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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I'd like to keep the alignments too, it's the teaming restrictions I dislike. Stuff that will drop from a team you in the middle of a mission or task force. Sorry if I was unclear about that. Yes as a consequence I think zone restrictions would have to go away, but that's OK for most folks, I think. And yes, I understand that this is probably a low priority task for the devs, but it's also one I find really annoying. Hopefully it'll get on the list of stuff to do.
  2. I play a Rogue a lot for role play reasons, but the code still kinda sucks for Rogues. There's all sort of places where going to a zone or your base will drop you from a team or task force, and it's a pain, and not always obvious what action will cause you to drop. I'd eliminate most of the rogue/vigilante code from the game. Just make everyone the same as far as teaming and zones go. The current design is tedious and not fun. Otherwise, I agree with your points. The Homecoming devs are doing a great job, but it might be best to ask for help for reasonably encapsulated tasks, such as improving the UI. Having a couple of folks dedicated to just UI improvements would help a lot. But in the meantime droping Null the Gull in most zones would help a lot. In fact, I think most of the trainers in all zones could use a sidekick standing next to them. A masked, caped, Gull sidekick.
  3. Right, I mentioned that in my post. I just didn't speculate on any solutions. Basically for powers with multiple effects we'd have to come up with something, but I think the details could be worked out later. It's a solvable problem. The big deal is getting consensus that something like this would be a good thing, getting player buy-in, and getting the engineering time to actually do it.
  4. Basically this. I've had the same idea in my head for a while: Enhancements as fun game mechanic are a dud and pretty much always were. (They were probably more OK when the game first came out, because optimizing your build was worth it due to slower leveling speed.) I think game is going in the right direction, but it could go further. All TOs and DOs should be replaced by SOs, and SOs should work at low levels pretty much like you have now. In addition, SOs should work for a much broader range of levels. I'd make them work at any level, but maybe at half effectiveness outside of a +- 5 level range (instead of being complete duds after a +- 3 level range as they are now.) In addition, I'd replace everything out side of Acc, EndRdx, Rrchg, and Range with "Power." So all damage, heal, hold, sleep, slow, etc. all those Enh that you get that you never can use because you don't have the right power, those all go away, and you just get Power Enh now. Power goes in any power, and enhances the ability of that power. So in a Damage power they enhance Damage, in a Hold they enhance hold time, in a Heal it enhances health gained, etc. A bit of work would have to be done for power that have multiple effects, but I think it's doable to work that out. This would eliminate a lot (I think all) of the useless drops and make the game more fun and less about managing your inventory too.
  5. Actually, "ditto." It looks rather weird and unsettling to have Mastermind pets just die en masse whenever a mastermind zones or enters a mission. Fade out or better yet follow the MM into the mish door would be better.
  6. I think the hold up right now is agreements with NC Soft. Probably the devs can't open the door too much to customization because it might piss off NC Soft. So we have to wait to find out kind of agreement will be made with them (hopefully one that allows lots of people to contribute and add cool stuff to the game). It sucks to have to wait but licensing issues and IP are a big deal, so it makes sense that they need to make sure all the legal bases are covered.
  7. I haven't played with this extensively, but if you have enough -Perception on you (Invisibility, Hide, Mask Presence, etc.) you can often get the other mobs to ignore you while you single pull enemies from their group. I can do with with my Night Widow (Mask Presence) but I don't rely on it much so I don't have much experience with it. Certainly sometimes I'll pop one mob and it seems to pull the whole group, regardless. I don't do it much though because Night Widows tend to be more of the "just wade in and kill them all" mentality rather than rely on single pulls. The other way of getting single pulls is of course Teleport Foe. Just zap them so they appear next to you and vola, single pull. Of course it is possible to aggro an entire group this way so it's not 100% reliable.
  8. I think however they got rid of that little bug/exploit.
  9. I also have a lot of trouble getting the capes just right on my characters. Often I skip it. But this thread needs example pics of what's be requested, I'm not sure I understand exactly what everyone is referring to.
  10. I like the idea, but the Oni's actual powers are very magic oriented, so stuff like Rain of Fire and Fire Breath and Char etc. would need some sort of alternative animation at least, if not a full replacement power. Unless your Shogun is magical, it kinda doesn't work. I think we all could go on for days about what we'd like to see as alternative MM powers or looks. Zombies that were more "Shawn of the Dead" than "DnD Necromancer" would be great. I think some undead from different cultures and ethnicities would be great. In the end though I think we need that agreement from NC Soft and some more folks to join the team to get something as complicated as MM pet customization. Ninjas -- There's a "Warrior" costume in the costume creator that I think would make a pretty good base for some east asian style ninjas, they could be basically the same as the current ninjas but with a different look. I'd also like to see something that looks like Crey, secret agents for a modern look. And the Syndicate from Praetoria could also be a good look for a modern ninja. Undead - asian hopping vampires (which are more like our zombies or ghouls), Japanese ghost women, etc. would make some cool undead. Something more ghostly maybe. Shawn of the dead 'modern undead' would be cool too. Maybe steampunk style frankenstein undead would be good too. I'm trying to fit other themes besides just "magic" there, something for more character looks and backgrounds. I need a sci-fi space theme, something undead but high tech. Also in general should consider more women in the game, female minions and NPCs are always a plus. The "default is male" just doesn't work anymore.
  11. Welcome home! Say howdy on whatever server forum you settle in on.
  12. Yup like this idea. While I also "routinely" move stacks of salvage from character storage into the AH, the UI is fussy and a PITA. Add a "shift-click" to skip the "How Many?" dialog box and just grab a stack of 10 items would help a lot. I'd also like to see "control-click" to skip the dialog box and just grab one item. Both of those would help a lot.
  13. This is good. Actually any kind of vehicle (motorcycle, jet, helicopter, fancy fast car, etc.) Though we do have hover boards. Swing lines are missing. Both "organic" style of lines, as well as wrist grapples and grapple guns. Running up buildings is also a fun idea, as is the idea of "wall crawling" up buildings too.
  14. This is actually part of the issue for me. It really wouldn't be fair to let some MM's customize and tell the others "too bad." At minimum at plan should be in the works for all MMs. I think also it might be tedious to require using the full character creator for customization. Fewer options also means you can click through the menus faster. There's also a "risk" of developer time. 200 hours to 500 hours spent on customizing MM pets that could be spend on all sort of things: new power sets, additional customization for powers, new content, etc. Where to spend developer time? How many players benefit from MM customization vs. adding new content? Stuff like this only falls into the "just do it" bin if you have unlimited developer resources, otherwise one must always prioritize.
  15. I'd also add that it might be useful to allow MM pets to pass through each other. Might be a pain in the AI, since you'd really want them to pass through only when moving but when standing still they should have collision detection turned, which could be a bugger to program, but I've noticed that a big reason pets are blocking people is because they themselves are stuck on one pet blocking the whole works.
  16. Good stuff. I will endeavor to be as cool as possible. And I'm hoping that opening up CoX for developers "later in the year" means something good.
  17. The problem with this is that Bots/FF is already tanky AF, so adding anything more in short of Incarnate power is going to make it OP (probably). I would just go with make Repair into a much better robot only heal (or make it the same as Aid Other and it works on everyone) and not add anything else. (OK maybe add a small amount of Mez / CC protection or something small like that.)
  18. I wouldn't mind this, but I think prices for nearly everything should be reduced by 95% to 99%. Also "supergroup mode" should go away and everyone should just get prestige all the time, along with full XP and Inf. Considering our much lower populations, I think that's a reasonable compromise to add just a bit of challenge to bases while also making things reasonable on most players.
  19. Even if something takes 30 seconds to code, there's still testing to do, including testing behind the scenes that we never see that happens before it winds up on the test server. It's a reasonable request, but like most things it'll need to be up to the devs when they feel they can squeeze it in. I suspect placing multiple NPCs in player zones will take more than 30 seconds though.
  20. I think however it is still way too rewarding for just one arc, about five or six missions. I gained close to four levels -- from level 15 to level 19, in just that one arc. I can turn off XP for myself but it gets fiddly and I can easily forget or forget the level of other content. A more sedate pace I think would be better.
  21. I'm saying it's too easy, including normal leveling. One of the biggest issues is XP gain. Doing a simple arc is enough to push me out of the level range of all of its following contacts. XP gain for a "real" server needs to go down. If people desire higher XP gain rates the P2W vendor can increase XP gain. (Example starting Jim Temblor's arc at level 15 I *almost* out leveled Penelope Yin's arc immediately after his. Did his arc with 5 people total on normal difficulty. That's too much. (I probably had the weekday playing bonus and possibly patrol XP bonus on top of that.)). Also the default difficulty is too easy. It needs to go up; not much but a bit. Running on increased difficulty should scale up as well to match. I'm not sure exactly how much but something like 10% increase in enemy HP across the board and 10% increase in enemy damage (but not To-Hit, and not to Mag of effects or Recharge or Range or anything else.) Somewhere around there so +0 is a little harder and +4 is actually hard would be about right. If the content continues to be easy to incarnates that's fine, I'm just talking about normal play.
  22. I think you're missing the point of "Suggestions & Feedback."
  23. I'll add a "yes please" to this as well. In game email works but "cumbersome" is a bit of an understatement. Making the Vault account wide -- not server wide like a base but *account* wide so you can access it from other servers -- would be really helpful. That said I know developer time is precious right now, so I'm not expecting it soon. Hopefully the business with NC Soft gets finalized and Homecoming can turn their attention to getting some more folks onboard to help.
  24. Is there a bank in Skyway? Could be a bank robbery mish.
  25. OK I'm going by memory here but I thought Demons were NOT one of the MM sets to be marked as "ranged only." So this sounds buggish, at least if I understand what you are saying. Hmm, I *think* you're saying that MM pets used to move into melee range if they had been ordered to "goto" a location, and now they do not, correct? So you'd like non-"ranged only" pets (or demons at least, I guess) to be able to move to melee ranged after a "goto"?
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