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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I remember giving this set a go on live as a Necro/Poison MM, and it sucked bad. I haven't played it recently, but I'll toss some ideas around. I think the heal is OKish and needs smaller tweaks. Think O2 boost. What I would do is leave the long cast time, but improve the healing. I would keep the current healing per second number, but increase the recharge time and boost the healing in proportion. Then you have a situation that decreasing the recharge would actually make a difference. Right now the recharge time is so short and the heal itself so weak that slotting for either doesn't matter. Increase both (maybe even increase recharge to 36 seconds and increase the heal by 3) and you'd have something that could be buffed up with slotting really easily. I totally agree that radius on Envenom and Weaken are far too small. Compared to say Darkest Night (25 ft.) or Irradiate (20 ft. and a defender *secondary*), the 8 ft is a joke. Please please increase this. The radius could be double to 16 ft. without even thinking about it and I'm sure even more would not be OP. I think I'd advocate to change the cone Neurotoxic Breath to have a small heal over time effect if it hits a friendly (keep its debuff on enemies though). Similar to the cone in Nature Affinity. It would need to be able to target both friends and enemies if this change gets made. And I'd like to add a buff to Anitdote, where if you hit a target with this and then within say about 10 seconds or so, you hit them with Alkaloid (the heal), the heal gets a buff and does like 1.5 times or 2 times the healing. You'd have to adjust carefully the recharge time for Antidote for this to not be OP though. Just my two Inf. Keep on rocking in Paragon City.
  2. Yeah I would put all options into both lists, then just leave it up to the person picking what works for them. It's really a decent idea. Maybe implement the UI with one of those breakable circle things like they added to the arms and legs for the asymmetrical option. Rather than "asymmetrical" you'd just get a second pick.
  3. I'll ❤️ this and also add it might be nice to have a "global" calendar that performs the same function as the MOTD. Do the devs want let the player base know about up coming events? Just drop them on the global calendar. But calendars associated with Super Groups and Coalitions might be cool. It might be nice to have more than one calendar too. Like some groups seem to run public events often, maybe they'd like to publish a global calendar of their mother ship raids? But they might like to have a more personal private calendar for their group members too. Also, who knew that "less than three" would actually auto transform into a heart emoji?
  4. Oh, and the terminology is confusing here. IOs != IO Sets. At least that's how I use the term. Yes I don't really look at IO Sets until at least level 40. (The exception is certain unique IOs that provide a global bonus, but as you say that's more advanced.) I'm talking about the regular generic crafted IOs that are just a better replacement for SOs. New folks should take the tutorial in the university and then money permitting just replace any existing SOs with the same thing. Also check the auction house for generic crafted IOs that might be got cheap.
  5. Agree with this! As a first character with no other sources of funding, IOs are quite expensive. They are definitely money sinks. But I disagree with this. Regular enhancements will stop working quickly as you level up, and they'll need to be replaced. I find this very tedious. Like, I totally hate it. I would slot IOs until you run out of money and slot regular enhancements as they drop, selling anything you can't use. Only buy regular enhancements when you are desperate for a particular power to work better, and you need it right now. Since Invention Origin enhancements never expire, they'll never go bad on you and you'll eventually be ahead of the game. You might need until level 30 or 35 until this happens and you really see the difference though.
  6. Got another one for some decent "hard" content: Ghosts from Circle of Thorns. The spectral demon lords have a huge Dark debuff that will render melee ineffective. My first villain however was Bots/FF and I never had a problem with them. The kockback keeps them out of melee range and the energy damage makes short work of spectral types in general. Boy did my Blood Widow hate those things though. Suddenly I understood why everyone complained about them.
  7. These are excellent suggestions and I approve of these ideas. Yes, by all means let's avoid clown suits and maple syrup. That's just lazy design. Mucking about with the AI sounds like a much better way to add difficulty than cat herding battles. Also, yes phasing mobs are bad, so get rid of that (unless maybe you can hit them somehow and they have a power that works while they're phased?). And I agree that people just prefer to steamroll groups like Sky Raiders and Nemesis so those need a bit of work too.
  8. I agree with this, mostly, but I also think there should be some bonus for being an incarnate while doing lower level content. Like if you're an incarnate helping out a team of 20-somethings, I think you should get some bonus. Just maybe not quite as much as now. One idea I have is to basically allow all your IO set bonuses but scale them down by some percent as you Exp down in level. That way there's some bonus, and also it doesn't have a rather frustrating cut-off where things just stop working and it's like you're not slotted at all (OTOH, Attuned Enh. might be too powerful as they keep working at 100% all the time). But on your list of zones and TFs, I think I would add Ouroboros. It has options to control powers while on a mish already, and also it might be nice to go back in time with no limits and show some old villain what being punched by a real incarnate is like. This might include all the old TFs as well, esp if people had trouble with them.
  9. The game feels too easy to me overall. Even at lower levels. To be fair, I think part of that is we have all very experienced players who know exactly how to build characters, but still. I was running some level 20ish content with a team of randos, and we steamrolled over everything in the arc. I forgot to ask if anyone wanted the difficulty increased, folks seemed happy with it, but still there was almost no challenge. Same thing happened on another group for someone who wanted help with Frostfire in Hollows. I remember this mission being SO HARD when it first came out on live. Like multiple team wipes hard. Granted again we were all buffed to the nines, with DFB buffs and the newer SOs from DFB and probably some twinks with IOs. And we were also higher level, all of us were around 12 or higher (leader was 13), so we had way more powers (Frosty used to happen around level 5-6? iirc). But still, Frosty went down in about three hits, and his gang didn't pose any sort of threat. My personal idea is to make the game harder, but only on certain servers so folks have a choice (and maybe get to try it out without having to have their current characters changed by any new rules). So make a new server Hardcase (or whatever name you like) and mess with the difficulty until it feels more "right," more challenge for people.
  10. There are Help and LFG (Looking For Group) channels in game, and people are generally helpful. You can type /help or /lfg to send messages to those channels. Just above the chat box where you type (but below the two default windows where the chat appears) are some tiny buttons. You click on these to set your default channel. The last button in that group is "A" and will set your chat default to whatever window you clicked on last. This is handy when having multiple conversations. Those chat windows are editable. You can right click on a window and pick "Edit Tab" and add and remove channels. I like to remove Help and LFG from the first tab (Global) and leave them on the second one ("Help"). This way I leave that first tab for team and league chat, and the second tab gets devoted to the more social stuff. The numbers 1 through 4 at the top of that window allow you to make totally custom chat windows. The button in the upper left allows you to detach them and move them anywhere on your screen. You can click on peoples' names in chat (left click, not right click) and get a pop up menu, where you can send someone a private message (useful when LFG says "we want more players, pst" (=please send tell)) so you don't have to try to spell their name correctly. You can also get their global name, add them as friend, add them to your team or league, or add a note about them. The notes are stored permanently and tied to their global name, so if they are playing a different character you'll still see that there's a note about them when you mouse over their character (to see this easily you should give the person 1 to 5 stars, which will appear when you mouse over their character). And finally bases used to be expensive and hard to get, but now they're totally free. You can set up a base anytime you like (I think, there might be a restriction on characters that are very very low level), and play around and set any of the teleporters or special characters that act like contacts. Most servers have public bases that anyone can use. Click on the base portal and pick "Enter Code". For the Everlasting server Zone-8888 is well known and a pretty good one.
  11. I tend to want to think it over, and I also want to see how my character looks actually in game and while using powers. These will affect my decisions how exactly to adjust the costume. So I like to wait and do it in game. Typically what I do is create a few alts, then just kinda fart around with them until I feel happy with them, then I decide which one to start leveling more seriously.
  12. Before level 22, you can look on the auction house for cheap IOs. Try to pay less than 1000 inf for IOs, but for low level IOs people will craft them for badges and then dump them at a loss on the auction house, so you can check out prices there and see if there's anything you might want (and can afford). The lowest crafted enhancement is level 10, so you can start looking around then.
  13. Maybe, but on a first toon, it might be better to take things more slowly. These are XP modifiers, yes? They'll shut off money and other drops, might not be the best idea for someone who doesn't have a rich level 50 alt to fund them.
  14. This reminds me: at level 1, you now have access to 5 new costume slots. These are FREE to change until level 10. Your first job should probably be to customize these costumes so you can look totally cool while you team with people. Run one DFB (the quick way to level up mentioned above) if you like, but get quickly to the Icon store (tailor) or Facemaker (? redside tailor, I forget what they're called) or you'll have to pay for your new costumes. Also capes are available at level 1, and check out the new wings, back items like quivers and backpacks, and auras and path auras.
  15. This is good info but probably WAY more detailed and advanced than someone who is new needs to know. Not sure what the take-away is here. Maybe: There are new Enhancements in the game, that are better (but also much more expensive) than the regular Dual Origin or Single Origin that are now the old enhancements. Go to a university around level 15 and you'll get the tutorial, it's worth it to get a free Enhancement.
  16. You can basically say the same for all power sets. I'd like my Defender's /Ice to be much darker ("black ice"), it currently only supports a "light" colored SFX, but also a more minimal SFX would be great. And Atomic Armor needs more minimal ism. Like all of it. But maybe also colors that allow me to turn down the SFX much more, some powers are still just overbearing no matter what you do.
  17. I like both of these ideas. Although I think the problem with "raising the dead" is that you'd need "dead" models of each enemy in the game, and that could be a lot of work. Fun concept though.
  18. Donald, where is your trousers? Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low Through the streets in my kilt I'll go All the lassies say "Hello, Donald where's your trousers?"
  19. Still the same issue: started DFB with leader who was level 1. I was about level 6.9. Got Double XP boost and still only gained 3 levels, final level about 9.5. Feels way less than it used to be, and less than originally intended.
  20. I think I ran into a bug last night on Everlasting. Did a DFB with (iirc) seven people, and the leader was around level 12. I was level 5 going in, or level 4.9. After the mission was complete, I was barely level 6, like about 6.1. This doesn't seem like enough / normal XP for a DFB mission at level 5. Bug or did DFB get a nerf?
  21. Having some sort of additional constraints on switching isn't a bad idea. Like at most one power switch per real time week or month wouldn't be terrible. I'm not really strongly advocating for this, but I'm not advocating against it either. It seems like something that could go on the pile of "nice to have" ideas and then see if anyone gets the time to implement it.
  22. Baloney. Here's a link to an old setting for the game, San Angelo. It's a city setting for gaming, based on the state capital here in California. Note the subtitle. (And no this isn't the only instance, just one of them.) Hmm, trying to insert images goes weird on me. I guess you'll have to click: https://imgur.com/wQYhjYR
  23. This is actually in a way already built into the game. Invulnerability, for example, has a Psi hole. You pick your weakness when you pick your sets. Of course IO sets have removed this from the game to a great degree. This has been de-emphasized in later sets in the game because players don't actually enjoy having a weakness. Willpower for example basically doesn't have an weak points. If you want no weaknesses pick that. This all goes back to the original pencil and paper superhero game, Champions, which frankly Jack cribbed more than a little from when making CoH. The game had characters with stats like Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc. If you were super strong and had lots of physical defenses, you often didn't have the points to also increase your mental defenses. Being invulnerable meant you had to let something else go. That's just the way the game worked.
  24. Considering how quick and inconsequential leveling is right now, I don't really have a problem with it. The AE makes it almost trivial to level if you really want, so why not dispense with the formality. If folks just want to swap sets, let them. If this were a "real" game with more investment required to level, I can see how it might cause resentment. But under the current rules it doesn't seem like a big deal. As an advantage there might be more names available if people were swapping powers on their current favorite toon instead of rolling every combination available. Some thoughts how it might work: 1. Mulligan. You roll up a new toon and it just doesn't work for you. Below level 21 you can swap for free and try new ideas out. 2. #1 Limited. As #1 above but you can only do this once or twice with a given toon. Would require people to think a little before making a choice. 3. Repec. Add a new token for a repec that allows changing power sets. These are relatively hard to get, requiring some longish quest or similar. (Would this make the Shadow Shard actually relevant?!) 4. P2W. As #3 above, but the tokens are also available at the P2W vendor for a non-trivial amount. Something like 100 million Inf and 500 Merits might be a suitable investment.
  25. I'd like to keep the alignments too, it's the teaming restrictions I dislike. Stuff that will drop from a team you in the middle of a mission or task force. Sorry if I was unclear about that. Yes as a consequence I think zone restrictions would have to go away, but that's OK for most folks, I think. And yes, I understand that this is probably a low priority task for the devs, but it's also one I find really annoying. Hopefully it'll get on the list of stuff to do.
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