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Everything posted by TheSpiritFox

  1. The last time I played was before going rogue went live and you couldn't start a mastermind in atlas as a hero. So I did and now I'm level 37 thinking about patron pools and do I have to figure out getting access to the villain side or is there a hero pool with a solid area immob that works for a bots/traps aoe farmer? Pool recommendations welcome, but I really only need the widest, strongest immob I can come across to keep assholes in burn patches. If I need to switch I will absolutely do it. Also, can anyone give me any idea about the balance between like defense debuffing, resistance debuffing, tohit enhancing for the bots needed to keep DPS high on +4s? I'm thinking about softcapping first, then permaing hasten, and basically dumping mortars all over a map while farming with immob and aoe damage. I have 25-30 ios right now except like miracle and performance shifter to basically never think about endurance ever. I can figure out what set bonuses add up to what I want in mids later, I'm more thinking like should I slot mortar for more res or defense debuffs? Is tactics something I need to think about? How much help do the bots need to hit +4s? I've been erring on the side of just straight defense and the drones and assault are just 3 damage 3 accuracy right now. Protectors get 2 defense 1 accuraccy 3 damage. I'm just looking for what I should be looking to kit out in the coming levels.
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