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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. Exactly. I think the AT is a nice change of pace and can be versatile. It's a fun AT for sure. But I have the 1 WS and the 1 PB. The WS has an alternate build and both are tri-form. I've been hoping for a new AT that uses the Kheld form system as a base; the transforming and changing up your primary style is fun. Lots of possibilities here!
  2. So, I haven't gotten to any of the new arcs until today. My SG mates and I went to the RWZ to try out the new Piecemeal arc. Let's just say...no bueno... I won't repeat what most of the others said. It wasn't my cup of tea right from the start. You begin with a long run around (contact to base). Then just a blitz of dialogue that no one can really fully comprehend during the mission. Then just...I don't know. It was bad. Sorry Devs. I do like this game a lot but this arc was not good...at all. What did everyone else think now that it's gone live? Are the other new arcs better? Worse? I'd love to hear from the rest of the Supers!
  3. I'm not surprised the Khelds have such low numbers. I might be wrong in this but when you make one WS and one PB, why would you make more? You can use alternate build options on the same toon. You don't get a wide variety with Khelds. I enjoy playing mine but I don't see the point in making more than one of each.
  4. Is your data chunk current? I couldn't open it.
  5. I think it'd be cool to do something extra for the 20th. The badge for sure but then maybe a costume piece when you log in that is available for 1 month, during the 20th only, and will not be available anywhere else for the foreseeable future.
  6. I'm more curious as to how the team was taking on the bad guys. A team of controllers should be fine in that scenario if you used the proper strategery! I only team and so many teams are hot messes in regards to strategy but we get through because the toons are pretty powerful now (cheaper IOs, incarnates, better builders etc). Sometimes it's a challenge at lower levels because we don't have all of the upgrades so you need to pull, divide and conquer and so on. Most teams just blitz the enemy.
  7. In my first/OP, I included a mostly softcap to DEF build. It is expensive. I haven't gone ahead with it as I am wondering how well a melee toon, with high DEF and meh RES, would fare. Maybe I should run around on test (which I've never done and don't really want to). Red headed step child is definitely a term...
  8. Thanks for the replies. I think the RES on Ice Armor is a bit too low. I may try a set that has better RES and ok DEF. Do you guys play ice armor a lot?
  9. Oh no, not upset in the slightest. This is just a preference. I'd like to see new. But I feel it's somewhat wasted making new zones. I'd use the resources to make new maps for new Trials or TFs/SFs. Make them unique so it's different. I also would love to see new factions, heroes, villains, big bads, monsters and so on. It's sad to see that we're not going in this direction but oh well. I enjoy playing in the City for a bit and then taking a break. I don't play as much as I used to and I know it's partially due to all of the new stuff having the feel and look of what has been in game for years. 🙂
  10. No new zones. Enough already. Just stop it. Stop. We have so many empty ones...serenity now! You want a new global threat. I'd be happy with something that is just new. The HC content...I haven't enjoyed the material they've added. The main issue is it feels like the same old - similar style, run arounds, enemy groups aren't that different...the list goes on. I've been hoping the HC team went in a new, original direction but it hasn't happened. Not even close. I will continue to hope. Costume pieces would be great but I don't know if HC has the devs to pull this off. I don't think HC has added much in regards to costumes.
  11. I just updated and it crashes before loading. Ugh.
  12. Yes, there is nothing else to my knowledge. Hence why I suggested having one attached to the HC site that they update when needed. Like I said, making a toon can be carefree and easy or be super complex. I don't make a toon without a build - I don't need an uber toon but it let's me know what I'm getting into with powers and some different combos.
  13. I'm not sure if you're being sincere or not. I am.
  14. So, you can't have that sybil piece just as an option to add the loin cloth front and cloth on the back? It has to the entire set? That is super lame and disappointing. You also have to have that belt as part of it too? Not sure I'll be using it and it was the only thing I was really looking forward to. Ah well.
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the CoX game itself needs to have a native toon builder much like MIDS. I don't game much but Borderlands 2 has an easy web based toon planner. This is something that the HC team should have and then update when they add new materials that impact the builder. CoX can be very complex when building a toon. Some don't care about builds, many others want to plan a build and some want precise numbers to create uber builds.
  16. So, I don't see too many posts for this combo. I've never really gotten into this combo especially Ice Armor. Is this a good combo? It doesn't seem to lend to RES and seems like a more DEF armour set. I tried a build which is viable but not cheap....at all... I'd love to hear your opinions and maybe share some builds. Brute - Fiery Melee - Ice Armor (1).mbd
  17. Uh...some could argue that making an all proc build, or relying on procs, is a bad idea. Procs fire a limited amount of times per minute so there's some inconsistency in damage. Procs are used at the expense of set bonuses; depending on your playstyle, this can be a big deal. I also team all the time so damage isn't usually an issue. I have a few powers in the odd build that have proc'ed powers but it's not worth it most of the time IMO.
  18. I enjoyed Sents before the recent upgrades. I always team and they could survive through lots and dealt a bit of damage too. It was still a fun toon. These upgrades are nice and make the AT appealing to more players. To each their own. I still feel it's too bad they didn't go in a more unique direction with the Sentinel upgrade but what can ya do.
  19. Wrong. I played almost all red side on Live. I played on Virtue and it was active.
  20. Ok cool good stuff. The only soloing I do is street sweeping. I'd rather team. Would you fellas say a Thermal is better on a CORR or a DEF?
  21. I've been wanting to try these powers out - I haven't given them a go since Live. I don't see many toons sporting either power. Are they too supporty? Are they the suck? I'd love to hear all about what others are doing with them.
  22. I will say I have never been a fan of 15s buffs. Given animation times of some powers, it's almost skippable. I actually skip most 15s boosts unless I have extra room in a build.
  23. Yeah no. I appreciate the comments but I reject them. I don't see any reason why you can't have a NO FX option on powers. That seems like a no brainer. Or an alternate animation. I'd really like this for Rune of Protection.
  24. So, any chance we can adjust these pools? In particular: -Sorcery: can we get a NO FX option and an alternate option for Rune of Protection? Not a bad look but it's like a giant hoola hoop or floatation device. Also, it comes with a FLY travel power. Can we make it where you can pick FLY or SUPER SPEED or LEAP? - Force of Will: Give us an option to take LEAP or SS or FLY -Also give us options for travel power in the Experimentation.
  25. I have no idea about the show or character. Is that the exact same name as the character in the show? If so, I can understand why the Generic Hammer came down. That is a unique name. It's not like the name is Citizen Smith or Citizen Sandhu and so on. I also don't get why there is a need to plagiarize. We have an amazing toon creator. Lots of names out there especially if you use some tricks (ok, it's not great that we have to use tricks but what can you do). I'm not too worried about it.
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