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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Both an all sword and a no sword option has been asked for for both Fire Melee and Ice Melee multiple times. We keep hoping.
  2. Again, if you want the option of an alternate animation, then I support the proposal. If you want the current animations to be simply replaced? Then I oppose the proposal. You can want something different, just don't try to take away what others may be enjoying. And I for one do not want my Ninja/Dark Mastermind to suddenly turn into a circus acrobat every time I fire my bow. It's what I hate about Dual Pistols, that we don't have a non-circus performer animation option. And also again, if you just want your character to jump and shoot when you fire your bow? Then hit the space bar to jump before you hit your attack. And if you want your character to do a flip and shoot when you fire your bow? Then you can accomplish that by taking Ninja Run (available for free from the START vendor if you have not taken any other run power from them yet), and when you jump, wait for the flip at the top, and then hit your attack.
  3. Probably because any enhancements we can slot in PvE can also be used in PvP? So even non-PvP enhancements will affect PvP.
  4. You're right. I got my game systems mixed. I'm thinking Heroes Unlimited Revised page 230. Sorry.
  5. This also needs a -range component or the enemies will not actually go to the location. I can see this working for gaining access to something for mission plot, but ye olde typical enemy isn't going to care what your credentials are. So this feels more like a mission point than a character power for this game. Ye olde typical enemy is going to look at your character with the falsified orders and just shoot you. I recommend taking a different approach for the confuse effect. The Concealment pool has a stealth power and Misdirection, which placates all foes within 20 feet (up to Mag 4) for 15 seconds. So as far as naming goes, there is a conflict to address.
  6. Fair. I need to go back through the books then because the one I am thinking of talks about how a masked hero in court will be challenged by the defense to reveal their identity and push for the hero to be charged with unlawful search and seizure, breaking and entering, and a host of other charges by the defense to get the hero's testimony thrown out. Hence "then typically the last place a character with a secret ID wants to be is a court of law for any reason".
  7. The Dark Champions book goes into more detail about how superhero investigations are (not) submissible in court and other hero/vigilante interactions with the judicial system. (Basically, unless the hero universe is one where it is all sunshine and rainbows, heroes and good always triumph, then typically the last place a character with a secret ID wants to be is a court of law for any reason.)
  8. NOT SURE WHERE YOU ARE GOING WITH THIS... I'm not going anywhere with that. I was simply trying to clarify what @tidge had said to @Webmaxx3. The thought itself is for @tidge to explain further if so desired.
  9. Yeah, it's working now. It wasn't on my first 2 attempts to respond on the Very Rare Res and Def sets thread where I went back to put in parts of the posts I neglected to put in the 1st time. (That post in the thread is my 3rd post/attempt to convey that thought.)
  10. Hopefully this time I can post without needing to edit, since the forum isn't letting me edit.... What @tidge is saying is that the reason why purple sets for threat and fear powers don't exist is the same reason why PvP sets for them don't exist. PvE sets can be used as easily in PvP as they can in PvE. And from what @Frozen Burn is saying, this isn't likely to happen for resist and/or defense sets because the devs think a purple set for those would be too OP. And given how defense in this game works and how easy it is to stack on resist already, I'm inclined to agree.
  11. I didn't see a Website Bug Reports forum, so I'm posting here. I can't edit my posts on the forums. When I go to edit, the text all gets overlaid on top of itself and any attempts to save any changes are marked as saved but do not actually appear.
  12. Could you provide some more data? There is a lot of grey or simply unstated things here, so it's hard to get a feel for the idea. As a general idea? An elemental set has promise, but without more data, I don't know where to stand on it. If you are asking for others to help flesh this out though? There are several of us that would probably be happy to oblige.
  13. What about trading upgrade power(s) and/or the set-specific utility (t7) for more personal attacks? In the case of the upgrade(s), this has the benefit of reducing the number of attacks the henchmen get, presumably reducing their DPS as a tradeoff for increasing the player's without having to cut down on the actual headcount. It also lets MM's have their henchmen grow with them as a unique bullet point in contrast to this hypothetical new archetype not having that. I'm willing to bet no. Controllers and Dominators get pets that without upgrades get as many attacks as Mastermind henchman class pets (edit: after their upgrades. They just don't get the buff powers some pets in specific power sets get). So I don't think it is the number of attacks per pet. I believe it is the number of pets able to simultaneously attack targets while your character attacks, heals, buffs, debuffs, or whatever. So if this proposed AT were to be made and this proposed AT got more native attacks, especially if a full secondary of Blaster powers like the author wants, then pets are going to take a major hit. And one of those is most likely going to be numbers of pets.
  14. Or at least a noticeable presence. More variety in Judgements would be welcome. Only if it is drastically weakened. And even then, it should remain a temp power, not a permanent one, so players have to keep buying it if they want it.
  15. The only way I can see the devs giving a MM AT more native attacks for the MM character to use is at the expense of their pets. That is the point of having so many pets, they are your damage. So if you want your character to be doing the damage, you're going to lose pets for it. (That is part of the reason why MM native attacks are so much weaker than other ATs.) Edit: One thing you can do currently? While it won't give you more Dual Pistol attacks, you can build up your native attacks more. On my Ninja/Dark MM, my Snap Shot recharges every 0.91 seconds on a 1 second cast time attack and my Aimed Shot recharges every 1.4 seconds on a 1 second cast time attack. Even my Fistful of Arrows recharges every 2.78 seconds. So I can constantly be firing Snap Shots and Aimed shots while throwing in the odd Fistful of Arrows when I want. While Thugs' attacks are slightly slower for recharge, you can still do the same thing. Bear in mind this is without Hasten (I never take that power) and without focusing on recharge. (For instance, Snap Shot is only 4-slotted and only one of those enhancements, the Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge one, is a recharge enhancement.)
  16. I can get behind this. As I stated, personally, I'm against allowing characters into multiple SGs for the sake of moving assets, but it can already be done. So if a SG wants to make their storage open to all the other SGs in their coalition, let them. It simplifies things.
  17. A player's Mastermind is as backline support or frontline fighter as the player chooses to make them. For instance, I build all my MMs to stand in the middle of the pack, or team, and fight from there. Yes, all my attacks are ranged, but I tend to favor the melee-focused pets, and being where the action is means I don't have to worry about them running out of Supremacy (too often). If I really wanted to, I could forego the MM's three native attacks and grab some melee attacks from the power pools to further justify my character being in the thick of the fight. And yes, I typically spend most of my time using my MM's native attacks in a fight, even on large teams. My auras and buffs/debuffs keep me from having to spam heals or other supports until things go to hell, at which point I switch to rapid support as fast as my powers charge until things settle down to where I can resume using attacks again. There are two problems with this. The first being that the MM's henchmen pets already do buff the MM, but only while in Bodyguard Mode. (Though some pets like the Protector Bots also buff you with shields.) The second is a 2-parter. The MM's Supremacy buff doesn't buff a pet's survival, it buffs the pet's damage and chance to hit, and henchman class pets are much more vulnerable (and weaker) than pet class pets. So you would be handicapping the new AT's henchman class pets. And with so many pets available to the new AT, odds are, those pets are still going to be your main source of damage. Considering the devs are opposed to granting MMs this, I doubt they will agree to grant a MM variant this either. At least not if you want to retain the number of pets MMs get.
  18. It doesn't have to per the OP. The OP says: So for the author's needs, only 1 SG that is the author's needs to be in a coalition. Others that want personal SGs for their alts and still want to be in the coalition can take up the other 9 or so. And a request to expand the coalition limit can be made to alleviate that anyway without the complication of making characters able to be in 2 or more SGs at the same time. Not if you want shared storage. If this is about shared storage, then make your coalition base caretaker character on a separate account. Then when you want to add to the coalition base storage, you open a trade window with that character, give what you want added, and the caretaker character adds it. Or if you want to withdraw something, the caretaker character gets it, you open a trade window with that character, and get the item(s). And if others want to do the same thing, they can also have caretaker or transfer characters populate the coalition central SG. Personally, I'm against allowing characters into multiple SGs for the sake of moving assets between SGs like that, but it can already be done.
  19. If the point is to be social, then I'm not understanding how coalitions don't meet the OP request. Isn't that what "The second slot would be for an actual SG, so you can be social." means? (Edit: There is a coalition chat, just like there is a super group chat. And a coalition base gives the players involved a place to go and congregate.)
  20. That is what coalitions are for. (Edit: Make your main SG base. Have a caretaker character to keep it open. Then all your other characters can have their private bases/lairs and they all go to the shared coalition base for their SG meetings and other tasks.)
  21. Like you said, when anti-matter and matter collide, they annihilate each other in an extreme release of energy. So why does your proposed set need the enemy to be using powers with such critically small timing? Edit: Also, the interrupt enhancements reduce the interrupt window (but not animation time) of powers. They don't apply interrupt effects. And powers that lack interrupt windows are not subject to being interrupted. (Except in very specific cases. I've found Thunder Strike from Crey Voltaic Tanks can be interrupted with a good KU.)
  22. ... I think you have ninja and circus performer confused. I'm not going to oppose a request for alternate animations, however, I will oppose the OP if this is a request to just flat replace the existing animations though. (Edit: Also, you already can jump and shoot. Just jump and hit your attack after you start your jump. It's actually a good way to draw enemies to you. You stand where you can shoot them at max range, jump to cover, and fire your weapon as you jump so that you land behind cover, the enemy is hit, and runs towards you.) (Edit again: And if you took the Ninja Run power from START, then you can even do a flip before you fire your bow.)
  23. On the plus side for that, it means that when a super strong character goes to hurl an object at a target, they actually pick up part of the terrain like a jeep and throw it at the target. On the down side, you can't just use your hurl object ability except with something on the map that can be picked up and thrown, so no on demand Hurl like in CoX. Also on the down side, the STR stat doesn't need to be that high to throw any terrain objects. You're running around with a mentalist character? Go right ahead and pick up that jeep, truck, boulder, or whatever, and chuck it at a foe at max normal ranged attack range even if you only have baseline STR. (Though some larger objects require higher STR. So if you have base STR, you can probably only throw a stationary jeep or truck. You can never pick up a moving object.) And you still can't destroy anything/everything. Buildings, hills, trees, and similar are still not destructible because if they were destroyed, then you would have open gaps on the map that let you get under or behind the map. (Which you can still do in several locations, like hiding inside a boulder because the boulder has no bottom and there is a space where it is not in contact with the ground.) Sorry, started another CO rant. I'm stopping now.
  24. I check the alts I play most often to see if they have any inf' or reward merits to spare for my other alts. And if they have the inf', I just send myself an e-mail with basically all the inf'. Then whatever alt I'm wanting to buff opens said e-mail, claims the inf', and spends it. Or if the more played alt(s) have the reward merits, I have them buy whatever I'm looking for and just e-mail that instead. (Though, all my characters are broke. And I do mean all of them. So usually I just press on without bothering unless I know I have been playing a specific alt enough recently to have sufficient inf' to do anything.)
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