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Everything posted by twozerofoxtrot

  1. I think about Superman or Juggernaut doing these moves and lmao.
  2. Lethal Damage. I've not heard Slash damaged commonly used in CoH. Maybe a carry over from another MMORPG?
  3. If you're ever feeling particularly masochistic, solo a widow from 1-24. It is a P A I N. Defenders on the flipside are like tanky blasters solo. Well, most of them. That damage buff they get is no joke. Think corruptors but harder to kill. You'd love a Dark/Dark Def. Or a Rad/Dark Def. Or a Dark/Sonic Def. Or a....
  4. Yup, should be able to click on the tip itself and when the dialog box comes up, dismiss this contact.
  5. @WuTang one thing I do on some of my Blasters is pick up Personal Force Field from Force Mastery at level 35. I use it as an emergency button, and while it won't help you if you're already mezzed it can be handy to power on when you notice you're taking fire from mobs that typically mez. It lets you get away pretty easily. It's also a nice tool for zooming to the end of a mission or for escorting an NPC out without having to fight any mobs (other than those guarding the Escort). Just walk out with everything flailing against your shield. PFF has no timer, and the recharge is pretty fast at a default of 30 seconds. 1 slot with LOTG, and pick up Temp Invul as a resist armor.
  6. I played the first one ad infinitum, glad to see they've kept the spirt and tongue in cheekiness of that game in the sequel. The transition from top-down to third-person seems to have gone really well. But not planning to pick this up. Too hard to find time for anything but little spurts of CoX to even consider.
  7. Really nice work! ...character name is kinda weird, though. If it's what I think it is, it means "leftover meat scraps" in Japanese.
  8. Big disagree. And I'm that person you're talking about. End Game content in MMOs has alway been designed around people who prioritize the game they play over other aspects of their lives. Most of us were there at the genesis of MMOs. We know this fundamental truth. It's easy to manage when you're single, in your 20s and working a part time job and some classes. You can put in the grind for gear (or enhancements or accolades) and spend time learning fight strats (barely exists in CoH). It's a lot harder with a 60 hr a week job, spouse and kids. But there's folks out there who still do it. Retirees with nothing but time. People who cracked the post-COVID code to work from home. New blood with all that time we used to have. The really hard fights can probably all be counted on one hand. Everything else is fairly trivial. The Endiest of Endgame content should be for those with the time to live inside the game. Otherwise, what's the point of the challenge?
  9. You said it better than I could've. Even a lazy solution like giving Stalker/Scrapper SS crits that ignore Rage's damage enhancements, or half-damage crits, would work. It's not that complicated so as to require the entire set be reworked prior to a port. And all this discussion on the set ignores the elephant in the room regarding Rage's enabling of aggressive procs in Haymaker, KOB, and Foot Stomp; mitigating the damage crash. That's where the vitriol will really be focused around.
  10. First, it's nice to see an actual trailer doing it's job, rather than telling you how the movie starts and ends. Second, this looks like a really proper Alien movie, in the vein of first one. I'm hopeful.
  11. I love how Red Widow has been quietly placed next to Recluse, and with the Red Coral Shard on her chest (in her chest?). Really excited to see if we get a new Red Widow Strike Force now! Also, we need her gloves and boots. Need.
  12. No, I'm sorry I think you might be missing the point I tried to articulate.
  13. Yes, exactly. Often when something gets a major rework, that's it for them for a while. We shouldn't realistically expect another major update for VEATs for years, if ever. But they've left the terrible VEAT inherent completely untouched. If HEATs get their arguably somewhat better inherent buffed during their balance pass, I feel it would be manifestly unfair.
  14. I can't believe I'm saying this because it's incredibly petty and I try to stay above these kinds of things but... It would be pretty messed up if Kheld inherents got a rework and VEAT inherent was left as is after their rework. Either both Epic AT categories should have their inherents improved, or none. As it is, the Kheld inherent is already more visibly impactful than the VEAT one. Well, in any sort of groups, atleast.
  15. Don't. Stop, drop that thought and never return to it. Willpower is easily, without hyperbole, the worst version of itself on a Stalker and the worst Stalker secondary you could possibly pick. Stalker Willpower trades: 1) Quick Recovery for Hide 2) Rise to the Challenge for Reconstruction The first might be a necessary evil but the second is an affront. It takes the keystone ability that allows Willpower to work and replaces it with a pithy self heal. It no longer scales survivability with the amount of enemies in melee, and no longer debuffs the ToHit of those enemies around you. Oh and of course, you lose time in your attack chain to click that heal. Not the absolute worst thing in the world but it does hurt more on Dual Blades. Take Ninjitsu and feel the love. Slot LotG +Recharges in the Def powers. Throw Caltrops when things get hairy. Have a click heal but also soft capped defenses. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
  16. Evil muscle woman good. (for some) (Hello, I'm some)
  17. Saw this on the wiki (thanks @AboveTheChemist) and wondered what it was about.
  18. I have two characters who have Praetorian versions that I occasionally play. The only clue they are versions of my main characters (besides one looking somewhat similar to the other) is that their bios are nearly identically written, but with key details changed around.
  19. Do both, with different ATs. Gives you options to play your concept.
  20. Sorry for not looking over your whole build, but just here I noticed two improvements to be made. 1) As a Willpower brute you have zero need of that Numina Heal IO in Health. You have bonkers regen thanks to Rise to the Challenge, the amount you're getting out of slotting Health with a Heal IO is inconsequential. Free this slot up for another power. 2) Replace the Slotting in Stamina with Perf Shifter Endmod + Chance for Endurance. If you really feel that hard up for Power Transfer's heal, move that slot from Health to Stamina and put it there. But you shouldn't, because you have Siphon Life.
  21. These gilded fellows recieved an update with Aeon Strike Force. Now all we need is to see their updated forms seeded into paper missions from 35-50.
  22. Counterpoint: Because of all the healing, endurance, and layered protection you generate between dark and bio, you are free to offensively proc slot (and be in Offensive Adaptation) a *lot* more than if you were to use the utility tools for utility sakes. You can reliably proc out for damage: Siphon Life Soul Drain Dark Consumption Midnight Grasp DNA Siphon And maybe a few others but honestly you're gonna want some set bonuses. There's probably other sets that do it better, but OP's point that this combo does good damage due to proc slotting ia valid.
  23. Tbf tho, this would make for excellent copypasta.👌
  24. Correct, but they changed how the power works with the update. It used to be similar to Evasive Maneuvers, boosting your flight speed but making you OAS. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Flight
  25. No. More like deliberately avoided. Many of the unique aspects of these powersets have been worked in elsewhere. Jetpack's Turbo Boost became Afterburner in the travel power revamp. Freerunning's concepts and animations were worked in elsewhere. You have a similar power in Stealth Pool now, with respect to an enhanceable run/jump hybrid. Freerunning's animations are what the travel power customization for Blitz and Parkour use. Life Support System can be found in the functionality of Sentinel Regen's Second Wind. The only signature/unique power you don't really see is Force Barrier, and I get why. Click absorbs are very powerful in this game, and it might be a balancing concern to give everyone access to them (though personally I'd be fine with it). Everything else is sort of already in the game and available. Not really bringing anything new with a blasting attack, and immobilize net, throwing dagger, etc. I think this is why the Devs haven't brought those other powersets in.
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