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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. No news in this case is indeed good news. Carry on carrying on.
  2. I've looked at them but I've never used then. The problem is they're thematic to the Patrons and not to any builds I make. I prefer the epic pools.
  3. I've never been complicated per say but I have had a team suggest the "Cold Hand of Death " badge to me. Kind of funny since my battlecry on Live was "Feel the icy hand of death!" for a long time and when I was running tons of Itrials before they revamped Dark Astoria.
  4. I play with an Xbox One controller and a wireless trackball and keyboard for the stuff I can't do with it. Took me a bit to get the controller set up but it works surprisingly well. It's also why I have a lot of typing errors sometimes since the Xbox One PC adapter seems to interfere my my keyboard if they're sitting too close to one another. 😕
  5. I'm sure it would be entertaining and who knows? One of them might actually be truth adjacent. Personally, I've always felt that CoH was too different than their other IPs and despite running at a small profit it was their black sheep of the family. They may have looked upon it as a loss of face to keep operating it.
  6. The Patron Pools vary by AT. I'm guessing your second character is a Mastermind?
  7. It's fairly simple. You just set out some bread, milk and honey on a plate in the woods. Then you wait all night for them to appear. If you can catch one, they owe you a wish. If you're unsure about the quality of your bread, milk or honey, they've been know to really go for a good pizza.
  8. You can look through the lists here: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Macro_image_(Slash_Command) Edit: Maybe /macro_image "Macro_Button_01" "Tooltip" "Command" is what you're looking for?
  9. From Window and text scaling: - For scaling all windows, use the setting under Options - Chat window can be further customised under Options, including font size - For specific windows, you need to undock the particular window from its parent. Then you can use the "/window_scale [windowName] [scale]" command. Common windows are (with sample scaling): /window_scale compass 1.20 /window_scale Email 1.20 /window_scale PowerList 1.30 /window_scale Salvage 1.25 /window_scale Chat 1.10 /window_scale Enhancements 1.15 /window_scale Power 1.05 /window_scale Health 1.05 /window_scale contact 1.20 /window_scale Info 1.20 More window aliases can be found here: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Window_scale_(Slash_Command)
  10. NCSoft is also a Korean company so there's additional cultural hurdles when negotiating with them. I have a friend who was an engineer for Hankook Tires thats been to Korea several times and he's told a few stories about how the business culture is very different there.
  11. Honestly? It's all about 90% hype. Edit: With the caveats that 60hz vs 120hz is a big jump in monitor performance and a higher native resolution can support more resolutions. Then there's contrast ratio. Higher ratios have better blacks and color depth. Last is response time or how fast the pixels themselves can change color. Also, don't buy a European monitor (75/144hz) because they use a different type of electricity for their power grids than the US. Damn you once again Edison.
  12. That's kind of a tough question. Hertz and refresh rates are pretty much the same. It's how fast your monitor can refresh the image it displays. A 60hz monitor refreshes 60x per second. FPS on the other hand it a measure of how many frames the GPU is generating per second. Higher FPS is only marginally related to refresh rates. You will still benefit from higher FPS even at 60hz because the images the monitor actually displays will be smoother and less choppy even though your monitor will never show more than 60 of those frames in a second. So hertz is kind of a cap on frame counts itself but higher FPS results in better blended images. The most common issue with this is screen tearing, or the monitor displaying two pieces of a frame on the same screen. I probably didn't explain that well. 😞
  13. Good to know. I'm not entirely up to date on all the new (re: later than 2010) monitor technology. I admit my computer is just hooked up to my 4K tv that I didn't even realize was 4K until I got it out of the box. 😅
  14. I'll admit some of the block leads in CO are charming, especially the Booms and Freems but the wire-frames and ground patches are immersion breaking to me. That and they seem like a work-around for the block systems limitations making twitch reflex blocking too difficult to pull off without them. I get enough of that stuff in ESO and I dislike it there too.
  15. Just a quick look but: https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16824025119?&quicklink=true https://www.newegg.com/lg-34ub88-p-34-uw-qhd/p/N82E16824025430 If you're looking for a 120hz one then the price pretty much doubles.
  16. I think this may be the patch that adds 30% more beef to the hotdogs in Brickstown. There have been complaints.
  17. Flambeaux has some good ones. She just wants to be loved. Why won't we love her?
  18. Thanks for the offer but they aren't that expensive on the AH. I can always cash in one of my 4 prophecies from last night if I need to. 😄
  19. My favorite is calling the contact in front of a mission door you just finished and the next one is behind the same door. 😄 Last night the game was being really generous to me with rare salvage. I think I got 5 in 90 minutes which is unheard of for me.
  20. Technically its NERF that's trademarked. It's an acronym for non expanding recreational foam.
  21. I still level all my characters by hand so to speak but I find myself only leveling the ones I really like to 50. I have quite a few abandoned in the 20-30 range because they got boring or the powerset/character concept just wasn't clicking anymore. I have a bunch in the 10-15 range waiting on their day in the sun to see how far I make it with them. I have somewhere around 400 hrs on my main (Frostbiter) on HC and had some 2500 on him back on Live. I tend to stick with the ones I really like for my playtime.
  22. A 144hz monitor should handle upscaling much better. As Seigmoraig said above, the higher refresh rate will be much better for modern gaming.
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