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  1. Run to Icon, buy a cute skirt, boots, and one of those tight, low-cut cleavage display tops. Find Ghost Widow. ❤️ Flirt with Ghost Widow ❤️ ❤️ swoon ❤️
  2. Some people don't seem to realize the kind of crap you see on the /pol/ boards on 4Chan, or they just enjoy mocking someone for being offended. Which, by the way, asshole moves people. Either way, OP, best ignore these jerks and take it directly to the GMs. I haven't seen the ones you did, but knowing /pol/, I understand exactly why you're upset, and why you don't want to repeat any of the names you've seen.
  3. My one concern... The people who run around with every single pet out, everywhere they go. Demons screaming and wolves howling is annoying. Insects would be worse. The constant b u z z i n g.
  4. Super-Jump First time I took it on Live, I was blown away by how much fun it was simply jumping really gorram high and far. Some days, there is nothing I like more than just aimlessly leaping across parts of the city.
  5. Someone made a Spambot Mastermind power...?
  6. Gaming drunk makes me dizzy and sick. I learned the hard way, on Mario Kart's Rainbow Road for Gamecube back in college....
  7. Clearly, there is only one solution that everyone can agree on. Nerf Regen.
  8. Angry radioactive foxgirl. FOXICITY
  9. I was about to say this. You wanna play a stalker? You lose one power from the Defensive set of your choice. In return, you get free stealth at level 1 that is a fantastic defense set mule, and massive ST damage. Stop being greedy. 😛
  10. My 'Magical Girl Gone Bad'. Actually remade into a Dark/Nature Corrupter and renamed Vibrant Jade, but the backstory and look remain the same.
  11. You can have what looks like a ray gun as skins for Dual Pistols (and possibly Mastermind Thugs pistol) although they will still fire bullets.
  12. There are absolutely no flaws in this argument.
  13. The Orange Numbers mean nothing to me. Nothing!
  14. There is nothing about burritos that isn't fun. ...unless they're from Taco Bell. Then the aftermath isn't fun. And I cannot equate Super Strength with a ten-second barely noticeable crash to the hours of torment that result from ten seconds of Taco Bell.
  15. sigh I'm starting to wonder how some people here handle traffic lights, or the time it takes to microwave a burrito... It's ten bloody seconds. I never even notice it. I just keep punching. Regarding thematic context... you decide the context for your character. IC, most of my characters don't "crash;" they remain as strong as they always are. IC, they don't get enraged - sometimes, I play it as getting focused. Sometimes, I play it a literal surge of power that they can't maintain indefinitely. One character doesn't actually have super-strength - her power is point-blank telekinesis, and the 'Rage' is her exerting intense, migraine-inducing mental force, which takes a lot out of her. Sometimes I even RP the crash. Hm. What was my point? Right. It's ten bloody seconds. Maybe I just can't wrap my head around the issue.
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