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Everything posted by arthurh35353

  1. Exploration badges don't work for villains/rogues? [edit] No, my bad. I'd had some from before. Fully explored worked.
  2. I attempted to do this arc, but before I did any mission and I asked him why he didn't go to the police, I think I got the 'ran from the law' choice.
  3. Wow, shut down hard by Stribbling. All I asked is why he didn't go to the police.
  4. Looks like you agree that all new content should be harder and less accessible. Congrats, you have won the internet and a non-friendly video game.
  5. That is like the opposite of 'accessible' for solo play.
  6. No, I was referring to the new Story Arc in Steel Canyon (Agent Walker?) So I was only in my level 20s or so for it. Like I said, all new content is now 'harder core', solo players are being ignored for ever increasing harder mode. Nothing that has come out recently has been solo friendly. And it appears to be by design. I don't think I'll bother playing 'harder mode' ITF and Aeon Strike Force.
  7. No, I was still +0/x0. So +1 x2 lts and a minion should not have been a normal spawn.
  8. Oh, that was nice. I guess all new content is now 'harder core' for non-casual players. +1 mobs of 2lts and a minion. A boss fight when bosses are turned off and an ambush against toxic foes. I'm so glad that I can go back to not playing City of Heroes again. That was a very annoying end to Agent Watkins and some of the newest content. 2 for 2, new content is not for soloers. That along with the second mission in new missions in Cimmeria just are meant for 'real players'.
  9. Since the latest live patch, Sentinels are not longer able to customize their Opportunity Mark. Before it would accept the coloring and light/dark mode from the T1 and T2 attack. Now, even if you are Dark Blast, you bet a bright energy in yellow white target on the target.
  10. I would like to see a specific cape and specific aura (new ones) that you can unlock with the missions so they aren't just ignored or only done for nostalgia's purposes.
  11. COH Modder and it's site is down?
  12. I really really hate the new click part of the Opportunity Strikes for Sentinel set. Having to remember to click the new power all the time is GD annoying. It's a busy click for being busy.
  13. Make it sparkle feedback: Make it a passive that activates at 100% build up on targeted attacks that hit (so it will not trigger on PBAOEs) and allow it to be customizable so that when you hit 100% it makes a noise and SFX. Leave the target SFX under the target. Suggestions: I felt a little on the squishy side. Even +4 red boss (singular) smoked me easily. I'd aim at 82% res cap so Sentinels are theoretically a little tougher, but without all the melee centric buffs that armors tend to give.
  14. I noticed that my End Usage was really, really high using just using IOs. I do kind of think that it might be nice as an automatic hit if an attack hits at 100% opportunity build up.
  15. And that actually misses the points that the iTrials and the Aeon SF even on non-hard mode are where these rewards are being placed. 😕
  16. Well, that's an immediate turn off for me to play solo. Some of us don't live in solo-land against 54s. And new Incarnates will just die a lot.
  17. Eh, the newer hardest modes for ITF and ASF are pushing the meta that you must have T4 maxxed out for specific type of wins to get through. (And I found out that 2 Sentinels failed our Relentless ASF as we did not contribute enough DPS to take out one of the Vanguard with their super-cheaty I kill you in the room we fight in AOE blast.
  18. Well, they could just divide the cost of enhancements for merits by 1/2 or 3/4 if they ever decide that non-farmers needed a way to get them without farming. Nah, it's a crazy idea.
  19. The Hercules, Zeus and Kronos titans are still there.
  20. Well, it's not like they are armed with specific anti-super-power weapons or anything... Oh, right.
  21. As far as I can tell, these aren't designed for you to 'get them all' they are designed so that you might want to get one or two, because they are so rare in pricing. And yet, supposedly not a 'top level reward' even though the only place to really get them is the super hard modes. I just don't understand. They are so high priced that I have already given up on them before they've even arrived.
  22. Casinos used to do that, but they have hit upon hard times and no longer give you as much free stuff because people are cheap bastards and don't gamble as much. I popped into Black Beards to check it out and hooray, no more seagulls and a facemaker in the back Yeas! A male Erin and a female Roy for random NPC names? Weird. I'll be honest, I'm not sure what a Tavern Shanty is supposed to look like, but I can't see any place for someone to perform like a stage. [EDIT] Ah, it was background music that I couldn't hear over Port Oakes villain music. If that's stopped you can hear it. Much better than seagulls anyways. Too bad there isn't a stage for people to play on or something, but not the end of th eworld.
  23. The melee builds aren't really affected here, as they almost never get mezzed anyway except against weird Incarnate content or Ghost Widow in MLTF. It's really everyone else that is heavily impacted, with probably Warshades and toggle heavy Dark epics that have the most offensive toggles.
  24. I think that removing Vet Leveling from the AE is probably better for people than removing converting Empyrians to Mertis. The real problem is the AFK farming. It's not playing, it's grinding for massive rewards. You get INF and all the Veteran Levels for parking your fire farmer/whatever and moving them every 20-30 minutes. It conceptionally is to game rewards so that you can sell phat loot on the market so you can kit up your next 1billion fire farmer build. It's not playing the game, it's just proving you have a computer you can keep connected and passively inflating your wealth.
  25. Damage toggles versus Debuff Toggles vs mezz toggles? How far would they need to split this up?
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