other servers.  Know I didn't respec them all.  IIRC you got both inherent stamina and pool power stamina if you didn't respec, and for most of 'em having double stamina was worth it. 

    Were the villain epics around during this time? Possible triple stamina??

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