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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. Yeah, I was messing around with some builds and it does look challenging in a way...but I may still give it a go! Do you have a build by chance?
  2. So, I am wondering which AT and power combo would make for the best AV/GM killer/arrester. Altitis has hit me hard and I am now wanting to make some different toons etc. Please include a build 🙂 Happy hunting and discussing!
  3. Controller - Symphony Control - Sonic Resonance (1).mxd Hey all, I wanted to make an inexpensive Controller for general play but it would be nice to also make an AV etc killer. Is that possible on this combo?
  4. Fascinating. Do you have a build by chance?
  5. I haven't read this thread. Leave him dead. It was a last ditch effort to generate interest in the game and I don't think it worked. Nor was it worth it. Sad but this is what happens when you're literally under the gun. I believe there was an AMA Matt Miller thing where he was absolutely wanting to bring him back. Well, not the same guy but ....I won't ruin it if anyone wants to go look it up. Anyway, I think it's really dumb to do anything linear in an MMO or game to that extent. Leave him be and forget about it. Make new heroes and missions and so on...
  6. So, I continue to try powers that I never really tried before (here or Live). Can anyone chime in and discuss the merits of having an ice shield tank? I guess it's mostly a DEF set with some RES. What are the pros and cons to this set? Anything I should skip and, conversely, what's essential? Any and all input is much appreciated. Lastly, I'd really love some builds! Maybe an Ice/SS tank? Both are sets I haven't take too far.
  7. Wow. Sorry to hear about all of this. It's heartbreaking but glad you're surviving. Keep up the good fight and I hope to see you in game ASAP. All the best and my condolences for your loss. Time...still undefeated...we're all getting older and experiencing the sad aspects of life that accompany aging.
  8. Does anyone have an awesomesauce build for this super defender?!
  9. So, I am on a bit of a DEF kick! Thanks to all who discussed Thermal on my other post. I am also wanting to make a Dark/Dark DEF. I know it's a popular build (or was). Can people chime in if it's still a good one? Is it as tough as it used to be? And what would your epic/ancil power be? Posting builds would also be awesome! 🙂
  10. Thermal is a pretty busy one. I somewhat agree with your take on Fire but I almost always team so the lower damage is often mitigated. I tried a couple of proc monsters and you sacrifice a lot of set bonuses to proc out powers. I would rather not do this as, again, I team. For solo players, I guess it's a different story.
  11. Wow some great info on the powerset. Thanks a ton, all. I went in a bit of a different direction: Thermal/Dark. Any builds on that combo?
  12. Any chance you could hold Gaia as well as Jade, Achilles and Aegis for me until I get home from work? 7pm PST-ish.
  13. Does anyone have a Thermal build? I think I want to try Therm/Sonic. I'm not sure how to slot and assign stuff for this combo but it seems like a good debuff and team helper. Much appreciated 🙂
  14. I don't know if I can play MMs but it would be a nice set for them... I just couldn't get into them. I know some tougher stuff requires heals and debuff stuff and so does some lower level content. I used healing often and enjoy playing at less than uber ability.
  15. I'm working under the premise that new art assets will be rare in this game. I know another server has done some innovative stuff with costume pieces (underarm wings!) but not here. not yet. HC could make larger strides with innovation and new ideas. The content that has been added is not that great. A writer and mission designer would really be a good add. I appreciate and the HC crew and am glad they're kind enough to volunteer and provide us with this game. It's still awesome 🙂 Boy, not on topic at all here! 😉
  16. So, I am a fan of the AT but never see this power (ok, rarely if ever). I have never given Thermal a real chance but feel like I want to take it for a test spin. There isn't much new content so the altitis is kicking in - especially with the Great Name Release of 2024. Can people suggest a good secondary and provide builds? I'm also interested in discussions about the powerset. Is it worth playing? Is there a magic combo? What's your attack chain? Thanks for your time :)
  17. I think the CoX Dev team made some big blunders that helped sound the death knell for this once epic game. Going Rogue was poorly assembled - to have another, separated started zone?! BAD idea. The saturation of Praetorian content was a big deal back when. The Incarnate system could've been handled better but, to be fair, the writing was on the wall and they just couldn't add enough content for the incarnate system. Lots of mistakes were made but we're back! I am hoping the HC Devs get some more help and try to become a bit more innovative with the content they add.
  18. Again...I don't have the words so I will leave this instead...
  19. Well, I would like to suggest maybe you're doing something wrong. Allow me to provide a list and make sure you're doing these things: 1) Turn your computer on. You can't play and team when your comp is off. You can't wish or use the Force to play without your comp. Please stop trying this. I am afraid you'll try so hard that you may shat yourself and bust your O ring. 2) Comp on then log on to the game. You need to have an account and a toon ready to play etc. 3) When/if you navigate 1 and 2 and get into the game, try typing. That's right...typing. Ask to join a team. Join a team being advertised in the LFG channel or others. Again, you can't use the Force to join a team and play. You must put in a bit of 'work', 4) Actually try and team and so on. I hope these suggestions help. Sincerely, Bartholomew J. Hutt
  20. It's pretty good. There will be squabbles but still one of the better communities out there. If you can't take a little ribbing then life is not going to be kind to you...let alone any game.
  21. I hesitate on BIO tanks due to the DDR issue. There is mitigation but I tend not to go DEF on tanks - some exceptions here, of course. Do you, by chance, have a build for a stone/staff tank? Does anyone? I am looking for softcap RES to most, if not atll, and whatever else...
  22. I may have missed it, and apologies if I have, but do you have a build for stone/staff? I haven't messed around with staff before and was wanting to give it a go.
  23. What is the viability of Stone/Staff? Staff is a big unknown as I've never really leveled a staff toon. If it's a good combo, do you have a build for it?
  24. Interesting mechanic. I am not too into scrappers but want to try them out. Do you have a build and attack chain you could share? I was looking at MA/SR. Is Ninj better?
  25. You wouldn't happen to have a good build for the 'punchy' DOM types, would you? You mentioned Ele/Earth...is that a good one?
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