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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. C'mon, that kid is UGLY. It looks like the bully in every bad teen musical.
  2. Ok, so don't do anything then. I believe there's a problem so I posted about it.
  3. I have more dad quotes and I'll use them if I have to. *shakes fist threateningly*
  4. To quote my dad: "It'll be ready when it's ready." We have a small volunteer development team and they spend their time working on 15 year old code. It's amazing that they can even put out the quality of updates they do.
  5. I know how to do it, go test more and then get back to me.
  6. On the subject of badges; there seems to be something wrong with the way Hercules titans combine into Zeus Titans. Even when two spawn in the same group they are not combining. I only saw it once when hunting for the Monkeywrencher Badge. Also can we visit that name? It should be just Monkeywrench.
  7. The reason why that Taskforce is in Oruboros is because it's the old version of the Positron TF. There are no introductions to the original 6 Taskforces. You just walk up to Positron to get the new version, which is split into two parts.
  8. No, there's definitely something off with COs character proportions. Of course CoH still suffers from mitten-hands.
  9. There are some things that CO does right. Gap closers for melee, the Powerhouse and the way you can respec for free out of your last power choice, and the open-raid Cosmic Monsters ( but not the cosmic currency) are all things done pretty well. The Powerhouse feature that lets you try different powers before you finally pick one is sorely need in CoH. We have far more powers than CO.
  10. Myyth, you can disable the exemplar pop-up window in options.
  11. As a soloist this is especially glaring on Blasters. The other damage Archetypes get self heals, my Blasters have to pick a power I'll never use to get one.
  12. Still doing the crotch grab on Hazard Zone swat guys. It's been literally a decade, please fix this.
  13. Any of the "patch" powers like Ice Patch require you to be on/near the ground too AFAIK. Ice Patch is the only one I have experience with though so that may vary by power. Edit: It's interesting to note that Ice Patch doesn't require you to turn off Hover/Fly, just to be as close to the ground as you can get.
  14. I leave for one afternoon and miss all the good stuff. 😕 I'm not much of a fan of censorship of any kind. I think a good ole fashioned social shunning is a better message for these kind of twits. This thread is actually a pretty good start to that.
  15. There is a whole forum section full of stuff: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/62-art-amp-multimedia/
  16. I realized I had posted my least favorite maps but I do have favorites. I love tech labs and the Faultline "buried" versions. My absolute favorite though is the Revenant Hero Project Lab. Just seeing all the clones in their jars gives me the creeps.
  17. There's a badge for souvenirs. 😜 Plus all the badge missions are in Ouroboros now. I just went back and picked up a few. I'm now a Dam Hero my friend.
  18. I think the OP should set a more reasonable goal like collecting all the mission Souvenirs instead. Due to the way the 10-20 game is structured Blueside it is not possible to get all contacts. This has been explained above; there are only a few story arcs in the 20 range and they are given by multiple contacts depending on your Origin. Once a contact for your Origin offers that arc you will not be sent to the other contacts that offer it.
  19. I just got the idea in my head that Force of Will was Natural which after Sorcery being obvious left a limited puzzle. I probably should have looked it up at some point so I have no excuse for my ignorance. I must warn you away from the rabbit hole that is my thought processes though.
  20. Ah yes the sauna. I just did the Striga Isle mission last night where you have to destroy 5 pods in one of those rooms while they spit out vampyri. Fun stuff.
  21. Yeah, I knew I had it messed up but the naming convention doesn't really lend to puzzling it out.
  22. Rikti Monkies go flying too when you hit them with Ice Patch.
  23. Those are the remainder Origin Power Pools. I believe Homecoming is planning on implementing them slowly as they finish them. So far we've gotten Sorcery (Magic) and Force of Will (Natural). I believe they are working on Experimentation (Mutant) for release next. not sure what Wind Control is, it is not a part of those Power Pools..
  24. Players can kick other players off of servers? Seems like they have the issue. I don't think I'd server switch just because someone else wants me too.
  25. I don't really have a favorite mission map so much as I have mission maps that I hate running through. Namely a few of the offices that were designed by MC Escher on crack. Nobody puts a break room down two flights of stairs tucked away under a cubby-hole. Your employees would spend all their days wandering around lost. I always wonder if Paragon City even has a Fire Marshall.
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