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Everything posted by -Kobi-

  1. How do you explain the excitement and continued interest of players for this game, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year? Could you predict this popularity at the time?
  2. La Lune Bleue continue tranquillement son recrutement de joueurs Francophones afin d'élargir ses rangs ! Actuellement une base d'un groupe de 8 joueurs Fr par soir aux heures européennes mais également des oiseaux de nuits / joueurs aux heures US ! Nous prônons un jeu détente, basé sur l'entraide et le respect de chacun, quelque soit son niveau ou son ancienneté sur le jeu. L'idée est de proposer aux nouveaux comme anciens joueurs une expérience de jeu agréable, grâce à l'organisation régulière d'évènements sur notre discord (en moyenne deux par semaines). Nous proposons : Soirées TF / gratifications quelque soit le niveau Contenus Hard Core visant à se dépasser et exploiter au maximum nos supers pouvoirs avec le contenu 4 étoiles (Hard Core) ou Master Of Contenu Farm pour rapidement s'équiper Explorations et badges En plus de cela, une base est à disposition pour s'équiper grâce aux IO/SO disponibles N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre ! Pour plus d'informations : message sur discord à moi même @_Kobi_ ,@zpɹɐ ou @beuz ou bien directement à la suite de ce message Bon jeu !
  3. Group Name: La Lune Bleue Alignment: Heros/ Praeto / Villains Roleplay: Peu de Rp mais un penchant pour les bios bien écrites ! Discord: Me contacter @Kobi ou bien @zpɹɐ pour une invitation Recruitment Message: La Lune Bleue continue tranquillement son recrutement de joueurs Francophones afin d'élargir ses rangs ! Actuellement une base d'un groupe de 8 joueurs Fr par soir aux heures européennes mais également des oiseaux de nuits / joueurs aux heures US ! Nous prônons un jeu détente, basé sur l'entraide et le respect de chacun, quelque soit son niveau ou son ancienneté sur le jeu. L'idée est de proposer aux nouveaux comme anciens joueurs une expérience de jeu agréable, grâce à l'organisation régulière d'évènements sur notre discord (en moyenne deux par semaines). Nous proposons : Soirées TF / gratifications quelque soit le niveau Contenus Hard Core visant à se dépasser et exploiter au maximum nos supers pouvoirs avec le contenu 4 étoiles (Hard Core) ou Master Of Soirée PVP le samedi soir Contenu Farm pour rapidement s'équiper Explorations et badges En plus de cela, une base est à disposition pour s'équiper grâce aux IO/SO disponibles. N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre sur Excelsior ! Pour plus d'informations : message sur discord à moi même @_kobi_ou @zpɹɐ Bon jeu !
  4. Grandville for the free jet pack
  5. Was talking about that earlier on chat. For the sake of clarity, would it be possible to change the text color of the group or league leader in order to more easily see the instructions given during an event ? Or add small symbol such as a star in front or behind toon name.
  6. Never paid attention before, but Shadow hunter spear (staff fighting skin) is awesome. Would you mind add it in game ?
  7. New Aether effects from Page 6 are pretty neat to create costume concept without having to respec for dedicated power (elec/fire/frost/psy) I appreciate this addition. Simple but effective. Undefined "devil" mode is great for demons concepts.
  8. Not a bug, if you're interested by story, don't read the spoiler
  9. Wait and see ! Pretty sure that winter event will allow players to earn some aether like they did with ToT
  10. This is really interesting, i didn't know anything about theses tests. thx for letting me know. Indeed, the psychological aspect is really strong.
  11. I understand your point about flexibility. Myself in my build I do not use hasten. But considering the value of the buff (+15% with 3 stacks), is it really worth in your playstyle?
  12. That sounds like the discipline priest from WOW : a part of damages are converted in heals for group/raid. Could be interesting. To avoid imbalance, maybe focus it in a small radius around the target, like Kinetic transfusion, or could heal one mate only, the lowest in HP
  13. I'm quite surprised that price of aether didn't take off after the haloween event ended. We stay around 4M which seems surprisingly low to me. As a buyer i'm not going to complain.
  14. Now that page 5 has passed and corrected what for me was a priority, namely sentinel/mastermind, and brought its share of interesting ideas on sets like fire/axes, I would like to discuss with you on a line that has been close to my heart for a long time, namely staff fighting. I'll mainly talk about the tank/brute/scrap line, as i'm not a stalker player, but stalker set got really interesting idea to improve the line. General comment Staff fighting is, according to my interpretation, a relatively defensive line: no build up, rather weak ST attacks, a lot of AOE, mitigation with KD/KU a system of combos allowing to buff the player or debuff the enemy. The line is now mainly played by tanks who take advantage of the enlarged aura of attacks to do damage over a large area and taunt on the way, and stalkers, who have their own version, more focused around ST damages. The set is currently poorly represented by its damage below several lines, and the frigidity of its gameplay. However, some improvements are possible in my opinion. Redraw The forced redraw is the main problem of the line currently. Just like the soldiers of arachnos, this makes the line horribly fixed around its attacks without being able to count on other pools and in particular the epic ones. Unfortunately this contributes greatly to the lack of damage in the set and makes the gameplay quite poor if you don't want to lose a second between each switch. Currently, speaking of Epics, only physical perfection or darknest night seem to be "correct" choices in view of a fluid game without delay in the attack cycle On the armor set, it forces player to favor lines without clicky powers or a few (Stone/Invul/WP/Dark/SR), always with the aim of losing a minimum of time. In the end the gameplay remains quite frigid at present. Would be a good thing to obtain a "no redraw" version of animations, considering the few animations related to this set in the game (hi Dream doctor) Staff Mastery Staff mastery is the line's own combo system, which you can choose to skip or not on Tank/brute/scrap version, and allows you to choose a bonus whose nature will vary according to the finisher of the combo. Form of the body: - res enemy, +damage +res for the player Form of the soul: - enemy def, +stamina reduction +regen/recovery for player Form of the mind: movement penalty for the enemy, recharge reduction and accuracy bonus for the player It also bring some extra damages at the end of the combo. In theory, this system makes it possible to adapt to each situation according to the context, bonuses and needs of the team. In practice, of the few players I know playing the set, 99% use the form that gives damage and lowers enemy resistance. I personally used form of the soul during my leveling but after that most players are looking for extra damage to compensate for the lack of base damage in the set My suggestion: take inspiration from the stalker set and make the power inherent by adapting the bonuses to the AT that uses it. tanks and brutes could have a more defensive version with a slight absorb bonus. stalkers/scrappers might get extra %crit. Build-up : If Staff mastery become inherent, adding Build Up instead for tank/brute/scrap seems a good option to increase damage set. Overall damages: The line lacks damage, especially on its single-target attacks. a slight dps boost would make the line more popular. We could enjoy the new mechanics implemented on the Axe set like the attraction. For example, serpent's reach is assumed to be the long range attack in the set. why not add a component to attract the enemy towards you? somewhat in the style of Scorpion in Mortal Kombat "get over here!" I think these few adjustments could go a long way towards improving the set and its popularity. Far beyond breakdancing on commande I will be delighted to discuss with you the vision you have of the set and how you can improve it. Also having stalker returns, knowing that I don't play the AT.
  15. I tested some effect and there's a small scaling problem for this one 🙂 Ghost effect scal perfectly with granite !
  16. Heya ! Just an idea, would it be possible to be able to reject common salvages or rare ones as it is already possible to do with inspirations or recipes ? I use to sell oranges one to the AH, but i don't really need the others Thx guys !
  17. Between 20-23M ATM. I suspect price will increase with Deluxe costume release but imo, it's still too late to sell.
  18. Love hard mode playstyle. That's, in my opinion, the best add content in game. I was about to stop because of the disconcerting ease of the game in general, even if I hear that the game is more focused on fun and testing several combinations of powers. However, having developed content based on team spirit and a minimum of tactics has been a nice addition that should spread on the incarnate content. We just need in general better rewards scale on difficulty to encourage people playing this playstyle.
  19. Thanks for this New Romulus Fight, less cyclical, more dynamic. I Noted that aggro amount is preserved during barrier refresh. Only first round is a mess. Don't know if it work as intended or aggro is suppose to reset each time barriers are up. This fight look more a real Hard end game fight, really appreciate it.
  20. A small scale problem with capes and mini mode. Fun if you need a parachute
  21. Hello there, Tested it in relentless yesterday night , totally agree with a lot of point adressed by Fubar so won't repeat it. Mish 3 : Make twins hitbox larger : even with full distance cam, it's very confusing on the screen as melee Mish 3 : Wouldn't be more interesting if the twins landed near computer ? Lorely speaking, it's the objectiv they need to defend. Mish 4 : Romulus fight : Make his nova beam unresistable damage if we don't leave the area (a kind of apex blue patch) Hostless : Make the link between nictus and player more visible on screen. An energy negative laser for exemple ? Something more blatant Thx Team for your work Kobi
  22. Hey guys, Not the first that happen to me. My respec count is negative, and i can't respec at all. First time, some months ago, i had to wait for weekly maintenance, and my respec count was reset to zero. Do you have any solution to counter the problem or prevent it ?
  23. Hello there, As a big fan of super pack, i spend all money to buy it, but many objects are useless for me (double XP/xp booster/ self revival). Would it be possible to add a delete button to erase excess of useless items/bonuses ? Only alternative right now is creating toon and claiming all surplus. Kobi
  24. Granite armor + Staff Eye of the storm = Best combo ever for sure
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