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Everything posted by twozerofoxtrot

  1. It's certainly an option. That's what I was referring to in my original response when discussing the so-called Blood Widow build.
  2. Kaizen's response is correct but I'll dig into the details. TPK = total party kill; a wipe. Contagious Confusion Proc = The proc IO from the Contagious Confusion Very Rare set has a chance to inflict a Mag 3 Confuse on an enemy that propagates to nearby enemies, which last 10 seconds. This 10 second Mag 3 Confuse from the proc will stack with the 27.5 second Mag 3 Confuse that Aura of Confusion has, meaning it will affect even bosses (during those first 10 seconds; if they aren't immune). Because of the high Recharge on Aura of Confusion, even if you full slotted it for recharge you're guaranteed to have Contagious Confusion proc on at least one enemy in a large group, which will start the propagation. That said, even without this endgame slotting Aura is still very strong for redirecting damage from LTs and Minions. For the penultimate example of how Aura of Confusion can save your bacon, go to 3:00 of this Trapdoor run (Kanil's first from the eponymous thread) and watch how they go from almost dead to smearing the +4/8 Council and Arachnos against the walls.
  3. Maybe not in all cases, but generally yes it is. Mobs have fixed HP. You only need to improve damage output up to that point. Anything else is overkill. The term "corpse blasting" comes to mind. This becomes less true in hard modes, or perhaps against AVs, but then other considerations come into play such as debuffs to regen and resists.
  4. Major caveats here for proc'd Dominate and proc'd Tornado; the latter has surprisingly good proc rates and outdamages set-slotted Spin handily. And Aura of Confusion, which is so much better than Total Domination it's hard to overstate. With Contagious Confusion proc slotted, it can single-handedly turn an in-progress TPK into a victory. The 1-24 Widow experience is like a weak Night Widow. Night Widows don't engage in Controls at all, though they do support the team through leadership toggles and Mind Link. The principles discussing controls aren't relevant to non-Forts.
  5. Be survivable enough to do damage. Most easily done via Defense; either ranged/aoe with flight or softcapped all positionals. Maintain high recharge. Allows more damage and control. Getting Link Minds permanent; see above. Damage is better than control; doing both at the same time is best.
  6. Fun fact, the Longbow chopper: Is modeled on the Soviet Mi-26 cargo chopper: Nice work, Freedom Corps.
  7. Sorry for the unsolicited feedback, but if you wanted to eke out a touch more ST damage, I noticed you're not using Apoc %Damage proc. You can move Unbreakable Constraint %Damage to replace something (Glad Net?) in Ice Arrow, where the proc rate would be slightly (90% vs 74%?) higher, and then put Apoc %Damage into Cryo Freeze Ray, since it already does damage. An aside: with Cryo Freeze Ray's recharge so low, I feel like dropping some of the 3.5ppm procs for straight damage slotting (Apoc Dam + Apoc Dam/End) achieves more consistent damage in long fights, but I haven't been bothered to test/parse it.
  8. Yeah, the damage has a chance to proc on the initial hit.. But since Sleep Grenade is continuous patch and activates every 4 seconds (and the dot lasts a max of 4 seconds) the enemies might get put back to sleep. Not sure 100% though, I've not tested this myself.
  9. This whole thread is funny to me cause this problem only exists on one shard.
  10. 4. If you were the one who went afk when the Green Button popped and made everyone wait an extra 15 seconds.... Never admit it. Bury your shame. Deep, deep down. Die with that terrible knowledge haunting you. And most importantly, remember to have fun!
  11. Very fair, this speaks heavily to how customizable the post-24 Widow experience is. In that case, I'd recommend two of three main themes. 1) If you're likely to sink a lot of money and time into build optimization, a hybrid Claws/Psi Fortunata (commonly called a Blood Widow build) is a heck of a lot of fun to play. You'll take some melee blade attacks for critical-enabled, punchy strikes and some of the more damaging Psi attacks. Also recommend Gloom and Dark Oblit from Soul Patron Pool. Feels very much like a blapper; less damage overall of course but you'll have softcapped position defenses to balance. 2) If you're unlikely or uninterested in a big, expensive build that eeks out versatility, then a pure Psi Fortunata with flight and softcapped ranged defense is a lot of fun. Taking Fate Sealed (a new power) on this build helps it feel a bit like a Blastroller. I've been playing one of these since the last update and it's quite effective.
  12. Nothing stopping you from deleting them and starting over. 😈
  13. I've played a few Corruptors. Only kept one. It's a Kin.
  14. I think a better chance, actually!!* See, it doesn't affect Rage's functions, but does directly address concerns about the set being overpowered because of Rage-fueled Crits. This should leave purists happy because the sets stay untouched on Tanker/Brutes, and on Scraps/Stalkers they still get the wildly out of control damage and tohit without making the set ostensibly imbalanced power-wise. By the way, did we all know that the DEF crash from Rage can completely nullified by Shadowmeld on Scraps/Stalkers? And you can still freely proc out attacks, including Moonbeam, to ride out the damage crash on style. Procs aren't affected by self -Damage. But they are affected by ToHit, which remains unaffected by Rage crash! A simple, lazy solution to get Rage ported to Scraps. Which is what this thread is about! *perhaps being a bit facetious here. Ironically the Big Bag Rage Thread went down in flames because people cried for a full rework of the set rather than a simple proposed fix by the devs. And almost 5 years later, we've had neither. To say nothing about the lasting damage it did to forum feedback on concept development in that span.
  15. It appears that way, though according to City of Data it looks like the AoE damage to the enemies other than your target is 55% less than Levitate's single target damage.
  16. All obviously correct but if we're looking at Crosspunch holistically then it's frankly better than most T3 attacks so the comparison to Haymaker seems pointless. Crosspunch is a really good power. But it's not outperforming Haymaker to the exclusion of other sets' single target T3s. The better argument is how doublestacked Rage gives one +40 ToHit so you don't need to slot for Accuracy in proc'd Crosspunch, either.
  17. Post those numbers, then 🙂 Show me why SS needs to be homogenized to be brought to Scraps. Because it does too much damage? Oh, hey there Titan Weapons what's going on fella. Crazy you used to solo iTrials right? Anyway is that Energy Melee behind you? Because it relies on 3 powers to be maximally effective? Why hello Dual Blades! Welcome to the party. Just because you don't personally like what the set looks like, doesn't mean there's anything actually wrong with it. There's a sweaty army of Rad/SS tankers out there to prove it (frankly, this is what makes me roll my eyes more than say someone having Crosspunch in their build). The logical leaps folks are making here for why the set doesn't go to Scraps is bizarre, and frankly doesn't square with how powers development has been approached the past few years. If you're going to argue for a change to SS that needs to be made for port to Scraps, at least for goodness sake make it a new one.
  18. Saying objectively before stating an opinion doesn't change it into a fact. It's not. Unless of course you take two other powers just to buff it, and even then it has a lower DPA. Doesn't seem wildly out of precedent to have a T1 attack be bad, but ok. I'll give it you without even checking the math. For the same reason Ice Patch does. It's fine to have CC in an attack set? Though I wouldn't complain if it were improved, along with Hurl. I've a longstanding complaint that Hurl (and Stone Melee's Hurl Boulder) is inferior to Earth Assault's Hurl Boulder, and that the other two should be brought up to the Dom set's numbers.
  19. Also for the record, I really couldn't care less what happens to SS or Rage. I've played the set on my main since HC opened up, and back when I had no idea what I was doing with it on CoV Live (with the same main). I just like flogging bad arguments that go nowhere.
  20. Super Strength is currently one of the top performing attack sets on both ATs. It's usually in the top 2 or 3 of Ston's many, extensively documented damage tests that he put actual time and thought into. Oh wait, did you mean essential to nerf it?
  21. Hands down, Tanker. There's just so much more you get out of both these sets on that AT. Between Storm Kick and the high Def stats, you can be Softcapped to Melee and Ranged at like level 10 or something. Edit: For Corruptor recs, I would just stay away from sets that lean heavily into buffing defenses, obviously. A good debuff set or something that pumps up resists. My top 4 would probably be Kin, Sonic, Thermal, and Rad. You won't get a heal from Sonic but with all the resists stacked on top of your Softcapped Def and scaling resists, there's no way you're going to miss it.
  22. Great point. Another thing that helps when pugging is if the other members cool their jets a bit behind the tank, especially during the Riders mission. Hard impulse to curb but I've consistently noticed this while running that everyone wants to be up by or even ahead of the tank. Rude awakening during a teleswap. One of the fiendish things about it that I really feel on my Invul tanker is the Terrorize. Especially if they overlap, it can really stutter movement out. Plenty of fear resist but the lack of any fear protection means I get hit and it sticks for atleast a second.
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