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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Or one of the drive-up payphones complete with post.
  2. Could be worse. Could be 19 lawyers in a 7 floor office maze. 😞
  3. Vazhilok Mortificators name their Embalmed Cadavers. I came across one the other day that referred to his reanimated suicide bomber as "Claude".
  4. Ugh, that's terrible. People are gonna people so its probably best to turn all the chat channels off for kids. Sorry, I know that's less than helpful atm. 😞
  5. I'd also suggest trying the /netgraph 1 ingame command to see if its a ping or network latency issue.
  6. Your specs are good so it's not a hardware issue. I've found running with 16x Anti-Aliasing to cause hiccups with the game engine. I leave mine at 8x.
  7. An SSD would certainly help with that if you don't have one. My load times are under 2 seconds.
  8. Regen will be getting buffed. No changes to the powers but all sound effects now done by Michael Winslow.
  9. I think we should all keep going. It'd be real crappie if this thread turned into a sleeper. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for puns.
  10. Doubtful, considering this isn't something that the HC team has done.
  11. If I'm going to be honest, I'm not saury at all.
  12. Why does this make me want a melee powerset thats all two-handed smashing attacks?
  13. That's clearly a knife and a trout. What's the mackerel with you? 😄
  14. Can't we all just get abalone?
  15. What a load of pollock. My brute laughs all the time.
  16. I'd also like to bring up the method that Officer Dipshit used against Floyd. It's another part of the problem, namely that there is no overarching Federal guidelines for what kind of force Police Departments and civil Law Enforcement use. We clearly, clearly need them because neck holds and knees to the spine are potentially lethal, as we all can see. The hodgepodge of local guidelines we have now is why officer training is poor.
  17. Didn't that take the video coming out and something like 5(?) days? The cops where the main problem in this situation, especially the piece of work who actually kill Floyd. He had something like 15 or 20 uninvestigated complaints against him?
  18. It's weird that my toenails have kind of a pinkish halfmoon inside. But I digress.
  19. Debt is grey, Patrol Xp is light blue. Patrol Xp doubles your xp gains until it runs out.
  20. I haven't? I could have sworn I thought about it before I brought it up.
  21. Taylor was a victim of a "No-knock Warrant". By all means, let's talk about the civil rights violation those are.
  22. All I've done is ask you a few questions. I have made neither claim nor statement. Edit: Ok, partially true. I did get on you for accusations.
  23. I'm just trying to ascertain if you know what you're seeing or not. As for that other bullhshit, thanks for your advice but I'll pick my battles and friends myself.
  24. It's not my claim, just as your accusation is not mine either. If you don't want to answerr me that's fine, but don't respond with nonsense.
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