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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. If you need someone to talk to feel free to talk to me anytime you want. I'm marginally better than the FBI. Plus I can point you in easier directions like getting a rifle and a few ounces of tannerite if you really want to make stuff go boom.
  2. Stop using all your data to shop for high explosives. 😉
  3. Well now this is just going to bother me forever. 😛
  4. The Bolero? The Bolero has some nice options. I just really dislike how it looks from the front: Back: And then the front: Compared to: Maybe it's just the sleeves I hate...
  5. It really bums me out that the Occult option for High Collars and Capes does not exist on female characters. I have no idea why this is.
  6. Hey, if you're warming up the death rays I have a few targets this morning too. Stupid job with stupid State Inspectors.... 😡
  7. That payphone looks to be leaking quite a bit of oil.
  8. Somehow I think Taint Stank isn't gonna fly man. But I'm lmao.
  9. I'm really dying to know where that 3rd slot deemed unworthy of Health went.
  10. Not to mention all of the Quicksand. I avoid CoT in the late 30's like the plague just because of all the damn Quicksand.
  11. Do you want a Hellmouth? Because that's how you get a Hellmouth. 😆
  12. It's actually pretty easy. All I do is take my crappy Defense set recipe drops and convert them into LotG Global Recharge IO's. Even I have over a billion inf now.
  13. Ok, now it makes sense. Derp. I just didn't make the connection to Apokolips. I was thinking the city of Midgar from FF7 when I wrote that. I collected comics with my allowance when I was a kid but that only ever bought me like two a week and I was a much bigger X-Men fan in the 90's.
  14. To be honest, Kirby has so much work that I'm not sure what you're referring to. That and I'm not much of a comic book fan. ..should I duck and cover for revealing that? I feel like I should.
  15. I know how we can rebuild Paragon to be better. What we need is two cities! One on the ground and one on a disc suspended above it. We'll even move Terra Volta to the upper disc! What could go wrong?
  16. Another nice option is taking Physical Perfection from the Energy Mastery Epic pool. Not only is it another Stamina, it also takes an additional Performance Shifter since the proc isn't unique.
  17. Only 8 toggles? Have you made good use of the various IO's that help with Endurance? Performance Shifter + Endurance proc , Panacea +Endurance +HP proc, Numina's Covalescense + Regen +Recovery and Miracle's +Recovery? You should get some pretty hefty End recovery from those.
  18. Isn't that the only hold that Ice gets on Sentinels? A little recharge and slotted with the Lockdown set it should be enough to perma-hold bosses pretty easily. EB's might take a few applications and require more recharge but it's not that hard to pull BFR off even in combat. As for it being a DPS option? Maybe on a Blaster but for Sents I'd say probably not.
  19. Can confirm that having Frost in your name makes you lame. Oh well, I was young and the name stuck.
  20. I pretty much consider every Blaster primary to be comic book staples but if you want iconic then Energy blast is definitely a go to.
  21. Everything Incarnate, from drops to content to crafting required you to be a subscriber. F2P and even Premium players had access to none of it. I bounced back and forth from VIP to Premium and would lose my Alpha Level Shift when not subscribed.
  22. That was to have been the spaceport once upon a time. I'm pretty sure whatever plans they had for it got scrapped before the shutdown.
  23. We might have gotten Galaxy City back, complete with it's own newbie mission arcs like Atlas Park received with Mathew Habashy and the follow-ups. Oh well, one can dream, right HC Team?
  24. Just whack this one and be done with it. It's not going to go anywhere else, other servers are literally in the thread title.
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