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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. I love the Sewer Trial. Even when it's the weekly it doesn't get played much. I also love being PLd. Most often I meet fun and funny people. The conversation is usually pretty great. GM Hunting, although it now has a larger group following, for a long time it just wasn't vary popular. It's pretty easy to grab a big GM team now.
  2. I'm pretty sure the DL for the maps, Vidiotmaps, shows the entrance of the tunnels when you zoom in on the map.
  3. If you are talking about Bug Hunter you are missing several things. 1) You are less likely to get Bug Hunter if you ask for it. (This is a big one) 2) Bug Hunter usually given out for finding a "game breaking" bug. Animation bugs probably do not qualify as game breaking. 3) You generally have to give a detailed explanation of how to reproduce the bug and when you first experienced it.
  4. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are probably the biggest Trinity in Comics. Just saying.
  5. I really like the idea of the Badge but…damn that’s a long title.
  6. After listening to you both, @Sir Myshkin and @Meknomancer I built it today. I changed a couple of things. But, holy crap this is an awesome build. Thanks for you constant input and challenging me to think differently about the build. This is what I built. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1860&c=767&a=1534&f=HEX&dc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
  7. Yes, I misunderstood what I was reading. Yes, the Frankenstein builds seem like old school to me. You can probably back it up with numbers but this in no part helps my OCD in keeping as many sets complete as I can. I couldn't figure out where you where coming from with the Zapp build. After pulling up my toon I noticed I slotted it completely differently than what is in the Mids. It's four slotted Devastation and two slotted Sting of Manticore. I slotted it for the +Regen. My play style was borked the moment VS stopped working. My build at that time was +Def and it worked pretty well although I suffered from low ACC. At this point I'm just meandering around between builds. I've rebuilt him maybe five times so far and not liking any of it.
  8. So is the hanging skeleton supposed to disappear as you get closer to it? Like a ghost or mirage?
  9. This has been reported before with pics. I remember during the early days of Villains you could see it with no problems. Not sure what changed but others have pointed it out too.
  10. Does it look smaller on your computer? On my phone it’s all the same size fonts.
  11. I’ve made many builds with different themes. With this one I was trying to max out both HP and Regen. The build itself was suggested by another player and I modified it. I noticed that about your build too, being set to +5. While money in game is no problem for me I rarely max out my toons. This is because I play regular content far more than incarnate content. So I just leave mids set to lvl 50 content. The exception to this is the toon we are discussing. All his builds are maxed out to +5. The procs…somewhere over the last 10+ years I have become adverse to Frankenstein builds. Throwing procs into powers when it robs the toon of Def or Res bothers me. It may entirely be illogical and it my be solely based on nothing more than my OCD. Zapp, I love my fast draw. Yes my distance is cut substantially and so is my Dmg but I love it. I love it just slightly less than my broken Voltic Sentinel.
  12. Thanks for that. I tweaked it a bit and may change to that if Voltaic Sentinel is ever fixed. I was told to lean into the Blaster part of the build and came up with this: https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1693&c=739&a=1478&f=HEX&dc=78DA7594D96B135114C6BF4926C6268D699BAEDABDD62E6927492B226EB8B5826DA036D5D712922119189398A460FF0B37106CAB6F82EFAEAFBEBA80AFEAB3E2830B08BE88C6933973EA4DC58199F9CD7C67F9EEBD333779F56CF3AB978B27A185CED8E94A65F5345DAB6639B06266F285A25DCCAD838ECE53E5CC74329D3307A3A94CB15C1A4CE52DD3CEFA491A70335697D3859C9935E66C33532D5B99B4CDB546444FAD954AC572D5982B98E5DCFA6A325DB04A6B76BA6A150B082E158BB6316F5BB97C35C45C47AB900B384FA9926966C30E2E9AE9AC59AEE4AD52CF5CC9CA18523E99CE9874A9F37A37F91AA6D340C351F3013E1D48E8D0E115F030EC82260086DDD0192EEF28436F6FB1E2C13586695C17B8C110C34D0140534D68F8210D121E0702880BC4189A61084C311429D7FBB74ECDE3C50629111DFDD86488618B214E013EB5A50FF7BC4E953DB82BB0C5D0824D810D8636DC614850AE5F2DE3C7318F1B7298A11D47048E3274E2B8803BCC19CA6D52CA684D62B85F8610A4364125C413C45BAED28D7702EF19662920A4BA0AE11337DA8B3770E105432F5E0B7CE498417C60D0A86558994F84B152FF6C745CA15BABA2F85A714973932F0A5C6018C2B2404A6085C14B0D226A990866785E47101348081C64D88F598138834E653A549F1DF8CE4A13295D6A832E27D0496E6738801681F35E17E619C6708E6198CAF4A8CBD38328DC10172A74DBA784D083ABB452729FEAA14F3CF43B8377AAB86626C4C3847898C002C3A1FA46A2AEE9009EF1324DE2A9C04386293C12782CF084A1CDCFFFFDB6CF615A0E47F9D9028CAA0D46C5E7A4F89C169F3199B4043C046375F80D0722D4605C5D8C713CE0AFF2F9241055142D8A369F5B25CCD04EC9869A6CE017DDFB74DCA7E4B8AAC4E5DF19D21B768F5AAD576FDC8B9C97B51A16FFF37E496FDC7DE8C179FF39D05898CE119EAA2FFF2AE3AC7CDDA1100E79DD7DF084E68CE4DBBFC9B7DDFF37EA28D9ED912CD407AD38ABD18ED1B009D4FE00CBC5D085 The Regen and HP are both higher. The Def and Res are slightly lower but the ACC and DMG are both higher. Trade off's right? I have not tried this build out on a high end TF yet. It may be for not, but as of now it's what I am working with.
  13. Don’t forget to turn your head and cough when completing the ritual. Mephistopheles loves it when you do that.
  14. Yes, No. To have a female toon that is most likely a harry dude on the other end running up and hugging me is not an inviting thought.
  15. I would really like to see a basic base template that can be clicked on and set in place. Maybe a one room base with one salvage and one ENH storage spot. Maybe a recipe table also. The Teleporter can be set up with links to maybe four zones. My thought on this is that it would be nice for people who just need a quick base for occasional use. It would also be a nice jumping off point for anyone just getting their feet wet in base building.
  16. I don’t know what server you play on but on Excelsior it takes about 5 minutes. 10 minutes if you are trying to build a specific team balance.
  17. I feel like I’m at a party and went to the restroom when some big event happened. Did I miss a bunch of hateful and angry posts or is this dude exaggerating?
  18. I would only add to the above statement that Jurassic seems to be of slightly higher intelligence than regular DE due to his ability to craft his weapon. Also I’m pretty sure the Scientists who became the Hamidon Monster wasn’t an alien. He was Human.
  19. So you lose a portion of your INF every time you use a Taxi Temp Power. The Paragon Public Transportation, i.e. Bus Authority has been on strike since 2004. So a bus temp power is unfortunately not possible in CoH.
  20. It’s a melee power. It acts like a melee power should. I think it should be left alone.
  21. Great catch. you may want to post this in the Typo Bugs section. It may just be a simple change on the Devs part.
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