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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Attack_Mechanics#The_Streak_Breaker That's some very direct questions BTW. Are you a cop?
  2. I think a lot of the trouble people have at low levels is that Brawl and the Origin Attacks completely screw up the Streakbreaker. You'll miss less often if you don't use them.
  3. Like NCSoft cares about American gamers anyway. The last non-CoH title I played by them was Dungeon Runners.
  4. I hit those lab experiments all the time. Can't remember when the last time I got debuffed by one was but they were some pretty hefty debuffs. Like OG Vazihlok Wasting Disease bad.
  5. I'm no where near as good at pumpkin carving as you are @CrudeVileTerror but I did two this year. The first I one I did with my nephew. He drew it and I helped him carve it out. Little scamp made me scoop out all the guts 😆 I also went to a pumpkin carving party with some friends. Mine's the middle one:
  6. I'm sure she's seen superheroes in the media by now so ask her what some of her favorites are and if she'd like to try making a character like them in the game. If she sees something else while she's playing then she can always try that too.
  7. Repeatable mission contacts in the old hazard zones are a great idea. I'd like to see something like a zone event added for the giant Freakshow city in Crey's Folly. It's been begging for it for a long time.
  8. Wonder Woman's not really an Amazon. Fight meh! I don't really know much about the show's Queen Maeve or the Irish Queen Medb to be honest. The show's character doesn't really get much of a backstory into her name or costume and Irish folk history is not one of my strong suits. I could never remember any of the names. 😅
  9. That's Maeve, Queen of Fairies. Or is it Queen of the Sidhe? But yeah basically an Amazon.
  10. The Director's Cut of BvS was marginally better. It had Clark Kent at least being a reporter in it. It was merely a trashcan fire instead of a dumpster fire. Still the worst versions of so many characters ever.
  11. Oh no, JL was bad for reasons of it's own. I mean, Steppenwolf instead of Darkseid? Who decided that? Steppenwolf cannot carry the climax of a film as all of us so obviously saw.
  12. That would be my real guess too. I'm probably going to pass on it until I can watch it for free. Just not a fan of Snyder or the casting so far.
  13. Did I miss Dean Winchester being on the show somehow? Great show though. I especially like the arc with Homelander's son.
  14. Knowing Snyder it's for the extended director's cut of JL. Now with more blue-washed scenes, more red-washed scenes, more 'splosions and less expose than ever! P.S. Leto's Joker is god awful.
  15. Leadership bonuses stack from different sources.
  16. Oh, you have to do that digitally now. Just step into the digitizer and it shouldn't take you long.
  17. The changes to Tactical Arrow really should be split off into it's own thread. It's dominating this one.
  18. Everyone's already made most of mine so I'll just leave the one that still bugs me. When you target a player or mob and go to click in the target window, it takes a few seconds of hovering over the window before the UI gives it the active window focus and allows you to click on any of the options.
  19. /Ice has always been fairly solid, the problem has been that it's never had any synergy paired with anything other than Ice/. Hopefully these changes will make it more popular.
  20. I have no procs in Frigid Protection, no. Possibly. I don't really pay that much attention to sleeps since they so rarely last for longer than two seconds, I just noticed none of the mobs ever seem to go into it. I did play with Frozen Aura some more last night, the range is ok. It would be nice if it had closer to the same radius as Ice Patch. Overall it's a solid power now. I do still hate the foot stomp animation, so it would be nice to get alternates. I could see the Ice Patch animation (well a faster version) working well for it.
  21. Not planning to change anything for my Ice/Ice build. The new Frozen Aura is nice (range needs bumped up) but I don't have any real use for it. It's an odd duck since its the only PBAoE /Ice gets and PBAoE doesn't have any good Ranged Defense bonuses in the sets.
  22. I don't have this problem per se, but I am having a terrible time trying to find a Scrapper that I want to play. I'd like it to be Martial Arts, but just can't find a secondary to go with that that clicks for me. I've scrapped so many concepts so far.
  23. I copied Frostbiter over to the Beta server and tried out the changes to Frigid Protection and Frozen Aura. My thoughts below: Frigid Protection: This power appears to be functioning like the changes intended. It's giving ticks of 6 Absorb every .25 seconds and the absorb stacks to 218ish on my Blaster. It took a bit to figure this out since there is no good feedback on what the power is actually doing now. No values are stated in the Enhancement window for the Abosrb/Heal value when you slot it and the values listed under Detailed Info doesn't match anything. I even tried the theme with numbers in the power customization (once I figured out that was what was meant by "theme"). All I got was a constant string of "6"s over my head. I quickly turned it off. Final thoughts: This is a slight nerf to this powers performance IMO, which I have been expecting since the sustains came about. You can take some larger hits with the caveat that the Absorb pool takes longer to build back up. Overall this makes for more spikes in the damage you are taking with this sustain running. Please add more feedback/information to this power. If you didn't know what it was doing already, you would have a hard time figuring it out. Frozen Aura: The damage is nice, but the range is terrible. It doesn't even outperform Frost Breath with the terribly short range. I often had trouble hitting more than 2 mobs, even when surrounded. The sleep continues to be largely useless, since any Blaster who can work this power into their rotation already has the defenses to survive using it. Then there's the issue of Frigid Protection breaking the sleep. 😕 The other problem it has is that it only takes PBAoE sets which do not have any good Ranged Defense bonuses. This will make it hard to work into any Blaster Ranged Defense build. Final Thoughts: Please consider allowing PBAoEs to take Melee sets and Targeted AoEs to take Ranged sets so that there can be good options for Ranged Defense bonuses to use with them. Please change the footstomp, it looks silly when I do it in midair. Please extend the range to something larger. It says 10' but feels like 5'. Or better yet, just give /Ice Greater Ice Sword Circle.
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