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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Some of the shinier zones just don't feel lived in to me. Places like Founder's Falls and Steel Canyon just don't have the detritus that comes with large numbers of people. King's Row and Brickstown just feel and look more real. I like Talos Island because it looks nice but then all you have to do is go around to the alleys to see that sort of stuff. It just adds to the sense that those zones are more real world. On the flipside Praetoria really has that dystopian "way too bright and clean to be legit" feel.
  2. Lorewise I think Perez Park may be another old financial/commerce district.
  3. Paragon Studios actually has an office in Kings Row. The zone is based on the real neighborhood their first office was in IIRC.
  4. Have you tried turning the Rikti Invasion off and then on again?
  5. I also think this used to work somehow, but these days I have so many different old MMO UI's floating around in my head that I have trouble keeping them straight anymore. I blame my impending dotage. 🤣
  6. That's still pretty exclusive. One at a time still makes it 200 out of the whole player base.
  7. One event on one server for a max of 200 people? Talk about exclusive.
  8. Don't feel bad, I'm stuck at the office on phone duty for the day. Thank God I have a laboratory to play in.
  9. A status update would be nice. I know the GMOTD mentioned internet host issues but something more wordy would be appreciated.
  10. The Blue King comics were better. Plus War Witch who was awesome both as a character and a developer.
  11. Nope, this does not work either. I'm out of ideas and I don't believe this is possible.
  12. The only other thing I can even think of is removing the corresponding feedback channel from the Combat chat tab. I'll give that a try and see if it works.
  13. So I couldn't find anything under the options menu. 😞 Edit: And I couldn't find anything with a forum search that turned up a similar thread with no answer either. I think you might be out of luck.
  14. Have you checked under Menu-Options and then either Graphics and Audio or the Windows tab? I seem to recall it being there but I'd have to get on and check.
  15. Natch potes: Due to the overwhelming popularity of thingys we are making a few small changes to them in the next update. - Renamed to whatsits. We feel this better communicates how important to players they are. -Use of whatsits are now on a 300 minute timer. This cooldown is only effected by Potions of Wahoo -Added Potions of Wahoo to The Store
  16. Happy Canada Day! "Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party." -Robin Williams
  17. But is it Taco Tuesday? I opted for BBQ chicken. No regrets.
  18. Being a landowner isn't that hard. You just need to get out of the city. I have 5 acres and a nice house and the best part is there isn't an HOA in sight.
  19. Whenever I get accused of being a bot on comments section I just ask the other commenter to prove they're real too. No one even tries anymore. 😆
  20. I'm not sure how I did it but when I recreated Frostbiter I accidentally started him as a Praetorian and then made him Blueside. Now he has all the Praetorian arcs in Ouroboros. I'm fairly sure I used Null the Gull to do it but the new wiki says you can't.
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