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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. when the Green Line and Yellow lines where separate so you had to fly across Steel Canyon to change lines?
  2. I saved out all my characters costumes and custom powerset colorations before shutdown and saved them to an external HDD. Made recreating them pretty easy. I still have my original installation folder from Live actually.
  3. The only thing that irks me about playing a Villian is the obsession with money. nowhere in the game even takes money and my characters are shoehorned into chasing it a little too often.
  4. I soloed the Posi TF twice. Did it the first time through Flashback and ended up short a Badge due to the way it's split into two parts now for the version he offers in SC so be aware.
  5. Most of the trials and taskforces have had a pass to make them more solo friendly. I've done a few by myself. This does not include the late game stuff.
  6. Do enemies in the game even go past level 54? Would it be possible to make them go to 58?
  7. I think the system is fine as it is currently. I don't won't to see it made more difficult a la Live. Right now everyone can have Incarnate Abilities by putting in the work but not a monumental amount of work like iTrials were.
  8. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Music I believe most of the pre-CoV stuff was open sourced.
  9. Why else is would everything be balanced around it?
  10. Only if you're playing Poker. I think in this case you need a Jessie, a Joey and three girls. Wait, that analogy fell apart. 😞
  11. Exclusivity I can understand and while still selfish, it isn't the bad kind of selfish with it being something to achieve . I don't have any of the PvP badges because it isn't worth it to me. I'm honestly ok with that and PvP badges except for it being a point of player base contention but life is filled with those.
  12. Sounds like a reasonable solution to me. Thank you for clarifying, not so much for the passive aggression.
  13. So the badges would be slightly different named but you get credit for them both?
  14. You're right about the not understanding part. That's why I asked you a few questions. So I obviously do want to understand why you want those things.
  15. Pass. I read it. If you don't wish to answer then don't, but don't try to force anything from me.
  16. What's the point of moving badges out of the PvP zones if they're going to be different badges? Why do you want people to have to go into PvP zone for badges?
  17. I believe in people's right to do whatever, right up until people prove they aren't responsible enough for that. Our laws are littered with examples of this. For instance; most cities won't allow the keeping of personal livestock on less than a 1/2 acre of grazing area, if they allow it at all. It was not always that way. The deciding issue in these cases is almost always the ability to show harm. In short, humans can ruin just about anything for everyone else. It does indeed irk me.
  18. Your arguments boil down to " I can do it so I'm going to" and "I want to do it so it should be allowed". If those reasons sound selfish to you it's because they are.
  19. Harmless offender? I'd take the opposition side to this argument more seriously if they could make a case for why it should be allowed.
  20. Archery is kind of meh even on Blasters. It's good late game but the leveling experience is remarkably like having your grandpa teaching you archery on a hay bale.
  21. Nice one. 🙂 I was born with mild Asberger's Syndrome. It concerned them both that I didn't cry. Nobody at that time knew much about it. *shrugs*
  22. Lol. I was born when family doctors where still allowed to deliver in their clinics. I was already breathing when delivered and wasn't crying. The doctor slapped me anyway. My mother said I gave him the meanest look she'd ever seen on a baby and told him to slap me again.
  23. I'm sure my positive reputation is an error of some kind. I don't even like me.
  24. BABS was Lead GFX Designer for 10 years and the official stance was that it would take too much work to implement. Castle became Lead Power Designer within 2 years because he cracked how to do it. He came on in 2007 and was promoted by 2009. We got Power Customization in Issue 16. They both worked on it but AFAIK Castle was the genius behind implementing the system that enabled it. I may be doing him an injustice by calling him an intern, he was more likely just a new hire. Castle left when NCSoft took over in 2010. BABS stayed on.
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