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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Both of those look good. I'd lean towards the second one but I'm not familiar with either brand. Both monitors are native 1080p and 75hz so they won't do as well if you plan on any 4k gaming, just fyi.
  2. I have to 3rd a Fire/Fire Blaster as a duo partner. It'd be pure hell on wheels.
  3. A noob is someone who hasn't learned the game. A newb is someone new to it. I like to keep to the distinction. 😄
  4. I've noticed it too. Enemies not always going back to the spawn point after beating you down. I wonder if the AI behavior was modified when they tinkered with it, kind of how like mobs run halfway around the world to get out of a patch power now.
  5. Not in this day and age. This is the internet after all.
  6. That's why I disable them for the badge progress on Aloof and the others. ;)
  7. Not to disagree with you Six Six but Ice/Ice gets 3 single target holds, which is enough to lock down EBs and AVs when they don't have mezz immunity. The combo shines as a boss killer.
  8. Great responses so far. I do kind of feel like I need to reassure everyone that I don't die all that often these days. 😛 I do see people not leveraging their Inspirations enough though. I keep a full tray myself but I keep one or two slots open and just pop them as they drop. It makes running anything a bit easier and you can exchange and swap out lower tier ones you're holding for larger ones. Pop those pills people!
  9. You can already craft pistols, bats and a few others as temp powers from recipes. Some of them are even mediocre! Edit: apparently there's also a back-up radio that summons either Arachnos or PPD.
  10. Interesting idea. I'll have to adopt it. 😉
  11. Defeat usually catches me completely by surprise. lol
  12. I'm not sure if the problem is with me or not but I find myself disabling Awaken Inspirations on just about all characters because I find them to be less than useful. The third tier are moderately more useful but show up so late in the game that you should have something better to use by then. Part of that is the situation you find yourself in that needs one. Defeated, surrounded by hostiles and you pop one only to be disorientated (2 out of 4 tiers of them), low health, zero end and generally trying to stagger away before the mobs can turn and lay the hammer down again. They are more successful than not at this (again, this may just be me). So what does the community think? Are Awakens a newb trap or are they useful?
  13. If COH gets blocking as a mechanic, I vote for it to be a toggle power under Shield Defense that greys out all attack powers...
  14. So how does all this talk of tertiary pools being less powerful than Primary and Secondary apply to Hasten?
  15. Better than missing the bus in a city full of Busey's.
  16. Fly could stand to have its speed and cap revisited. Taking a 3rd power in the pool just for increasing the flight cap to where its competitive vs other travel powers is obviously a work around by the OG Devs. Hover speeds are fine, especially with a few boosts to travel powers from IO sets.
  17. It should be possible to just mail all of your influence and collect it on the same character and then mail the lump sum to your global, thus creating and maintaining a singular "pot".
  18. I like the combat in CoH. It is a little slower, true, but I feel that allows for things to be more strategic and even allows buffs/debuffs and controls to actually have a place in this game. Something I feel that many other MMO's lack. Debuffs and controls in CO actually build stacks of resistance to those types of effects, especially on the boss mobs that require them as a strategy such a Kiga's dogs.
  19. I like CO's combat but it's not really that much better. I like the tap/charge powers stuff but blocking is very pingy and button tapping to get out of holds felt very annoying and useless.
  20. Every once in long while I give teaming a shot. Still not my thing. Nothing in the game interests me enough to be a part of cat herding or ego runs.
  21. As EmmySky said, it's available under Combat Attributes. You can create a window to monitor as many of those as you like. That's about the best you can do.
  22. This is true but it also makes me sad at the same time so :(
  23. It's all the same elevator, it's just corkscrewed throughout all of space-time.
  24. Does this mean we have a new contender for the title of "The Drunken Server"? Really been missing that since the Live days.
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