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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I'd like to see some more realistic (or as real as cartoon superheroes gets) guns in game. Sometimes I can be hard pressed find "real" weapons that I like and enough variety for different characters. One thing I'd like is that almost any "real" weapon in game could be made a little larger and sort of "thicc"er. Sometimes it can be hard to see a realistic weapon so somewhat enlarged versions so that the weapons is more visible. I'm thinking mostly of the guns in game, especially the pistols like the Smith and Wesson. While a lot of the realistic looking guns are cool, a somewhat larger version would be a good option to have. Especially I think for the Large body type, try to get something that looks oversized but fits that model's style. Another weapon is the default Assault Riffle gun. It has a grenade launcher, it's a gun, and it's got a tank for a flame thrower. This justifies a lot of AR powers, but the gun itself could use an upgrade. A couple of new versions of it would be great. I'd propose one that looks at little more clunky and "cartoon" like, a post apocalyptic version that looks like it's put together out of junk parts. And one that looks like a more realist assault rifle, maybe an XM-8, with some more subtle and futuristic addons for the flame thrower and grenade launcher. XM-8 Also, any of the elemental type power sets could have a physical gun as an options. We can customize the SFX yet but getting the graphics in place would allow this. So a flamethrower, an "freeze gun", etc. I don't know how to do a "darkness gun" but at least for the powers that seem to allow a more tech/science origin there should be a gun for it. Also, if these guns could have an option for a back pack (especially the flamethrower) that would be keen. I also found some interesting searches for: Superhero glue gun Superhero gas gun Superhero water gun Superhero toxic gun (and Superhero poison gun)
  2. I logged in and did a quick look around the zone. First, level 50 scientists right outside the Arena, on the very edge of the red "Mera Heights" neighborhood. They were technically in the yellow Nelson Borough neighborhood I think. Second, yes the DE on the high areas around Portal Court are level 41, but they are also not in the red line enclosing the highest level areas of that map. So bumping them up to 50 would be a kinda bad without at least adjusting the marking on the map. So... I dunno. The OP said the "few near-50 spawn points in PI are often heavily camped." Do we really need "spawn camping" in this game? Seems rather old school. There's always PI radio missions which get you exactly the level spawn you need. Are there not enough level 50 DE for folks to kill for badges? Seems like there might be better ways and better places for them. Rikti War Zone, or Eden might be a good place for more 50 DE spawn. Or we might ensuring that all enemies have one "infinite quest giver" if that's desired by the players, so folks can use door missions rather than camping. I'm trying to determine the problem here, rather than concentrate on "this is the solution: add higher level DE." Once we understand the problem we might be able to suggest a better range of solutions. Is it just the the level 41 spawn "doesn't make sense," or a problem with not enough DE to kill, or level 50 mobs in general? Something else? EDIT: went to Eden, it's all much lower level spawn, not going to work. RWZ has Rikti only as the highest level spawn around the spaceship, so maybe a few DE could be added but it kind of breaks the theme of the zone for there to be too much DE around the ship in that highest level zone. Otherwise the highest level DE in RWZ are around level 44. Other thought: we might be able to encourage folks to use Red side more if there's spawn they can't get Blue side. Not sure how folks feel about that but it's one way to get more folks at least dipping a toe into the Rogues' Isles.
  3. Nearly all of the zones could use some sort of fix-up. From making spawns more interesting to adjusting spawn points and level ranges like this. It's a good idea. Though I wonder if we shouldn't have a "Big thread of zone fix-up" ideas to put all of it in one place.
  4. Sometimes I wish the scales in the costume creator had numbers on them. Scales are things like Physique (the width of the character) or Hips or Legs or the other sliders that you can use to change the physical dimensions of your character. If you decide to change these on a character, it can be hard to match them just by eyeballing the position of the slider. I don't need real world numbers, just something like from 1 to 100 would be fine.
  5. Thanks, I noticed the same thing. Mobs are very difficult to kill in you're under level 10 (and might be for higher levels too). I "fixed" it by just using the 50 as a badge hunter and ignoring my lower level alts. Still indicates a bug in the code (or at least feels like a bug).
  6. Thumbs up, and yes this also. Primary powers go in Tray 1, Secondary powers go in Tray 2, Pool powers start in Tray 3. Alternately, an option for "remember where my powers are, and put the same powers in the same location" would also be great. New powers don't have to be added to trays at all with this option, I'll hunt them down and put them where I want them myself.
  7. Ignoring the whole "your character concept is bad and wrong" thing, I think having more movement powers and SFX would be great. I'd like to see matter surfing sfx added for Flight (you summon a large block of earth or water spout and stand/surf that for movement) as well as some additional devices. Using the Hover Board or that energy disc thing for a Flight animation would a fun addition. If new movement powers are added to other power pools, they could work like the current Athletic Run and similar powers, giving you extra speed and jump height but not true flight. Add whatever SFX to that you like. Small motor car, hover board, motorcycle, as well as the "matter surfing" above would all more or less work with those types of powers. (Adding these as a new SFX for an Athletic Run type power from START would be good too.) Each should get some sort of boost (like Super Jump gets Double Jump) to make it better for movement when the base movement power isn't enough. Prob a ton of work but I'm sure folks would like to see stuff like this.
  8. If animation customization is added, a small crossbow, like the Vahzilok, would also work for me personally. The Widow animation is a good idea if only one can be used though.
  9. I like the idea, there are quite a few zones that are kinda questionable with their lighting. Faultline is one that needs work imo. There something really off about it. I think the diffuse lighting is missing altogether, and that's weird. If you walk into the AE building there you can really see a difference how your character is rendered. Especially if you have a lot of costume pieces that are the higher quality and more recent ones (like the Mecha armor). But I think this might need to be done per zone by the devs, I don't know if trying to replace the effects on the client will yield sensible results. Also the lighting in Atlas Park is good and would make a good "bright normal" lighting. But please don't drop the saturation on Redside. I think it's down as far as it should go right now. Possibly too far down. I would maybe make the specular term more diffuse to reflect a more diffuse light, and maybe reduce the diffuse term just a hair. (And I think the textures are already desaturated, that's not a lighting effect; I think the brighter colors Goldside are new textures, not lighting.) But you don't want to go too far, the human eyeball will compress a lot of different lighting levels into a "comprehensible visual" range, and has a huge dynamic range. You can see a lot more light as "normal" than you'd think. Quick reference on the mark 1 eye (esp. "3. SENSITIVITY & DYNAMIC RANGE") : https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/cameras-vs-human-eye.htm (There's such a thing as "hemisphere lighting" in computer graphics, and it's not hard to implement. Adding this to the ambient term I think would add a lot of flexibility for many types of lighting. https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/game-development/9781849694209/1/ch01lvl1sec09/hemispheric-ambient-light )
  10. Yeah, this. This just occurred to me, but I often play 8 ft. tall characters with wings, and Council maps and Oranbega maps are hell for me. I made a small toon with no speed powers (because role play) and suddenly Oranbega and Council maps made sense. They were actually navigable! I wonder if in addition to a "move slow" key bind or power we could also get a "make my hit box smaller" option when we are using the slower speed movement. Seems reasonable if you're moving around carefully you'd not hit into things as much, so it seems like a fair trade off. Well just a thought, I don't know if the server code would like this.
  11. Many first person shooters basically have you sprint all the time, and control or shift is used for "move slowly" though it's often also crouch. Making a bind for both "move slow" and "move regular" is a nice idea, would let folks set it up as they wish, with either as the default.
  12. There's speed suppression in-game already. When you attack your movement is suppressed. I wonder if that could be leveraged to provide slower movement speeds. There's some times in game when you want less speed and more precision of movement. It's hard to get that without turning off your travel powers, especially super speed. I wonder if a key bind could be provided to make a cap so we could move more slowly when needed. Something that could be activated as a chord key. Like Control-WASD could be used for slower more precise movements. That way I don't have to click any powers on or off, just hold down Ctrl to get it. Of course the same keys could be used to move more slowly all the time if you set it that way.
  13. This is actually quite nice, and would be a great way to get people vested in the idea of a new type of base. I assumed that the devs would just whip up some pre-sets for the bases; allowing the community to contribute would unload some work from the devs and also likely produce some really interesting designs.
  14. There's also this Kusari kama (or Kusarigama) which is a sickle with a weighted chain attached. It might be a good starting point for folks who want a ranged plus melee option for a new power set. (Also, I found this image on KarateMart.com, something Paragon City doesn't have but totally should.)
  15. I like the idea of no-effort bases that just sort of appear. It would be good for newer players and those who don't want to make an effort to deal with the rather funky base building UI. A trophy room is cool, but I use bases for their utility. Base portals, crafting stations, salvage and enh storage, that sort of thing. If those come with the trophy room that's even better. A batcave style trophy room where the trophies are three-D would be extra cool. I'd like to see a mix of cool eye candy and useful items, maybe both could be added just based on how many missions or other accomplishments gets added to the base.
  16. Gotta second this. Just logged into my Dark/Ice defender and Shadowfall has the same huge pom poms on the hands. Some ideas: Just change the transparency to 50% or a little less, that would let us see through the effect and make it less severe looking. This would probably help the really heavy "ground fog" effect of Shadowfall too. Or maybe draw the SFX in such a way that the character model is drawn "on top" of the SFX. Some SFX work this way I think, like the Leadership pool. Those SFX seem to surround the character rather than be drawn on top of the character.
  17. Back on live, the upgrades only affected one pet. And the recharge of each summon was a bit longer, so when pets started to die it became very "strategic" how you summoned them and which you chose to upgrade. A "hot door" could be a particular challenge. Now with the AoE pet upgrades it's just busywork. Summon, upgrade everything. Honestly I think I'd take a larger recharge time on the pet summons to avoid the busywork. It would make the pets a bit less expendable, because you might not have that summon power up when you need it. I think this would be worth it to get rid of the busywork. Of course, in many cases you could just more slot aggressively for recharge, but that's kinda the point. It would shift the power selection around to more interesting power choices, IO sets, etc.
  18. EDIT: OK, I see an answer was provided a couple of posts past these. Interesting, I'll have to take a look at those. What the heck are "changeling binds"? Are those just macros/binds that shift your forms? Like /bind b powexec_name Dwarf or something?
  19. He's trying to differentiate between leveling up, and leveling down. Because that allows him to pretend that your argument is invalid and therefore doesn't need to be considered.
  20. I'd like to see the pets not die every time I change levels (due to being on a team or league, most of the time). Honestly I don't know if this is feasible but if the pets could just level up or down with my level that would be ideal. Also ideal: once summoned, pets just appear and disappear with the level changes, no need to re-summon them when my level goes up again, they just show up. Very handy on large leagues when there's a leadership shuffle (which always seems to happen) and everyone's level yo-yos around for a while. Other ideas: make the pet buffs inherent rather than targeted click powers. If the MM has the upgrade, the pets get the buff when summoned. This shouldn't even need line of sight or anything, just make the check as part of the summon process. Making pets equal to your level seems like it would be easy, even if the pets are still relatively weaker. Maybe increasing the recharge time of the summoning power would balance this. (Pets die less easily, but if they do die the power has a greater chance of being on cool-down.)
  21. From the wiki: "This command only works if the game client is in Windowed mode/screen. To set the maximum FPS for Fullscreen mode, use the Refresh Rate slider in Options--> Graphics and Audio--> Graphics." So it looks like the /maxfps command doesn't quite do what the OP wanted, and we do have an option for that already in the UI.
  22. I think most groups are actually based on Origin. So Hellions are Natural plus some Magic. Skulls are the same, they just happen to specialized in Black Magic rather than Demons / Hell. (I also think there's an aspect of "re-use whatever power-sets we already have made up.") Clockworks (primal) look like they're Technology but they're actually Mutant (Psychic). Crey is Science. Sky Raiders are Technology. Etc. "Ice" tends to be magic (Circle of Thorns) or Science (Crey) or Mutant (Outcast) or whatever origin fits with what the devs wanted to do. I don't think it's a group by itself, it fits into other groups (the Origins) as needed.
  23. If the devs can't "fix" Super Strength, I wonder if the could give us a different version of SS that works differently, and just let players choose which they want. Same basic animations and progression, just with the differences that some players are asking for. (So, probably "fix" Rage somehow.) Dunno if that's cool but folks seem to like new sets in general, a new SS set would give folks something new to play with. They could call it Super Duper Strength.
  24. I support this, I think it's actually a great idea now that Gabrilend pointed it out. I think the only thing is that sometimes you really want that camera movement orientation (maneuvering in tight caves with flight I think is one of them) so a quick key-bind to switch between the two would be appreciated.
  25. Nerva: Even More Giant Hydra Head Nerva needs a GM that's roughly equivalent in complexity and rewards to Lusca. A really really big hydra head complete with eight tentacles. Should spawn around the north end of Nerva and wander about. Basically a big fight that's like Lusca, but for villains. (Before issue 8, Lusca could spawn up to three times in IP. It would be cool to have up to three of these wandering around Nerva.)
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