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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I think it's basically a bug in collision detection. The CD runs, finds a collision between two players, and attempts to move them away from each other. Unfortunately the code uses the wrong variable or doesn't calculate the vectors properly, so both players move in the same direction. Which as you point out just results in exactly the same thing happening over and over again. It's a pet peeve of mine and I've long since despaired of getting anyone to look at the code. Separately, I think your idea about giving priority to players moving less, or already at a spot and stationary, is a good idea. I'm pretty sure this code is different though. The game should check speeds (actual speed, not max speed of the current power being used) and just give priority to players moving slower (Hover, for example) or stopped. Figuring out how to make this "feel good" will take a bit of work, but I think if this can be done it'll make collision detection feel better and work more intuitively for players.
  2. This is a decent suggestion. The current "Heel" (Follow Passive) is kinda useless, this could replace that macro for default MM binds. (The other suggestions are good too. Don't forget on the Pets window for MMs there are marco buttons similar to the default macros that are set up in a tray. These would need to be upgraded as well.)
  3. I've never had that problem, but that's good to know. I wonder if the devs could look into it and allow a pet to be teleported even when it is super stuck or rag-dolling. @Rudra
  4. Teleport Target will also yoink a pet to you, I think regardless of what state it's in. But yes pathing is kinda nutty in this game. If they fix it, they'll have to make sure not to make enemies too much smarter, while also making player pets and rescued NPCs much much smarter. I'm not sure how fraught that would be, but I think the basic request is valid. (Seriously, my pets are frequently dumb as rocks.)
  5. I'd like to clock them in the head and then drag their floppy rag-doll bodies to the door, no "following" at all, they just stick right to me. For blue side, I wouldn't mind seeing something like either a "princess carry" for all non-combat npcs, or a hand-hold where it's literally the NPC attached to your avatar so they just go where you go, like you're playing ICO. As a trade off/game mechanic, maybe you can't use attack powers while holding hands? And the "hold hands" option is a right click menu anyone can pick, as long as the NPC isn't holding someone else's hand.
  6. Man, this thread is super old. Ignoring the whole "it's Warrior Masterminds all the way down" meme, I think I'd like to see groups in game evolve and change. They don't always have more powerful though, the group could evolve in different directions. The Warriors could start to sport some cybernetics so they can gain more power (but this makes them heretics to the purists, politics and drama ensue), they could gain female warriors (which start as a reaction to the all male group, more politics and drama, then they join forces), "real" warriors from Cimerora could show up (causing more politics and drama) and then the whole group could suffer a huge setback and be basically reset to something like their starting point (everything changes! nothing will be the same!). It's more a matter of avoiding stasis imo, and not necessarily having to "power up" everything.
  7. This is more like what I'd expect. However I think there's a difference between modding stuff on your own computer, and making all the changes necessary for it to be accessible for everyone. Choosing animations is part of my character, like my costume, and I want others to see how I have chosen to animate my character. It's part of the look. But yes, fundamentally, I'd expect that the code has a "slot" for each powers' animation, and an animation for each power just gets put into the "slot" for that power, which then plays when you use that power. It doesn't sound like a game breaking change.
  8. I would kind of hope this isn't literally true, but I guess it could be true, at least mostly true. Just as an aside it's possible to modify code by changing it piecemeal while still keeping code compilable and working (sometimes referred to as changing all the parts of a race car while still driving it around the track). But I can see that this might not be what someone wants to do with their spare time too.
  9. I'd like to see weapons options for most of the attacks in game. Poison especially. I'd like to be able to hold a squirt gun or a trang gun and shoot poison stuffs at people. Or spray them down with it I guess. Most of the other "elemental" like fire and ice attacks too could use a weapon the attack shoots from rather than from the users' body. Bio Armor needs a minimal FX that removes the additional geometry, the shells and casings that automatically happen on a player's body.
  10. Just thinking out loud here, but I used to take Air Superiority on my flying SS tankers quite a lot. It's a decent attack, the -Fly is occasionally useful, it was needed for Fly (and I didn't care for Hover, far too slow back then), it filled-in an attack chain (often before more attacks were even available) and didn't suck at level 50. Now we have so many choices that sort of tactic is largely unneeded. Often it's adding constraints to the game that make these sort of things useful and interesting "finds" by players. We don't have a lot of constraints any more, and I'm not really advocating that we should add them. But it's good to think about these sorts of issues so that a broad range of ideas are considered. One thing I do notice is that I often have way too many click powers by level 50. So I wonder if something could be done there. Make Boxing, Kick and Cross Punch better by being able to "add" them to an existing melee power somehow? Like your T1 and T2 melee attacks? So it removes a power from your tray (the Fighting Pool ones), and also gives those powers a boost by making them better. I'm not sure, but some out of the box thinking needed here.
  11. Also Stone Boy here has stone skin. A "color" for skin color that is actually a texture would help some.
  12. That's a very simplified design, but also a nice look. I wonder if there's anyway to do something like that in CoH.
  13. Here's some web searches for "stone superhero"
  14. I found a couple, they're at least interesting I think if you're looking for artistic inspiration...
  15. This is what I'd like. Costume customization should include a few different looks for an alternate model ("full costume change") or should include your own character with a rocky texture applied. A few options with the later might include "not the face" so you keep most of your face as your look changes. (Another option would be to use a regular costume change to switch do a different costume slot for Granite Armor, allowing even more flexibility.) P.S. Does anyone have images of "rocky" superhero characters? Having a few looks to start a conversation about what options to include would be good.
  16. Selling off my salvage is kind of a pain. I know about "Sort By Amount Descending" and while that helps, it's still not really what I want. A couple of thoughts: 1. Make Shift-drag pull a full 10 stack from salvage so I can drag it to the Auction House window. No confirmation dialog for the amount. Same with Control-drag, though it should pull only one. This is fine because I'm just moving stuff, there's no danger unless I actually go to the auction house and click on "sell" for one 1 inf or something; it's easy to move the items back if I drag the wrong thing. 2. Make Shift-click move a ten stack to an already opened auction house window. There is no confirmation dialog, and dragging is not needed. Ditto with control-click, though it auto moves only one. We kind of have the second one already for Enhancements, which you can just click on if the Auction House window is open, and they're moved automatically to the AH window. It works really well. I thought about some auto-sell options but they seem a bit fraught, and might take more effort too. Auto sell for white salvage at least would definitely help me however, if this is easier to do.
  17. Agreed. I think all of the information on the vidiot maps could be added as hints in the game, like the way we got Tips for exploration badges. The devs could think of ways to include the information as content in game. Just slapping the information on a map would remove a lot of stuff players consider fun. (I think next we need "tips" for the history plaques. Not quite a tip with a nav point, but a broad hint where the next plaque in a history series is, so players know about where to look. Kind of like you how you get these riddles for things to look at in the MidnighterClub.)
  18. I'd make each of the Freedom Phalanx available to players based on Origin. All players would get access to all power pools though because anything else is just going to start fights. Manticore -- Natural origin heroes Citadel -- Technology Numina -- Magic Penelope Yin -- Mutant Synapse -- Science Each one could extend the "origin of power" exposition that you get from Perry Winkle, while you're also fighting a ton of dudes. Or something like that. After you finish the TF you can then go to any of the FF members and get the patron power you want.
  19. It wasn't really an arc, I misspoke. There was no open book symbol. Bao is either just a random mish giver or he had a series of prelude missions I was doing and I never got to the arc. And yes, the Find Contact button is functional but a bit wonky. Especially when it gives you every single contact in Night Ward / First Ward and far fewer from blue side. Having a curated list of missions at each level would be better, imo. Having each contact give out that list (or chose one from the list, or whatever) is my suggestion. It would be a little less immersion breaking than Find Contact and a curated list could direct players to more appropriate content.
  20. I'm not sure if we really need a thread for contacts, but it seemed better than posting ideas for contacts in separate threads where they might get scattered and lost. I just finished with Kong Bao (Skyway) as a contact. He stopped talking to me at level 21, but didn't offer any more contacts. I didn't complete his arc, it was just a bit over half when he stopped giving me missions. It might be good to add for all contacts when they become inactive, check for other contacts in the player's level range and offer those. I can find new contacts and I have some already, but it would be a convenience for players just to automatically toss some contacts at them.
  21. I agree with this. I'm sure there is a problem fixing up the code, but it's still pretty desired by the players and something that could be worked on, esp. now that they've got a legit license and can accept more help. I'd like to see some crab backpacks that aren't backpacks. You have modified the power source of your own backpack and now it's a gun! Or something. They'd have to change the animations too but it could be cool I think for a lot of characters.
  22. This is more of a costume creator dealy than a costume piece dealy, but... Several pieces have a matching texture made specially for that piece. The Sinister part for the Chest for example has a Sinister texture. Could these be selected automatically if the the player selects one of those pieces? Right now the "extra" textures are at the very bottom of the list of textures, and you basically have to go looking for it. I'm sure a lot of people don't know it's there. If the current texture is "none" then a special texture should be selected instead of "none". The costume creator knows it has to add the texture to the list of textures so I'm sure the costume creator knows the special texture exists for that piece. Should be just a matter of selecting it. My other idea: again for the costume creator, could some pre-selected colors be added to each of the Costume Sets in the CC? Or maybe only if none have been chosen yet by the player. The current list of pre-made costumes is pretty drab being only black and white. I don't think any of the sets need a lot of colors, I was able to get decent results for all costumes leaving the "costume colors linked" button checked. So just two colors per costume would add a lot of flair I think to the pre-made list.
  23. YES PLEASE. A lot of the older textures are super low res. Two thoughts. One, just a higher res version of the texture so we can't see the jaggies and the artifacts. These are mostly the older "Tights" textures that are applied directly to the model's "skin". I really want to get rid of those jaggies. Second, better nicer versions of the same textures would be cool. Like the way we have Angelic and Angelic Plus, the latter looks like it's got some normal mapping applied as well as being much higher resolution.
  24. Some of the skirt / costume pieces above reminded me. Two things. One a "full skirt" that looks like it has volume to it, with folds in the skirt. The other is a higher waist. The latter could be a pain, I think the devs would have to mess with all of the "belt" options. But the "waist" in CoH is pretty low, down on the hips, and for a good silhouette for many looks it should be higher up, close to the "natural waist" (usually 2 to 4 inches above the hips). 2B's skirt from NeiR Automata is like this. It's actually pretty long if you ignore the slit in the side. It's also higher at the natural waist instead of sitting lower on the hips. Some cloth physics to make the long skirts work better would be great, but I know that's a big ask. I like the way 2B's skirt doesn't hang straight down but flares out just a bit on the bottom.
  25. It was actually produced. That picture is a prototype, but eventually about 8000 were produced. After the US military decided not to buy them, I think the Nepalese army bought most of them for its own armed forces. EDIT: pewpewtactical.com says "The Malaysian Armed Forces adopted the rifle for their PASKAL Special Operations unit." So at least that. These guys would also make great henchmen:
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