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Everything posted by carroto

  1. According to this post it will run from October 6-November 3.
  2. Are you also taking into account the increased HP regen from higher max HP? Your math seems to be apply for a situation in which a chunk of damage comes in all at once, how much will it take to defeat a toon. But in prolonged battles the increased regen will play a role as well, increasing the value of +HP more than that shows. I suspect that was also a factor in Arcanaville's statement.
  3. Thanks for this post. It helps explain some of the strangeness I've seen with my Fire/Energy Dom. I'm not sure that there's a lot I can do to work around it, but at least it's good to know that if I get into EF mode from one of my regular blasts, I likely don't have much time to use it since TF will probably reset it soon.
  4. The entry for this power includes this requirement on the damage portion of the power: (target>kSleep <= 0) So that seems to indicate to me that it will not damage sleeping enemies.
  5. No the power is coded to ignore enhancements on splash targets. I really wanted that too, but of course the devs anticipated that move.
  6. If it requires manual cycling then presumably you have to be present to monitor it, or at least come back to switch targets now and then. About how often do you have to come back to avoid defeating an AV?
  7. That turned to be a more useful exercise than I'd anticipated. Looking over that list I saw a lot of Savage Melee stuff, so I investigated and found I was way off on those powers. Fixed quick snipes while I was at it. For both I just took the best base scenario. 97% tohit and 5 stacks of Blood Frenzy.
  8. I had the same question about a number of mag expressions so I made a list that includes the power names. Hopefully not too hard to read:
  9. I haven't gotten my Ninjitsu Stalker to 50 yet so I haven't tried it for myself, but I do recall people having good things to say about this combo in the past. I've been looking forward to trying it out for myself. Now I'm getting concerned.
  10. Not sure how I missed it but I'm just glad to have it! Many thanks.
  11. Couldn't find this anywhere...seems like some people have the same signature at the bottom of each of their posts on these forums. I looked through my profile and couldn't find an option to add one anywhere. Surely they're not copy-pasting those manually every time they post? Is there some way to create a signature that gets automatically added to each post I make?
  12. Here is the list: Edit: Next step will be to pull out a list of unique variable / function names in all of those. That will have to wait though. I have to step out for the evening. Edit: Here's the list of unique "words" in those magnitude expressions. I used a simple algorithm to extract them. Hopefully none got missed.
  13. Well I figure most people would be interested in either the worst or best case. So you could just do those. I'll probably just do max +tohit for quick snipes. Anyway if you want a list of all unique mag expressions I could probably get that pretty easily. I already coded a script to get me all the unique power effect area designators (['Cone', 'Chain', 'Map', 'SingleTarget', 'AoE', 'Location']).
  14. I see. You haven't added that to your sig yet. I was just thinking that a number of people keep having to solve the same set of problems related to getting meaningful data from the raw data, and it would be nice if we had one central source so we don't keep having to reinvent the same solutions. What language are you using? I was thinking that any language that has some version of "eval" could perhaps provide a shortcut for dealing with magnitude expressions. Do a simple string replace to put values in for variables, then eval the whole thing.
  15. Where are you dealing with those? I see your spreadsheets but no tool that's reading raw powers data that would have to contend with magnitude expressions directly.
  16. Thanks for that. Could have saved myself a bunch of calculations. Still seems kind of crappy to me that Doms get a much higher recharge on their slow snipes for the same damage as other ATs. Oh well it is what it is. Anyway, I'm not sure how to handle that sort of thing for this chart tool. I've been trying to avoid having to code a full magnitude expression evaluator but it's kind of looking like any other solution may be even worse. Until I can get it sorted it looks like quick snipe damage is way off for all ATs except Doms.
  17. If you look at the Blaster quick snipe you see it does a total of 4.56 damage scale with a magnitude expression of (((minmax(((source>cur.kToHit - 0.75) / 0.22), -1.0, 1.0) * 0.210526316) + 1) * @StdResult) * 0.7 The last number in that formula is 0.3 for the smashing component (2.28 DS), and 0.7 for the energy component (2.28 DS). If we're just looking at maxed out +tohit, we can simplify it to 1.210526316 * damage * 0.7 for the energy portion. Applying this to both components I get a final total of 0.83 DS smashing + 1.93 DS energy for a total of 2.76 effective DS for the power. It's the same for the Corruptor version. However for Doms the magnitude expression is ((minmax(((source>cur.kToHit - 0.75) / 0.22), -1.0, 1.0) * 0.25) + .75) * @StdResult Which simplifies under enough +tohit to just equal 1 for both the smashing and energy portions, so it's just whatever the base DS of the power is. In this case it's 3.56. So the Dom quick snipe has a lower base DS (3.56 versus 4.56 for Blaster), but due to having a different magnitude expression, ends up with an effective higher DS (3.56 vs. 2.76). This is appropriate given the higher recharge on the Dom snipe, but it seems like a wonky way of getting there. I'm guessing this was done during the relatively recent Dom revamp in which Dom snipes were boosted in recharge and damage. However it seems really odd to break the standard damage formulas where DS is based on the recharge of the power. The Dom slow snipe has a 4.5 DS, same as on other ATs, but it gets a much longer recharge (20s vs. 12s). Then it gets a higher effective DS on the quick snipe compared to other ATs. Like I said, seems really wonky. If the devs wanted to boost the quick snipe on Doms I'd think it would have been better to stick to the standard damage formula and tweak the magnitude expression. But I guess this might have been seen as the best way if they wanted to just boost the quick snipe. I dunno, seems really kludgey, because this way you get an effective boost to the quick snipe damage, but the slow snipe kind of sucks given the higher recharge but same DS as other ATs get. Seems like there had to be a better way to do whatever they were getting at.
  18. Unless my math is way off the final damage is significantly reduced relative to the base scale for most ATs. However Dominators seem to get special treatment. It's not obvious to me why that is.
  19. I agree about everything said about the mission, but that's not the mission I'd change if I could change one. I mean yeah it's a crappy design, but I can plan to start that one up when I have something to do for 15 minutes and as was said, get the attention of one of the mobs and walk away for 15 minutes. The ones that bother me are the one or two outdoor hunts for mobs in areas that have almost none of those mobs. I usually end up kiting the needed mobs from an adjacent area into the one where I can get credit for them to complete the mission. Those are the ones I'd change if I were dev for a day. Edit: Wow @EmmySky...ummm...jinx?
  20. Well considering that's the whole point of the chart I'm not sure how to handle those, aside from maybe excluding them altogether. I also just noticed that the damage calculation for quick snipes is not as simple as adding up the different damage types. There seems to be an additional modifier that is not the same for every AT. Good times.
  21. Good idea. I'll have to see if the chart library I'm using supports that.
  22. I saw these in the data but didn't know what the difference is. Still don't. Is that the difference between the time for the animation to play and the actual root time?
  23. Hi I want to thank you for creating this tool. I have created my own for making power charts that uses your API. Without it people would have had to type in a bunch of powers values manually from Mids' or something, which would be a night for day difference in usability. I am caching all data within a session to try to keep requests down. Many thanks for putting in so much effort.
  24. I made a simple tool for creating charts. Currently you can graph proc chances with varying recharge and also regen. You can view raw proc chances or proc damage as a percentage of the base damage of a power. For regen you can graph character regen by varying either regen or max HP. Sorry if those descriptions aren't clear. I think if you play with it, it will be clear enough. I'm pulling powers data from @RubyRed's powers API. Those data are pretty raw and I'm sure I haven't massaged all of them properly, so you might want to double-check the damage against Mids' now and then. The only powers I'm currently aware are not correct are Assassin's Strikes and chain powers. Just haven't gotten to them yet. (Edit: also apparently any powers that use pseudo pets). It's a simple tool but hopefully some people will find it useful or entertaining. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements or other charts that might be useful, please offer them.
  25. <snip>If the game were only about DPS and not about support you'd see all the DPS ATs concentrated at the top - but you don't.</snip> You seem to be implying here that AT popularity is the primary measure of AT balance. Plenty of people can and do enjoy ATs that are not top performers. They can and do enjoy the play style they offer, even if they under-perform. They can also want to feel like they contribute with their favorite characters. If all it takes is a few kitted out gods to make everyone else on a team feel useless, those ATs don't need to be the most popular. They just need to be popular enough that you can expect to have at least a couple on a high-level team invalidating your contribution. I guess the implication here is that if people playing support ATs truly felt that their contributions were wasted, then people wouldn't play them, and we would see nothing but melee and Blasters? I don't think that's necessarily true. It's possible to favor a play style and continue to play it while also lamenting the change in the experience of doing so.
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