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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. That would be obvious in some case like the isles up north in Talos Island's zone, but less obvious in, say Independence Port or Skyway City where there are some cave doors under the buildings. A 2D map won't reveal those, only going to them. You enter the mission and see it is a cave mission. You don't want to do a cave mission. So you exit the mission and abandon it. When you click the radio/paper to see what missions are there, you find 3 missions that aren't what you just abandoned and select another one to do instead. Edit: Because just like how you can be sent to a building door and find out you entered a cave somehow, you can be sent to a cave door and find out you entered a warehouse, office, or lab map instead. Edit again: You can also learn about the different factions. Council? At low levels, odds are it's a cave map. CoT? Odds are it's a cave or Oranbega map. Carnies favor warehouses and offices. Knives and Malta too. Rikti? It is going to be a cave map or a partial cave map. So on and so forth. Though this will not prevent you from getting cave maps, it will reduce the frequency with which you see them.
  2. It's a radio/paper mission. If you see it is a cave mission and don't want to do it, just abandon the mission and grab another one.
  3. If you are surrounded, then you need to re-position your foes so the cone can hit them. Easiest way to do that is to get out from being surrounded and group them in front of you to launch your cone before they surround you again.
  4. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "no". Because that would require the entire game to be redesigned to work with the new engine. May as well just make a new game at that point.
  5. Here's a thought following this idea: how about two options: one for disabling threads and another for disabling shards. Why? So that those players that have completed their incarnate powers and don't want to buy things like super inspirations can just turn them off if they want. (Edit: Or if they don't want incarnate powers at all on that character, they can just turn them off. And for that, even add a disable incarnate xp option.) (Edit again: At least back on Live, if you didn't want your character to go incarnate, you could just not do the iTrials. That isn't an option on HC. So adding those three options: disable shards, disable threads, and disable incarnate xp; will give players back the ability to make characters that don't even unlock incarnate abilities if that is what they want. Though that may also require a 4th option: disable Empyrean Merits.) (Edit yet again: And maybe the ability to delete salvage that cannot be traded? So you can just delete incarnate salvage from your inventory if desired?)
  6. It is? Because I just logged on the game to see it for myself after reading this post, and it is not available to any ATs on the live servers. Nor is there a patch update saying it was added to the game.
  7. No, it doesn't. Swap Ammo, Cryo Ammunition, Incendiary Ammunition, and Chemical Ammunition are all listed on the power customization window, but they only have the Original choice and there is no color selection palette for them.
  8. It's the EB version in the "A Flashy Thief" mission ending Bobby Curtin's "Gone In A Flash" arc. The only new power she seems to have in the mission is Lightning Field compared to her boss version. All Arc Flash's powers do -END, and she almost immediately bottoms out my END bar when we fight unless, like I said, I pop 6 large purple inspirations to keep her from even hitting me. And while I appreciate that she instant fully heals during that fight and then seems to ramp up her resist to being END drained and hurt, I've wiped out my inspiration tray multiple times and had to flee because as soon as I lose my purple inspirations, my Electric Armor Tanker is zeroed for END. And I do mean pretty much instantly, every time I've fought her with that character. On a character that should at least be resisting her -END to some point but does not seem to. Edit: I edited the title. Hope that helps.
  9. Yeah, it caps at 95% when you reach level 47. I know that part. The issue is that I don't seem to have any resists for END or REC while fighting Arc Flash. She just shuts me down unless I have 6 large purples running.
  10. Or, you know, pop in your SG base and hit up a trainer there. Or like you said, just go to another trainer in another zone. You can even hit up War Witch in Pocket D if you want to go dimensional. Hells, Blue Steel isn't even a police officer any more. Yes, the PPD works closely with him, but they do that with lots of other supers blue side. Including your character if you do the right story arc(s). So when a character visits Blue Steel, they aren't hitting up a PPD trainer, they are hitting up just another super hero that is willing to help them progress their own powers and happens to have been a beat cop once upon a time. Edit again: Yes, there is a conflict in that his description says he holds a special rank in the PPD and is a special deputy in the PPD, but the description leads me to think he holds an unofficial position that grants him official authority with the PPD in specific cases. (The conflict arising from another PPD super that says he has to hide his super identity even from the PPD or he will lose his job in the Shining Stars arcs.)
  11. Okay, I don't know if this is a bug or working as intended, so I'm hoping it is a bug. I have an Elec'/Elec' Tanker that seems to have absolutely no resist to Arc Flash's END and REC drains. So I checked my character's combat attributes window. Despite Static Shield granting 93.75% resistance to END drain and REC drain, as listed in the power description and City of Data, the combat attributes window only shows the REC resistance, and it shows it capped at 64.28%. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.electric_armor.static_shield&at=tanker
  12. There is no way to fly, run, or jump past that fence. That's why I think the Freaklok Disc Jockey indicates the mobs are already on the player side of the fence and for some reason going hostile without going hostile, rather than crossing the fence to bug the mission. There are previous threads on the Bug Reports forum about this.
  13. Once targeted, it doesn't matter where you are with your teleport as long as you are in range. Hence my question. So unless the teleporting Freaklok work like the Rikti Headman Gunman, which they probably do, I haven't encountered them yet on that arc, they should not be able to teleport out past the fence. If they can teleport like the Rikti Headman Gunman? Then maybe teleporting Freaklok should be disabled on that map. However, that still leaves the quandary of the Freaklok Disc Jockey, which can fly but not teleport, causing the same problem for others. And it is because of the Freaklok Disc Jockey that I don't think they are escaping from that side of the fence but that Freaklok already on the player side of the fence are erroneously being flagged as hostile to the point of being targetable, but still possessing their ally flag preventing them from being even attackable except by indirect means which did no damage, which was the problem most often reported for this incident on that map.
  14. Did you do so through the fence or were you flying at map height limit near the fence when you did it?
  15. This part I disagree with. (Edit: If you want to give the beast handlers war cries to buff the other Warriors? Okay. The animals doing so? No, it makes no sense to me.) (Edit again: And if you are wondering why I disagree? It's because the Warriors aren't berserkers or other type of combatant that should be swayed by essentially a combat trained pet being loud.)
  16. law of the west.mp4 (Sorry, bit of an odd mental state right now.) Edit: law of the west 2.mp4
  17. The Physique slider does the same for all three character models. It increases/decreases muscle mass of the male, female, and huge characters. Now if you want a muscled appearance like the male and huge models have, then you are asking for a new female model to be added, not a new slider. (Edit: That, or you are asking for a muscled texture like the barbarian costume pieces have for each of the with skin options.)
  18. bdc391b1-9d8c-4817-984d-6d0cedf45d97.mp4
  19. You are fighting a friendly. Yes, it shows as hostile, but the Freaklok are your allies on that map. And you can't hurt an ally. That's the bug. That something, maybe a confuse effect, is flagging a Freaklok as an enemy even though it is still an ally.
  20. Isn't the Wisp Overlord like twice the size of any character? So its model won't have costume pieces/details in the same relative position as your shorter character since your actual costume is linked to your character model's appropriate costume slots. (Edit: And since you are using costume pieces in costume slots the Wisp Overlord has nothing assigned to, your costume pieces are showing up where they are supposed to on your character.)
  21. Very old game. Notorious spaghetti code. I don't know if this can be done or not.
  22. To be fair, it doesn't look like anyone is disagreeing with you to me. So there is that at least. Everyone seems fine with the option being added.
  23. There are few things as fun as doing nothing while waiting for the Tanker to grab the entire map and bring them to you. (Edit: For clarification, please note that I am being sarcastic.)
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