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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Are you sure they were recruiters? What were their patches?
  2. Have you served? It's one thing to say you don't experience something but yet another to accuse someone of lying for sharing their experience.
  3. Please don't speak for me and then answer yourself. It's weird.
  4. How do you arrest someone for wearing a government issued uniform?
  5. I'm of the opinion that this doesn't belong here for several reasons. I support the movement but unless HC has plans for real world support of some sort then I can't help but see this as lip service. It's unhelpful and just checking a box off in order to say it's been done. Nothing will be accomplished with this. My unfiltered opinion about lip service would undoubtedly get me talked at.
  6. As it turns out, I guess passive aggression isn't as constructive as people are claiming. Thanks for playing! 🙂
  7. Please take whatever issues you have with the policy up with whoever put it forth. This is not I, since you seem to need told.
  8. Heh. Adults are supposed to be some kind of authority but they're just grown ass children instead, with baggage thrown in to boot. I make no exclusions for myself, either.
  9. Lol. Creepy and cool at the same time. Still, can anyone really know someone else?
  10. I don't see what you see. Even in this thread there have been a few people go out of their way to misconstrue things I've said, even to the point of claiming I've said things I haven't, just to provoke something from me. It didn't do them any good but it's still there.
  11. I can certainly get behind and agree with that. I know I'm advocating for people to be nicer to each other here but I am thoroughly against forcing it and any kind of censorship. It's becoming more and more a problem around the world as rights are restricted in favor of protecting people (which is an impossibility for any government or group. They can't really protect you from anything). The UK and the slew of new "hate speech laws" there over the last few years haven't made anything better as far as I can tell. It's just gotten a bunch of ordinary people and some social influencers thrown in jail.
  12. I never suggested anything of the sort. I don't believe in public shaming.
  13. Theres no need to feel sorry for me. I don't really know any clowns.
  14. I don't care if I find out they were punished or not. My suggestion was more about cleaning up and removing arguments that get out of line. Thanks for asking me to clarify and not making a bunch of assumptions. Sort of.
  15. Its fine not to discuss it but you also leave a lot out there for everyone to see at the same time. Maybe you should consider addressing certain things more publicly.,
  16. I believe that it does matter. We're all real people (as far as I know) on the other side of these keyboards and how we treat and talk to each other has real effects in peoples lives.
  17. No, I don't see that its not. I said what I said and I assure you, I believe it. And no, I don't see a difference between underhanded rudeness and rudeness.
  18. I'm sincerely sorry to Bentley Berkley for that but I wanted to make my point. It's extremely hard to respond to something like that and not come out worse for it. The whole entire purpose of saying something like that is to demean and undermine someone.
  19. I completely disagree with your A/B example Bentley. Insinuating someone is a fool is the same as calling them one, it provokes the same response. Allow me to demonstrate: you're a fool if you think otherwise.
  20. I haven't gotten more than admonishments from the mods to be fair. I'm not trying to start anything and I don't plan on biting anyone's head off here, up until they start leveling accusations at me at least. I'll take my lumps for anything that happens after that and as I've said, I removed myself from these boards already. Not sure what else I can contribute anymore anyway. I said my piece and I'm going away again. Asshole awaaaayyyyy!
  21. I know I'm going to really, really regret this but I'm going to make my first post on these boards in months. As long as the rules are not evenly enforced and the moderation ignores behavior and lets stuff slide then this community will continue to be toxic. I know that's pretty funny coming from the guy that frequently tells people to fuck off but I respond to any kind of aggression with aggression. I'm broken that way from all the bad shit I've suffered in my life. I know that so I removed myself from the boards and now I've had to do it again in the ingame channels while a GM stood by and let someone bitch in one about me directly. I don't see how that is better than telling someone FU.
  22. My ignore rules are simple. I will ignore you for: A) Being a jerk or spamming the Help channel with nonsense. B) Having custom key binds and macros that post to the Help chat every time you hit a button.
  23. If this is the relevant thread for discussion of Snarky's censorship then I'd like to say that it looks like bullying now.
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