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Obus Form

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Posts posted by Obus Form

  1. Optimally, by numbers and risk mitigation (i.e. ability to AFK tank incarnate level AVs or mitigate risks against lucky attacks via resists + self heals), it's either /Dark Armour or /Radiation Armour.


    Damage wise, you're single target is something like TW > Claws > Dark Melee = Stone melee = Super Strength (but double stacked rage crash + hasten crash will drain you over an 5-8 minute non stop DPS fight).


    Anecdotally I think street justice is also good for Single Taraget but I've never used it.  StJ seems good at single target per Damage per Animation Time per mids.


    Damage wise, you're AOE is TW > Spines

  2. Just now, Werner said:

    I slot a Celerity +stealth IO in Sprint for that purpose. Saves a power pick.

    For travelling, if a travel power had to be picked, I'd go super speed since speed pool is almost always desired by most players.  Since cloak of darkness already gives stealth, I believe it just doubles up and provides the same buff as celerity stealth

  3. On 3/17/2020 at 9:07 AM, WillParkinson said:

    @Obus Form


    A question, if you don't mind. If you were making the build for 'perfection', how would you make it? Skip powers like fly, etc. Just the best that best can be kind of thing.


    Thank you!


    I would

    - take combat jumping to have permanent defense and combat maneuverability

    - take super speed and because you already have Hasten from the speed ancillary pool.  Also Super speed + cloak of darkness = complete stealth to run to end of missions

    - if you want vertical flying, id buy the temporary flying power from the p2w vendor


    I'll take a look at a spines/DA build tonight.  Let me know if you want a different primary power than spines

  4. 8 minutes ago, Chris943 said:

    With the recent events around the world, many of us are forced home, and some with no kind of financial buffer to help.  With that being said is there a way we can get a temporary lift of the streaming/video embargo?  I would love to stream my time playing COH, especially since I am forced home for an unknown amount of time, and streaming would help recoup this loss, some, but something is better than nothing.


    Just a thought, that I know others are feeling as well.

    It's in the best interest of homecoming you don't stream due to unresolved legal issues with NCsoft

  5. 19 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

    Only issue for me is I don't like bid creeping, it annoys me. Personally I'd be content if there was a buy now button for the salvage for a recipe that bought each piece of salvage for 1 million influence, just so I could I press less buttons. 

    Essentially, though, a buyout button would imply bid timing, bid amount and bid expiration, like WoW's auction house.


    I believe the CoH /AH already is a buyout system already, except everyone got different buyout prices.

  6. 7 minutes ago, WillParkinson said:

    As I've never done level 54 content, I have to say I am intrigued. That said, no, it doesn't need to stay in DM/DA. I want something I can have fun with, though I would still prefer to not have a click met protection, because I'm forever screwing that up.

    When I saw level 54 content, I mean level 54 PI missions, and not iTrials, which are like level 54 (+3).


    Did you want anything to remain dark?  I personally recommend something like Super Strength/Dark Armor, or Spines/Dark Armor

  7. 8 hours ago, WillParkinson said:

    @Obus Form


    A question, if you don't mind. If you were making the build for 'perfection', how would you make it? Skip powers like fly, etc. Just the best that best can be kind of thing.


    Thank you!


    If I may, and let me know if you mean, to re-interpret your "perfection" as "optimization", then microscope the interpretation of "optimization" to mean "optimization for PVE level 54 content". 



    Do you need to stay within Dark Melee/Dark Armour? 

  8. Edit:

    I misread and thought the OP was also requesting for the ability to /AH incarnate components.  Apologies.  Carry on.


    Previous message:

    If we could buy/sell incarnate components, at least for e-bill players, I would play this game even less than I currently do because I would rather buy my incarnate powers than grind iTrial XXX (usually BAF, LAM, MoM) over and over while praying to RNGesus for VR incarnate drops.


    Currently, I play to maximize player power via top-end IO builds, T4 incarnates, 4 passive accolades, and e-billing.  Of these 4 activities, only the 4 passive accolades (relegated to 8 hours of actual game play) and T4 incarnates require actual game playing.  Everything else is AFK or /AH.


    However, I understand that I may be in the minority as a power-gaming mainoholic.

  9. 58 minutes ago, Pizzamurai said:

    As someone who actually suffered through leveling to 50 as a rockhead on live... I personally wouldn't mind an overhaul of the set in general. It might actually convince me to make one again. 


    It seems pointless to me that all the other armors have no purpose once you get granite armor. 


    I'd like to see granite armor get a nerf stat-wise, and then allow the other armors to be active at the same time. That way it would function like almost every other defensive set in the game. 


    Now, as far as the root... I've always thought it was kinda silly. I'd rather see rooted just turned into a different power entirely. I don't particularly like the concept of the power itself. There's few other "required" powers in the game that so horribly cripple someone for their most basic functions. Okay, fine, it's a thematic thing, but that doesn't change that nobody wants to play it because of the drawbacks. In a time of IOs where almost any other set can reach survivability with a cheap build that can almost be compared to a stone/granite tank, it's lost its place as a gimmick. 




    Idea 2: 

    Keep everything the way it is.... but make granite big. Really big. POWERFUL BIG. You're a friggin golem of rock... when you hit something it should HURT. Give granite damage. Lots of damage. Fine, make it a slow lumbering ogre, but make it hit like one too. If it's going to be a gimmick set that barely anyone plays because of silly thematic drawbacks, fine, but make it a fun gimmick. 

    Earlier powers lack def/resist (e.g. fire/cold)

    I echo your experience playing a /Stone Armour brute on live, specifically that the powers before T9 miss certain defenses/resists (fire/cold) thus decreasing performance compared to newer armor sets (Energy Aura, Shield Defense) that naturally build up resist/defenses without such obvious holes as you level.   I understand thematically that rock is weak to fire/cold (lava melts, ice cracks) but having no resist or defense to something for a tank/brute designed to hold aggro gives the tank/brute little reaction time when taking such damage.  Outside of the obvious weaknesses of /Fire Armor and /Ice Armor lacking Cold/Fire resist, I am of the thought Fire/Cold damage should be regularly resisted, unlike rare damage Toxic and Psychic.


    No issue with T9 obsoleting other powers.

    I have no issue with the unique design of T9 Granite obsoleting previous Tier Defense/Resist powers AND giving -recharge and -damage.  It's power is commensurate to not needing other armor toggles/doing less damage, and this T9 is very unique to /Stone Armor. 


    Make T9 allow some movement

    However, I think the unique flavour of T9 Granite should remove -speed/jump.  For QoL and specifically iTrial tanking requiring movement to avoid damage/death (especially for some Keyes iTrial badges) or aggro new mobs, Granite should naturally allow jumping and movement up to Combat Jumping/Hover, but not Super Speed/Super Jump/Fly.  Fights often require movement of the maintank/offtank/such a movement penalty forces your personal speedboost Defender/Corrupter into the danger zone.  I think the opportunity cost of T9 Granite should only affect yourself via -damage/-recharge without having bring risk to the other raid members via personalized Defender/Corrupter speedboosting you.


    Back to mez protection

    So give T9 Granite all the mez protection it needs without needing Rooted to increase mez protection and increase the player's regen.  With such -damage/-recharge, the design philosophy clearly defined the role "Tank Damage" anyways.  When exemplaring below T9 Granite, we'll deal with toggling all the other /Stone Armor powers.


    Separately, as @Captain Powerhouse mentioned, I prefer the direct removal of Rooted requiring you to be rooted.    

  10. 6 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    I wrestled with the same thought. On one hand, when I am in the heat of battle and want to preserve my heal on demand, I have the option of the other status protection power (whether it be rooted or granite). In the end, I felt the option to move freely with a clickable buff would provide a better experience than to be stuck on the ground. Plus, you could run without clicking it and the first moment of mezz, fire it as a break free.

    If it's a reactionary one like break free, it's nice...but seems to defeat the purpose of enemy stun/held mez powers to mean that your character can't activate powers.


    Could flavour it to say that earth's embrace was the FIRST anti mez power and thus, blessed by Gaia, is able to be used while mezzed.  Nevertheless, id rather still keep it as a on-demand heal than on-demand mez protection.

  11. I think there's 2 schools of thought for status protection: either put into earth embrace or make it passive.


    In line with other self heals, I believe earth embrace should be used as a heal only rather than a status protection because it changes from being an auto cast required power to being an actual on-demand heal.  Having tons of run iTrials + badges, I feel an on-demand heal is necessary for any brute/tanker holding aggro for emergencies.



    As the devs evolved their armor set creation skills, we saw the standardization of defense + resist + heals across newer power sets such as Energy Aura and Shield Defense.  


    However to keep things flavorful instead of streamline boring, I think Stone Armor could remain powerful by having bonus health regen/defense/res when standing still "draw from the earth" passive that grants increasing stacks of some/all those 3 such that when you are standing still tanking AV, this makes you neigh invincible.  This gives the "immovable stone" feeling and reward you for not moving without actual forcing movement/jumping debuffs.  This could even be the T9 power instead of Granite's forced slow/-recharge






  12. 23 minutes ago, THEDarkTyger said:

    Not simply playing the game normally they can't. Defending the greedy artificial inflation kinda runs counter to your objection to that last line you quoted... Sorry, but most people just play the game and don't play the market or AE farm. Driving up prices only hurts those players.

    Your tears.  So delicate, so delicious.


    If you feel comfortable and if I may, the /Market forum and guides give amazing tips on generating influence.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Crater Kate said:

    This is... not completely true.


    I have a semi-retired StJ/SR Stalker (an AT that shares the same defense scaling as Scrappers) who I've run through Incarnate content for a while, and got to Vet Level 20ish. I built her heavily with survivability in mind, under the premise that a StJ Stalker doesn't really need a ton of help offensively. When I had her fully built out for durability, she was defense softcapped to Incarnate content, and sat at 51% S/L resist at max HP. By half health, that's already up to resistance levels you're talking about. Now granted, I had to do a lot of sketchy things to get her there, like prioritizing Mako's Bite over purple sets, and I rebuilt her a little more "responsibly" later on - with the rebuild, she was somewhere around 43.5% S/L. That's still hitting those resists at around 40% health. It IS possible to get fairly decent resists out of /SR, but you have to work for it.


    @Werner was a little more on the money - the big problem I've found with /SR is the lack of sustain, ie, healing (the other problem for me was lack of HP, but that's much more a Stalker problem than it is a Scrapper problem). You can take external steps to fix that, but as always you have to make sacrifices to get there. For my Stalker, it was too many pressure points for soloing high level content, but on iTrial teams, she was extremely durable (as well as still outputting stupid damage). As you move through the more durable ATs, where the extra HP helps /SR disproportionately, I think you'll find /SR starts losing a lot of that stress I found it under.


    My issues with /SR as a hole are as you described.  If other resist-based sets "work for it" they can achieve extremely high levels of resist and are not running around at 40%HP.  40%HP is an unecessary risk when other sets can achieve the same at 100%HP and have high regen, or a direct self-heal.  With the entire group running +def buffs through Leadership: Manueuvers and the random corrupter/defender based buffs such as Dark, Storm, ForceField, etc, reaching 59% defence is now a standard rather than a goal.


    I think we need to define anecdotal versions of "extremely durable", which is calculated as "Layered Defense" by having 3 (well 4) things.  Defense + Resist + HP = effective HP.  Then adding a heal means you've replenished your effective.


    Below is Spines/Dark Armour at 100%HP.  Although the nature of /SR doesn't give direct resist before taking damage, I hope the Devs can add some mechanic to give "reaction time" for players playing /SR rather than the live/die or Green Candy button when getting hit.



  14. 13 minutes ago, Mr.Sinister said:

    I am a little shocked nobody has accused her of not knowing how to use the AH to her advantage.  You ebil marketeers are really slipping.  

    Dear Valued Student,


    Thank you for contacting us.  The UFC highly values your input and will return your email as soon as possible.


    As you may have heard in the news, due to COVID-19 and to protect our staff, students, and our nig miserly ways, the UFC is temporarily closed.  We will resume operations when the Board and local health authorities deem it safe to do so.  Similar to life satisfaction, happiness, and knowing How To Win Friends and Influence Markets, we hope this temporary time of self-isolation gives you time to reflect on the important things in life.  Changing one's point of view is often the beginning of greatness.  Again we appreciate your email and will respond as soon as possible.  Good luck on your journey to becoming a COH Influencer!




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