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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. That red marker appears on many maps after there are no further objectives (including enemy spawns) left on the map. It is itself a bug. Another marker, or group of markers will appear to show where the last spawn on the map is, but there is that extra marker that doesn't actually seem to mark anything. The trick to this mission is to remember that the 3 heroes only have like 1 HP. So you need to draw the Freakshow away from them to fight. Including any other nearby Freakshow spawns. Because if any other Freakshow are in aggro range and you reach the freed hero, they immediately kill the freed hero causing the mission to fail.
  2. Teleport grants no defense and is already the fastest movement power in the game. No. Especially just for the sake of having yet another place to slot another LotG proc.
  3. and no one ever comes back from the dead. Typically when it comes to game lore? No, the NPCs usually stay dead.
  4. What are you talking about? You are still rooted for animations. Or am I bugged and only I am?
  5. Kage just means shadow. Things like hokage are a Naruto thing. Besides, we already have the oni and I'm rather partial to the oni now. While not thematically appropriate, it does still work.
  6. Yes, mostly kitsune, but yes. Though I should point out, at least for the kitsune, kitsune is just fox. We understand it as the fox spirit, but the word kitsune just means fox. So I am differentiating.
  7. Personally, I would have gone with the stereotypical genin, chunin, and jounin sequence. Or even genin, jounin, and taoist sorcerer. A tengu would have made more thematic sense than an oni as well. However, oni tend to be better known by the general public than taoist sorcerers or tengu, so that may be why they were chosen. After all, ninjas are a trope and so are the oni. Tengu and taoist sorcerers not so much. Especially with the use of spirit masks, masks that were supposed to impart some of the mythological might of the creatures the masks were of, usually oni and long-nose tengu to the best of my knowledge. (Though fox spirit and cat... monster? beast? masks were also supposed to exist.)
  8. Neither did I? What I was saying is that new incarnate abilities are going to have click activation like the current ones, and having them turned off in everything but incarnate content seems weird to me. I used Giant Monsters as a supporting argument because I've seen the difference Incarnates make in that kind of content and it's about the only open-world content that plays to the Incarnate power level: everything else is in instances and trials. And the GMs just underwent a buff because of all the power creep from things like incarnate powers. So making those buffs irrelevant defeats the purpose. Especially since the current incarnate powers are being used to steamroll regular missions. So any new incarnate tiers should be limited to just incarnate content. Player characters already do? Even without incarnate powers. (Edit: The only thing that makes Recluse difficult for me or anyone I know is that massive END drain attack of his, and some power sets nullify it.)
  9. No one said anything about turning existing incarnate powers off. The comments in this thread were for any new incarnate power slots to only be available in appropriate incarnate (and possibly Hard Mode) content. This is going to devolve into yet another argument that has little to nothing to do with the OP, so I'm stepping out. I'll leave it at I disagree with your presentation.
  10. Her mom is dead.
  11. Edit: Providing break to separate quoted comments. No, it isn't. Passive mode is your henchmen being ordered to not fight under any circumstances. Nowhere does it say or even imply that they are following your lead and being stealthy. They just aren't fighting. As opposed to Aggressive mode where your henchmen are ordered to kill every hostile they see and Defensive mode where they are ordered to only engage enemies if you or the other henchmen are being attacked. You are reading into what Passive mode does and is. Wow. That must suck. Must make bathroom breaks rather uncomfortable. They aren't your buddies. They are your henchmen. Your subordinates. They follow you not because they like you personally, but because you are the boss. I've been friends with people for all my life, and yet they have skills I don't and I have skills they don't. That logic doesn't pan out. Incorrect. Bodyguard Mode is only active while the pets are in Defensive Follow stance and within the radius of your Supremacy effect. Put them in Defensive Attack, Defensive Stay, or Defensive GoTo, and you lose Bodyguard Mode. First, because you said teams. Second, because the logic you are applying to MM pets getting MM power picks for free can be applied to player teams as well. Third, because the theme of the MM pets aside from the ninjas is not stealth. Battle Drones and Assault Bots are not programmed to be stealthy. They are programmed to obliterate their designated targets. Protector Bots are not programmed to be stealthy, they are programmed to shield the other bots and the MM while also obliterating their designated targets. Demons don't care what skills you possess or how much you want them to use those skills. They live to destroy. Thugs are poorly trained brutes that tear through your enemies for you. Mercenaries are standard soldiers, learning battlefield tactics and weapons employment. Even some first aid. Stealth isn't something the basic soldier trains in. So on and so forth. You as the MM have to look at what your pets can do as opposed to what you want them to do, and then come up with the plan to make what you want possible. You are after all, the brains of the group. That does not mean your pets like you or will learn things outside of their own concerns voluntarily.
  12. By that logic, then as long as you are the team leader, your team should also benefit from your stealth skills. So we should let the Stalkers lead all our teams so the rest of the team can benefit from their guidance and stealth everything. I've been lead (boss) for many teams. Both in game and real life. And funny thing, the team members often do not possess the same skill sets I have. So we have to find a way to work together using our different skill sets.
  13. You basically answered your own question. MM buffs were made AoE, like other support character buffs, to simplify the support AT's lives. Grant Invisibility is not a support AT power from a Support AT power set, it is a pool power. So it is single target. However, it does serve the purpose of making non-stealthy characters, like MM pets, stealthy.
  14. Maybe they aren't hostile to the Arachnoids because they are too busy trying to escape the Gutter before they get eaten? Though I agree the Arachnoids that detect them should probably be attacking them as they try to escape back up an elevator.
  15. Power pools exist to give players options to make their characters work the way they want. And while Grant Invisibility is not an AoE, it takes 6 clicks, not 12, to make your pets invisible. And since it lasts 2 minutes, if you are just trying to get through an area, say to keep up with a speed running team, those 2 minutes are more than long enough to get to the next objective. There are already ways to get your pets to stealth maps. I do so routinely, even on MM characters that lack group stealth like Arctic Fog, Shadowfall, or Steamy Mist. (Edit: I see where you get 12 from now. However, since it is a buff and the MM should be buffing his/her/their/its pets, I still don't see the problem.) An MM running around with pets is the same as a MM or any other character running around on a team. Sure, your MM invested in personal stealth, but the rest of the team didn't. So if you want the rest of the team to be stealthy and they didn't build stealth into their characters, you need to figure out how to be stealthy. Now, if we could customize our pet powers to include some form of stealth in their builds? Then it would make more sense. However, we can't, so just like when we team with non-stealth player characters, we as stealthy MMs need to find a way to get our non-stealthy pets to sneak. (Though again, I believe that at least the genin from ninjas should also have stealth. Just not the improved damage from stealth the jounin enjoy. They're fricking ninjas for crying out loud.)
  16. I'm not seeing how Judgment and Interface are melee themes. Or how Lore is support. Judgment can be melee if you go with a PBAoE, but the rest are ranged. Either cones or TAoEs. Interface affects all your attack powers, even the ranged ones, granting them debuff effects and supplemental damage effects, so not a melee effect/theme. Hybrid is a buff, not a control theme, though you can get control elements from it. Your rationalization makes no sense to me. And as far as what @Greycat is saying, I wholeheartedly agree. If the original 10 incarnate slots are to be finished, the remaining ones should be completely disabled when outside of incarnate content.
  17. Are you sure it wasn't Red Widow that was going to take his place? Ice Mistral was acting rather heroicly too.
  18. Scirocco (and Ice Mistral?) were planned back on Live to go hero. Parts of that arc can still be seen on Youtube. It would be nice if it was brought back and finished.
  19. Not this again. None of my characters have Hasten. It isn't needed for anything. Especially not on any of my MMs. MM pets automatically teleport to them if the MM gets too far away. Group Fly not not needed. Especially as slow as it is. You do you. MMs have access to Arctic Fog from Cold Domination and Shadow Fall from Dark Miasma. Grant Invisibility has a 3 second recharge out of the box with a 2 minute duration, and stacks with Arctic Fog and Cold Domination. Setting pets to Passive with Grant Invisibility will let them run past a lot of opposition. You can also use Teleport Target to call minions to you while they stand fast with the Stay command, though you have to use the Stay command again to keep them from running back. If you use the Stay command and then get to far from your minions, they still teleport to you, but this time they don't run back. Though it does very much annoy me that the ninja pets don't have their own stealth except for the jounin.
  20. Given it was basically his diary and was there long before your character arrives to check that dimension, yes, I do. He has also been quite honest in the Ubelmann arc. So sometimes he can be trusted, to a certain extent.... Believe me, I'm with you on that. As well as the other dimensions you go to through Portal Corps. The only one that gets any real exploration is the Shadow Shard. I was just pointing out what the game already says about those two specific worlds in response to your questions. I mean at least in those two worlds you destroyed, you get the basic information about those two worlds. More lore is a welcome thing.
  21. So you get to dictate what they do and how long they can take to do it? Do you sign their paychecks or something that gives you that authority? Adding a please didn't help your case. Just report the bugs you find and let the volunteer dev team working on the game during their time off from their actual jobs fix it when their schedule permits.
  22. To delete the quote box, you have to delete from outside the box. For instance, find the spot where you can enter your own text after the quote box and hit delete. If the quote box is what was before your text spot, the quote box goes away. If you try to delete the quote box from inside itself, all you do is delete its contents.
  23. Yeah, you have a point. When I see someone post that they selected a task, I assume they do so with the Select Task button. If the Select Task button was not used and the mission was only clicked, then yeah, that is how it always worked.
  24. That's the thing though. Selecting the task locks the task, so getting a tip drop doesn't clear it. However, the OP says that the author has a mission actively selected, gets a tip drop, and the mission gets deselected, which did not happen before.
  25. If that is a requirement, then perhaps it could work with the design. I see no reason why not, aside from the added technical complexity beyond just throwing a "confused" state on them and calling it a day. If they can program that kind of functionality then it could work, though I'm picturing a scenario where a Rebel summons some minions and dashes away, leaving them to fight the enemies alone with no chance of getting hurt themselves. The thing @Lockely is trying to explain, is that if a player can summon hostile units that rely on the player to then use a tame ability that only works for them on their summoned units, then someone could take their level 50 Rebel or whatever the AT was called, stand in Atlas Park, and summon a horde of level 48+ enemies to obliterate the other characters in the area.
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