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Obus Form

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Posts posted by Obus Form

  1. @WillParkinsonworry not, friendly sir.


    While I am of the camp that dark melee specially needs help (shorter animation times, better aoe range), everything else dark is amazing.


    Specifically for tanking, /Dark Armor is likely the best tanking set in the game because you have no damage holes except toxic, and have the best heal in the game.  The energy damage hole can be put to 58% resist (on a scrapper/brute) with the correct slotting and Endurnace management is done with IOs and Alpha (musculature or agility).  You can still very near perma hasten.  You can even run TW/Dark Armour, but your epic power pool better be energy mastery (for +End on brute) or body mastery (for +End on scrapper).  The key is having a greatly optimized build and the money to build it.


    Only Radiation armor beats Dark Armour in iTrials because most of the enemy damage is Energy type.  If iTrials swapped to negative energy damage type instead, Dark Armour would be the best tanking set in the game.

    • Like 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, carroto said:

    Way back in the early days Radiation Emission was very popular.  Some people refused to run hard content without one on the team.  I don't recall seeing a single one on HC.  Regen Scrappers were popular too.  I think I might have seen one since the game returned.  I'm curious what power sets are like that for you.  Those that seemed popular once but have fallen out of favor.  Also please share any thoughts you might have on why you think things changed.


    For Regen as a set I wonder if Arcanaville might have had something to do with it.  As we came to a better understanding of damage mitigation and other game mechanics I think some of the shortcomings of the set became clearer.  I'm sure that's not the only explanation though.  There are plenty of people who don't know or don't care about game mechanics when they make their choices.


    Probably another factor is simply that there are more sets to choose from these days, so it's only natural that we'd see less of any specific one of them.  Plus many of the new sets are strong and offer things the older ones don't.

    Regen's Instant Regeneration used to be a nice toggle, being the true power making Instant Regeneration viable.  It got changed to a click because Devs decided that it was too powerful.


    Radiation Emission, before everyone could reach defense cap and before all Armor (brute/tank/scrapper/sentinel) sets had self heals, was the only powerset that had heals, -resistance, -damage, and a (what was "good" back then) AOE team wide buff.  It had everything in a support set.  New powersets and IOs meant the AOE buff became useless, the -damage was not needed since all were at defense cap, and healing was only sometimes needed.  The only real positive was -resistance, thus gradually replaced with Kinetics for team damage and the occasional heal.

  3. Because /Rad is a resist only set, it will be nearly impossible to hit all def caps.  I think it's more wise to aim for S/L def cap only.  Since /Rad focus on energy resist, you won't have issues tanking Energy damage, and S/L resist will naturally be high.  Your only real hole is NEnergy and Psi damage, but those rare damage types can be supported by your absorb/heals.

  4. @Bopper as mentioned by others, just like how you can optimize the slotting/IOs/math for someone only after they choose an AT and/or power set, for art (I'm a music artist, not visual artist) one can only create within confinement.


    True free form is oblivion.  There is no number/math optimization if the power sets and PPM aren't already set.  There is no music without previously understood structure or at least a feeling.  Creativity occurs within confinement.  Someone asks you, sir God Bopper Sir, "what's the best power set and build to make the best brute?"  You ask them to give you a theme or power set or ask "best for what?  Raiding?  Farming?  Etc"


    Thus, there is no "super creative costume" without an idea, ideal, an example, a reason for being or at least a power set.  


    Let us know 😃


    • Like 3
  5. Design philosophy, specialization, experience:


    Disclaimer: I offer general design concept, no numbers, and echo a lot of what @Chris24601 mentioned


    Design philosophy

    Wherever the dev's decide to take PB, I will respect and acknowledge (your time, effort, and sincerity for the game/community is exemplary, with all my Obus heart, thank you!).  Since the PB is a tri-form class (ranged only blaster type, human form sentinel type, lobster form tanker type) without specialization, I am wondering if, like the VEATs, the HEATs can be forced into some sort of power choice specialization (Crab vs Bane, Fortunata vs Blood Widow) that makes their game play, while unique to themselves, competitive with other specialized ATs designed for damage, tanking, buffing, debuffing, etc.


    Tri-form HEATs design philosophy (Jack of all trades, master of none) remind me of the vanilla WoW Druid that, while capable of doing all FOUR things (ranged DPS, melee DPS, healer, tank) never specialized in anything except healing (back then, Heal Over Time was relegated to druids).  Now, WoW druids, while capable of all 4 roles, significantly benefit from specializing into 1 role 1 role such that they are end-game competitive (the word "competitive" is taken with a grain of salt depending on how hardcore you min/max and the requirements of your raiding/PVP guild).



    To justify blaster-level damage numbers, sentinel-level damage/survival mixture (😂), and tanker survival numbers, if players were rewarded (with higher numbers and/or bring a unique set of debuffs/buffs to the team or playstyle) for specializing into a category, I think it would help HEAT players feel impactful on teams. 


    On some level, jack-of-all-trades itself is a justification for lower numbers.  But from what I've read on the feedback, being jack-of-all-trades in a world of IOs (where defence is softcapped for everyone) is no longer valuable.


    If we go along the route of specialization, like current WoW druids, it doesn't mean that the HEAT player can't change form, mid-combat, to fill a hole, it just means that it is extremely taxing and unviable to perform in the non-specialized form for longer than a 30 seconds. I understand that CoX doesn't pray at the altar of the holy trinity (DPS, tank, healer) but the idea is that the DPS-specialized druid can shift into a healing form, but it is so cost-inefficient that the healer would run out of mana after 30 seconds, or the DPS-specialized druid could switch to tank if the Tanker died, but could really only survive 4-5 more hits than normal.


    The specialization could come in 2 ways: either like its current iteration (choosing the form gives access to new, slottable powers), or like VEATs where choosing the specialization forces the absence of certain powers from other specializations.  To keep HEAT uniqueness, I would say keep the current form of specialization, but really allow players to feel impactful in choosing that form and buffing it/its powers so that is is end-game viable, while making the other forms less viable as a result of their "specialization".



    My (anectodal) experience comes from playing a human-form 50 PB on live, and 100s of hours on Mid's trying to make the PB end-game competitive. 



    - As mentioned by all others, please change all KB to KD. Requiring 1 slot to make every KB --> KD is taxing




    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Vanden said:

    The “cheat” was outlined in more detail in the 2015 AMA:


    Dr. Aeon: The players would've faced the leadership of Battalion, who were out of anyone's league, essentially fighting the end boss of a game, but you're only on hour 2. The goal of the fight would've been to release Rularuu. Dream Doctor would have sacrificed his life to bring Rularuu back into the world to destroy Battalion, but not blink all of the universe out of existence.

    *CoX exits chat*

    *CoH2 enters the chat* 


    CoH2: Hell!! It's about tiame! *screen flicker*




    • Confused 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    Also, these are cheap and can be bought from the Market by typing /ah pretty much anywhere:


    Are you forcing him to use the AH?  😦


    I'm shocked and appalled.


    Also, buy your organic, free-range, non GMO Hecatombs!  Get em while they're hot!! 😄

  8. How about vet level leader boards:


    Reset every "season" and the top 10 get random winter/super packs.  The top 5 get random winter/super/PVP IOs. Top 3 get random winter/super/PVP/very rare IOs.


    Then the season resets and those characters move "off season" into normal world play, with rewards in hand.


    This gives tangible rewards, encourages alt making/playing --> increases IO demand, gives more stuff in the market due to farming/giving away --> increases IO supply.


    If that's not enough tangibility, msg me @Obus Form in game and I'll give you a pat on the back.

    • Haha 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Well, if nobody is allowed to call for nerfs then you're left with this

    Perhaps the mini-progression of vet levels coud be to get vet badges like before vet level 100 (I.E one badge every 3 levels).


    Except each badge being one word only, tells a long story... a lore reveal of the childhood of Lord Recluse's great great great great great great grand father, sir Steve Jenkins Colerichter, the creator of the map for the Well of Furies and the ideation of a possible well beneath it. 

  10. On 3/3/2020 at 2:40 PM, aethereal said:

    Hell, I would even say like a slash command for like so:


    /postallsalvage [common|uncommon|rare] [price]


    So for example:


    /postallsalvage common 250


    This would take all your common salvage and put it on the AH at a sell price of 250.


    You could then macro these.  And it would be sweet.


    Not to be bearer of bad news, but given how the AH or email system pauses you when you mass collect or mass post times to/from AH or email, likely that slash command will never come to pass.

  11. 53 minutes ago, Troo said:

    Participation = A voice


    Beyond that, maybe we should reset some expectations related to playing an essentially free game, supported by a volunteer team, which has clearly stated goals.


    "I feel I need to chip in here and drop a quote from our open letter to the community that was posted back in May last year. A distant memory now, but it still holds:" @Jimmy Feb 7th


    Staying up to date is our responsibility. These are good to keep tabs on:



    Also: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15137-how-you-can-help-homecoming/


    If you didn't see the link to the Open Letter to the Community in Jimmy's quote above:


    Edit: Oops looks like Jimmy posted since I started this reply.. Sorry.


    Look what you've done @Troo!!!

  12. 1 hour ago, MTeague said:

    I'm just amazed at the number of threads that say "this game is too easy, give me another challenge" AND threads that want "a purpose" to levelling and exping at max incarnate.


    To be blunt, that is a losing game from the developers standpoint.  Wonderful if they can pull it off, but if a couple decades of gaming has taught me anything it's if devs take a year (or More!) to write an expansion or carefully crafted raidsets, there will always be many groups of focused players who blow through that in 2 months, tops, and are looking for even newer, even shinier content and rewards.  And that's with a fully staffed AAA gaming studio running it. 


    Quite frankly, HC devs dont' stand a chance to produce enough content to keep people always having something new and shiny over the long term. 


    I'm not saying they should never produce anything new.  I am saying, you'll always finish whatever they produce fast.  And if you're a competitive gamer, you'll always be at a point where you feel overpowered and that content is trivial.  Your best bet is to come up with your OWN reasons for playing established characters at 50.  Don't look for a reward from the HC devs.  Decide on goals for yourself.  Immerse yourself in roleplay-vs-enviornment.  Dive into AE and try to come up with a convuluted story arc that you think other players would enjoy. Whatever does it for you.  Because there's gonna be a limited supply of dev-supplied-shinies to chase after.

    External validation and rewards.  Yuck!  

  13. 24 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Ayyy badass ranks! 😉


    For context, Borderlands 2 had a similar system where doing certain actions as you played would unlock Badass Tokens, which you could spend on a table of small buffs per token. They were from a list of about 10, but you could only pick from 5 at a time that were randomly assorted per purchase. These applied to your account, so playing 1 character and getting a bunch would help the next character out, and could be turned on and off at will. The more you got tho, the progressively harder it would be to earn more + the less bonus you got per pick.


    Something similar could be done here where each vet level you pick a random stat to give 1% to. But, that value decreases per pick so if you pick damage multiple times, it becomes: 1% > 0.88% > 0.77% > 0.67% > 0.59% > 0.51% > 0.5% > 0.5%, etc

    If we did give random stats (new type of game progression), I conjecture even with randomization of the stat (1/8 possible stats per OP) selected and with diminishing returns, I think the devs would have to put a cap on it (5% ?¿) similarly to Diablo 3 paragon levels so players can't hit soft/hardcaps and break the game.  


    Else, those Vet level 1000 guys and that one guy at Vet level 2000+ would be ready for Battalion right out of character creation.

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