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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. With all the costumes in the Halloween event, I thought adding a free costume change that players could purchase with Halloween event salvage would be appropriate. Get in the spirit of the season by changing your costume for free! Also I power leveled up a new toon on ToT and realized the costume change fees to fill out her costumes would break me, so it's practical too.
  2. Are there any water giant monsters in the Rogue's Isles? I think it would be cool to have this thing patrolling around Nerva. Make it's mouth and head more shark-like, and connect it's backstory to Mako. Redside needs new stuff too.
  3. I'd like to see this fixed too, but it might be hard. One question is "how much other stuff do you want to break?" If you just stop drawing objects that are obscured by other objects, then when your character's hand is in front of the character, you won't see it as it passes in front ("in front" assumes your camera is behind the character, that is when your hand in front of your character, it's behind the character from the point of view of a camera that is behind the character). This is how 3D drawing normally works. When objects behind other objects are hidden by the object in front. But when transparency is involved that goes out the window. You'd have to draw each "part" of a character that might cross in front of another part into a separate buffer, then copy that buffer with a different drawing mode onto the screen. I think we could do that for most of the character's parts, but I think the legs are one single part and you'd have to figure out a way to draw each leg separately (and "leg" means all costume parts that go between the waist and the boots). I think you'd also have to cull polygons that are facing away from the camera (which is also not being done currently for transparent objects). And there might be visible seams in a character this way if the polygons don't match perfectly. OTOH if some graphical weirdness is OK then this could be a cheap fix, just draw transparent characters with GL_DEPTH_TEST set to GL_LEQUAL (I think less than or equal means "in front," didn't double check that). You'll seen hands and legs, maybe weapons, disappear when they are "behind" a transparent character, but you won't see inside of your clothing anymore either.
  4. I think I'd pick one option, and make it universal. Null is the superior solution so I can just shut steamy mist off, but power customization should allow you to choose how your powers look, including on others. That's how it is on all other powers right now -- choosing your AoE Shadow Fall affects the look of all players and it depends on your choice. Another option I'd like to see is a 50% fade, and / or a fade but with an outline. I'd like to see when I'm invisible, but the near 100% invisibility is a pain to deal with a lot of the time. I'd like to see a "only SFX in combat" option, so that I'm visible most of the time, but I fade out when I'm in combat so I remember that I've got that power active. This saves me from having to turn on and off the power manually. Also the "outline" option can be a gentle fade towards the center, it doesn't have to be a hard outline, I just want to see that the power is active but also where the heck I am on the screen. Other options: fade or fade 50%, and blend all colors on your character with one other color. Blend with white = ghost. Blend with black = shadow. There might be other options for other character types, and it saves a costume slot and a macro. I'd also like an option to add an aura, again just so I can see my character, but still be 50% faded or 100%, so I can see the character location with the aura. Any aura will do, even just a re-used one from the Leadership pool. In other words the aura is just another way of putting a kind of outline around the character, is how I'd like to look. OK that was a lot. Won't take any time to implement, right? 😉
  5. Hmm, no. Not squishy enough. I need more Vengeance bait.
  6. I have an Atomic Armor brute and a Bio Armor something, Stalker I think. Atomic Armor is OK for the first couple of powers but each armor power has it's own, separate effect, and stacking them all up is kind of killing the set. An option for all powers to share one sfx would be great also. I could do this by picking one power with a regular SFX and then set the rest to minimal, but I thought I'd point out a different option. Being able to pick one sfx for the whole powerset would be pretty cool imo. For Bio the additional geometry on the character is also kind of a pain. Any "minimal sfx" option should also remove the geometry.
  7. That was hilarious and also really well done. Hats off to anyone willing to give a (does calculus) 19 year old game a shot for the first time.
  8. Shutting off powers that need no animations, like defensive powers or Invisibility (which I guess is Stealth now), is a huge bummer though. Allowing these to remain active would be really sweet. (Yes I know many defensive powers have an animation when they activate. They don't really need it though.)
  9. It would be nice if the Prestige (?) flight powers like Rocket Board didn't shut off all of your own powers. I think the idea behind that is to make them not as good as the in game power Flight. With Homecoming giving those away for free I don't there's a good reason to make them do that, "P2W" really isn't a thing anymore. Or find some other way to make them not as good as Flight (like maybe reduce their speed to be about 10% less than Flight). Shutting off all of your powers is super annoying, really disproportionately so. I can also get behind the OP's request, a model-less temp power would be fine. I wonder if a SFX would be OK (I'd like some SFX) or if the OP wants the power to not have any SFX too.
  10. I like it. I'd also like "something different" than tips because we have those already. I was thinking something like "clues" like you get in the Midnighter base, click on a plaque and it gives you the text and a clue in your Clue window where the other(s) are found. Just for something different.
  11. Maybe make is so Red side can visit but can't team? So a no-fighting zone but not co-op? Vig and Rogue can team with anyone though. I like the idea of adding more contacts. So.. You're a hard working villain who wants some time off. Great! We have this nice little vacation get away, and ... oops, the Babylon in St. Martial is all booked up. Hey, how about a nice time in Paris, France, we can get plane tickets and ... oh, interpol picked your name out. Sorry that's a no-go. Hmm, there IS this little resort in a rural town north of Paragon that's been advertising a lot, seems a bit run down, but the prices are good! So what do you say to a nice relaxing vacation in the country side? So you arrive in Croatoa, tuckered out and looking for a rest, hey what's the worst that could happen?
  12. *looks at thread title* brb, altitis kicking in, I need to quickly create a team of five multi-colored cone rangers.
  13. I'll agree with this as well. The problem isn't that the gravity geysers aren't a cool idea, it's that they just don't work right mechanically too much of the time. If they could be made to work, 100% of the time for everybody (or roughly 99.9% of the time, at least) then fine keep them. Otherwise some other more reliable mechanic should be used. I'm not sure what the geysers could be turned into. Maybe not use travel powers at all but instead just put the player "on a rail" and move them to the spot, at speed and you have zero control over your character during that time. At least it would work, even if it's a bit less interesting. Some camera control during that flight would be cool too, so you kind of get a cut-scene of yourself being blasted across the dimension.
  14. Oh, so they added gatcha DLC?
  15. Love this idea, but I think you'd have to change most of the in-door geometry to get this to work. Imagine being Giant Man inside a blue cave map or one of the really restrictive office maps. Not to mention like every Council map ever. It be nice but I think the amount of extra work is probably too much.
  16. I basically agree with this, but I'll go one further. It would be nice to have team members get credit for completing a mission automatically, without them having to do anything. There's a lot of missions where you get special rewards or badges, but only if you are holding the mission. These would be much nicer if the whole team (which did do the mission after all) would get credit the same. This should be automatic in most cases without having to do anything at all. This would solve both Stephanie Peebles random missions as well as many more missions in game which require the person to be holding the same mission. Overall the game would be better for this change imo. It would at least partly eliminate the need to go back to Ouro to do old missions. Instead you could just team with someone doing the mission. (The current design, I think, reflects a need to extend game play as long as possible by putting the player through as much "busy-work" as possible, including limiting which missions count. No longer needed, and at least a little pernicious now that XP gain is much faster.) I think the only exception might be if you're too low level to get the mission. But maybe not even then. It would be cool if contacts "remembered" you and acted as if you did their missions already, assuming you did in fact do them, even though you were team with a mentor at the time.
  17. Was actually coming here to suggest this. How about some of the giant monsters from around CoH and CoV? Giant sized Jack in Irons or Eochai, Babbage, War Walker, etc. Outdoor zones only I think, otherwise not really safe to use. Just flat-out "my costume but I'm 25' tall" is of course an excellent suggestion by itself.
  18. Or just replacing some of the fields that we don't really need in that dialog (like origin, does anyone actually look at that?) with a short text message explaining their current status. Text also has the advantage that it works for color blind people. Besides "general status" it would also be good to add an explicit column for "They can invite" and "You can invite" with a green check or red X so that those statuses are crystal clear. You could also add a color key to the bottom of the dialog so you could just refer to the color guide every time the dialog is open.
  19. Yes, please. Can this get looked at already? The other windows work this way, why just the Insp window?
  20. Councilman Camden: They're madmen! Mad cyborgs. Madborgs. I'm just glad to be out of here! Freak Gunner: Meat freedom!
  21. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the old prompts to go see contacts in The Hollows when you reach the appropriate level. Heck the pop-up to see Twinshot could be replaced entirely, I don't think anyone will miss that arc.
  22. Logged in briefly and ran into these two issues. 1. Pets are killed during level changes, such as switching leaders on a team, or joining or leaving a team. This is super annoying when "pets" includes a base portal you just summoned, or an Ouroboros portal. I'd really like to see these two objects marked as "pets that don't need killing on a level change" or whatever so they don't despawn the second your leader quits the team. 2. I have MM pets and those are teleported instantly if someone uses ATT. MM pets shouldn't TP unless you have a chance to confirm in the team TP dialog (and yes I set up "prompt for team teleport" by default for all characters).
  23. Not sure if this is true. I've seen ambushes follow a player into city hall in Atlas fairly recently.
  24. I'm not sure if this is "small" but having female NPCs skirts not disappear at 20 meters away would be nice. Thinking of you P2W. More hats. We have some bows for hair pieces now that just kind float behind the character's head, would be nice to get a few hats cocked jauntily in the same position, so they work with any hair style (or at least most hair styles anyway). They could work like sunglasses do, with a "low" and "high" position for different hair styles.
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