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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I've been noticing this on my current MM and it's a pain. By default my run speed is tons faster now, and it's very easy to leave the pets behind (where pets == pretty much all my powers). I'd suggest either the pets get a permanent speed boost, or some new AI code that says any time they're trying to catch up to the MM (as opposed to fighting enemies or just standing around), they get a speed boost equal to Swift plus Ninja Run or so. Ninjas, of course, should actually get and use Ninja Run when they're trying to catch up. I mean, what else? P.S. Other pets should probably get speed boosts too. My Force Field generator for example is too slow also. Sorry to be a pain but it kinda needs to happen.
  2. Yeah, like this. Also I wish ALL contacts would give me their phone number right away. Maybe even before I talk to them the first time, like when I get "introduced" to a contact by another contact, I should get their digits. (Also would like to see an option for /em cell to be used whenever I'm "talking" to the contact over the phone.)
  3. Since this is a wish list, I'll add that I don't like how level scaling kills my pets every time I change level due to joining a group or having the leader change or the mission level (like on a TF with a max level) change. It's a PITA to constantly resummon my pets, and I object to it too for role play reasons. 1. Have pets use the auto scaling code that some enemies have so they automatically adjust their attacks and other abilities to what ever level they should be playing at. I realize this may be more complicated for pets than regular enemies, but that's my wish. 2. Pets should keep buffs like T1 and T2 upgrades, they just don't get any of those abilities when they're leveled too low to use them. (Need to discuss whether the +5 level thing should apply to pets too.) When they level back up, the buffs are already there and they just start using those powers again.
  4. I initially read the title as Suggestion: Add KB to Tactics and about sprayed my lunch on the keyboard.
  5. Lots of MM ideas are floating around. I played a MM to 50 live and I'm leveling a different one now for fun, and I'm remembering a lot of the issues that MMs have for customization. For starters, each MM model is actually three models. You need the base model for before they are upgraded. You need a model for the tier 1 upgrade and one for the tier 2 upgrade. If those models are not "compatible" somehow, then you'll need to have a fourth model with the proper look for both upgrades. Likewise, if you're adding new models, you may need new sound effects for each one. On top of that, some MMs may have additional requirements. Thugs spawn with a random model out of a set of three or so possible. This adds to the verisimilitude of actually having a gang that you call up random members from. Then there's gang war which might need its own set of random models. Etc. Each one is a small detail but it adds up. I'll add: Robots: there are enough "robot" parts in the character creator to make a couple of decent themed sets for another robot set or two. Beasts: likewise there's enough animals as pets and travel powers now (coyote, liger, puma, lion, dark wolf, etc.) where you could probably get one or two additional looks for Beasts without a ton of trouble. Ninjas: these could be spiffed up with some of the "warrior" themed costume parts for a new look. These would all be great to do, but it's going to be a hefty amount of work to get something "simple" done for all the MM sets! (Also Thugs totally needs a "pirate" themed set.)
  6. Just kind of thinking out loud, the devs already have changes on test for improving the Enhancement drops, such that TOs and DOs are completely superseded. Add a drop to the completion of every mission in an arc of a new Enh of the appropriate type. That would help and save some money too. I know one reason I like DFB is it drops low level SOs, which helps new builds immensely.
  7. This is how I feel. Most of both the Patron Pools and Epic pools don't really feel worth it in my opinion. Back on live before Going Rogue I picked Scorpion because of the Shield and the AOE Web grenade, but that was kind of the least bad option. It worked well enough with my other powers to make it useful, but it was kinda meh overall. It also did not feel terribly thematic with my character, I just took it for the mechanics. I'd run out of better options for powers, as opposed to be really excited to see a big increase in power. That's a problem, imo. I think making Patron Pools more powerful would be problematic with IO Sets and Incarnate powers now in the game, but I also don't like the way Patron powers are kind of held out to be the big goal for characters and then you get there and it's all "meh." But unfortunately I don't know what to do instead. As I'm typing this, I'm thinking that I really don't like any of Lord Recluse's lieutenants as patrons, and most of my Redside characters are more free spirits who would not accept someone in a "patron" roll at all. (Unless it's a Patreon, and involves free money. Then we can talk.) Some other themes and other ways of gaining late game powers would be appreciated. Both partnering with other groups and acquiring power entirely on one's own I think would be helpful. Themes of personal power (beating the heck out of some group), scientific knowledge or skill (discover/make it yourself), great sacrifice (magical binding that put your own soul in danger); stuff like that might fit some additional character concepts. Epics feel the same way to me, but that isn't the subject here.
  8. I want to add another "yes please" to this request.
  9. Oh yeah, Caltrops: The "Fear" associated with Caltrops is bugged, imo. The AI just does crazy stuff when caltrops are out. So much that I won't use this power on teams. Pls fix the AI.
  10. Playing a Traps MM right now, just for giggles. I have to say, even with mid range generic IOs the set is SLOW AS SNOT. Triage Beacon lasts a good long while but it recharges so slowly it's never up. Plus the fact that the beacon itself lasts so long isn't helpful. I can kill three groups while that thing is still going (and still recharging). This means that it's frequently running on some other part of the map while I've moved on, basically doing nothing. Halve the time it lasts, double the healing, half the recharge time. That would be a start. The other thing about Traps is that it's a real endurance pig. Like seriously, to excess. The endurance costs of every power probably needs to go down, and by a lot. There's just no reason for a secondary like that to cost so much endurance.
  11. Besides these two animals, I could see some other "transform" movement powers. We have wolves and lions and dark wolves and other animals in game now, would be neat to see a transform power for those too. Also some bird transforms, like an eagle or hawk, for flight powers. Also 😛 for calling these ideas frivolous.
  12. Yes, I don't like to dis the original art team because I'm sure all of the problems are related to not enough time or resources, but poor design is not a "challenge", it's just poor design. It's like a bad UI or controls that are hard to manipulate. There's nothing challenging about it, it just works poorly, full stop. People have gotten inured to some of the poor design in those caves and other places, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't think about fixing them.
  13. Alternate idea: make "Sprint" as fast as Beast Run/ Ninja Run. Make those three powers mutually exclusive so they can't all be run at the same time. More ideas: between path auras and the Power Slide travel power, we almost have a "Matter Surfing" travel power. Like using an ice path as a "travel power", or using a mound of earth or water or leaves or whatever. If those two powers could be combined and given a speed and Endurance cost like Beast Run/Ninja Run, we'd almost have another travel power effect.
  14. This is also cool. Along with "fly pose", could we get a Tailor selection to use either the "cellphone" or "text" emote when calling a contact? Would be easier than setting up macros for each character and would also save me some button space on the screen for those macros.
  15. This is a great idea. I think this is possible to do with macros, but I'm sure it would be a lot easier if there was just a simple menu to select from. Please keep the cost for changing this cheap!
  16. I just wanted to highlight a suggestion I made a while back on this thread: if the caves are replaced, I'd like to see them added to Ouroboros, including the old missions they were intended for. I can understand that people might feel nostalgic for the old maps (heck I might on occasion), I just feel that the maps really should be replaced in normal gameplay if we have the resources and time available to do so.
  17. Hmm, they might be saying "return on investment" instead. If updating maps is really labor intensive, do we want to replace some perfectly serviceable maps with other maps, or do we create all new maps for all new content? That aspect has to be considered as well. Assuming we have the resources, where do we best assign them? Re-creating old content might not be the best use of valuable time and money. OTOH, if we never get the resources to update any maps, then it's all moot regardless. Until there's actually enough money to pays some artists, this is all castles in the air. It's still fun to talk about though.
  18. This is exactly the same idea I've had, although I think you'd need to go at least 50% bigger. Some of those caves are really narrow. (But I wouldn't mind seeing a graphical upgrade as well, like perhaps the upgrading the textures). Thinking about the game design a bit, it would be fun if more of the mobs spoke. That way you could "find" the mobs without having to resort an immersion breaking device like a minimap. Other idea: once the total number of mobs on a map is less than one group, have them all ambush you. That way the last guy in a corner will find you. We could also improve the group code AI so that one guy in a corner is still counted as part of a group, and attacks when their group is attacked. So the mob in a corner doesn't get missed in the first place.
  19. Besides the duration of controls, I think you could also manipulate the AoE radius and the % chance to apply a control. I tried Poison live and the tiny AoEs really suck. For making a set less powerful, tiny AoE works well. And if an AoE power has something like 30% chance of Mag 1 hold, followed by 30% chance of Mag 1 hold, followed by 30% chance of Mag 1 hold, that would make it both powerful in larger groups as well as unreliable enough to not rival the control primaries. Toss in a bit of increased recharge and increased endurance (let me tell you, while "good" Traps is pretty painful too) and I think it would be decent. I personally think Phantom Army is way overpowered. A "manipulation" set that reduces its power would be pretty cool and still pretty viable for its users, I think. Overall, I think a "control" secondary is a fine idea, regardless what it's called, and something that the devs could certainly look into. I trust them to do the right thing when it comes to balance. I wonder what kind of control secondaries people might like? I think a psi melee with mental manipulation might be cool. The secondary could be a mix of manipulation for defense and ways to baffle and confuse the enemy. We don't have any wind control sets (we do have storm). Wind control might make sense as a "soft" control secondary. Water might make sense for a soft control too. Maybe another "devices" type secondary, just with more control powers and a little less toe bombing.
  20. Yeah probably not a first priority but I'm not opposed to the blue caves being retired and replaced (maybe they could stick around in Ouroboros?) The maps are super annoying and really could use both a design and graphical overhaul. That goes for all the Council maps too. But I think too something that should be looked at, probably as a higher priority, is collision detection. I've been watching a lot of GDC (Game Designers' Conference) videos on YouTube lately and there's a fair amount of stuff on collision detection. Part of the job of collision detection in a game is to try to figure out where the player wants to go, and help them go there. That way the player doesn't come to a dead stop or is otherwise hindered just trying to move around because they bumped into some tiny thing. Which kinda sounds familiar. Enhancing CD would benefit all maps, so I think it should be looked at first. After that the collision shapes for various in game geometry. Torches on a wall are the worst.
  21. I'd love to see more work done with hats, which are too simplistic right now. Hats which can be worn with several hair styles (including "bald") would be great.
  22. There's a few things missing from Davey Fiarce's list that I thought would be obvious. For Beasts, vanity pets like Coyotes, German Shepherd, Black Wolf, Liger, Lion, Shadow Hound, and Blackwolf, and maybe the Warwolf as well. With a little creativity you might be able to get two custom MM sets out of that. Or even allow each tier to be customized separately.
  23. That is actually a pretty cool list. If anyone has time I wouldn't mind seeing some ideas how to extend that list using the costume creator. There's a few obvious designs in the costume creator for things like Robots and Ninjas, but I'm often very impressed with how people can come up with cool looking ways to use it in unexpected ways. Some costume creator ideas for Demons, Thugs, Merc, and Necro would be cool too.
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