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Everything posted by bigfashizzel

  1. I've just come across this bug as well and have tested it in a number of situations. It appears that the Sleep Grenade damage is only applied if the critter is already held. Is it possible that the new Tear Gas logic was accidentally cross-applied to Sleep Grenade?
  2. Sadly no, it does not work.
  3. I like these suggestions a lot and I think I have a proposal for Absorb Pain and the T8. Absorb Pain >> Displace Pain: +Absorb (non-stacking) on allied target, +Res(all) (small amount, 10%?) for 10s on target. Alternatively, a +Absorb & +MaxHP with maybe something like EndResist or SlowResist. +maxHP variant could involve taking damage or the self-heal immunity. for the T8, I'd like to see: PBAoE Buildup. +50% damage +15% acc for ~5s. Similar to a mega-shortened duration Overgrowth, still achieves Shin's point of increasing killspeed on teams that don't need support. Named something like "Inspire". It would keep Empathy from having abilities that affect enemies while achieving a similar kill-speed boost for a single mob pack.
  4. The Telekinesis change is beautiful. I love it so much. I noticed it breaks sleep when repositioning enemies, is this intended? does Repel always break sleep?
  5. Hi all, trying out the new Controller /Traps Temporal Bomb: Spamming the activation key while deploying the bomb seems to activate it without triggering damage explosion. It just spawns the "time bubble". Tested this by laying it down next to level 1 Hellions in Atlas, as well as placing it directly on them. The bomb is now behaving weirdly and not triggering a damage explosion under any circumstances. Re-logging solved the issue. Curiously, it does show two separate bombs on deployment now.
  6. I find the arguments that there should be no changes because it makes 54x8 too hard confusing. Especially when the suggestion is simply to add other harder content. If these changes make it hard for you to solo at 54x8, why not just change your own notoriety settings to be lower? I like the change.
  7. Hi all, Two pieces of feedback: 1. Would love to see the terrorize cone at full width (as others have mentioned). 2. I'd love to see Flash Freeze take slow sets. I think it would add a lot to the power to give it a bit of -rech or -movement and the ability to slot slow sets.
  8. Seems weird to omit Traps being able to provide -1000% regen with poison trap (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=villain_pets.traps_poison_gas.poison_gas&at=minion_pets) -- although I don't see what the uptime is on City of Data. The debuff lasts 10 seconds but I don't know how long the cloud itself lasts (which reapplies the debuff).
  9. Hi folks, Working on a Ice/Spines tanker. So far, he's at lv 21 and has been an absolute blast. I have zero idea of what to do with Spines. Or in general. The character came out of a concept of trying to combine -rech and +regen. Are there any recommendations you might make? Build: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1390;694;1388;HEX;| |78DA6593594F135114C7EF74A642A195A52C656FCB524A612804F44DA38206A4090| |9C437D3D472AD13EB4C332D093E9AB87E025FC4E54D4DF4C107048C1FC0252E2FAE| |0FBEE2C2A27E807A3AFF136CC2A4EDEFCEFFDE73CFFF9E7B9A589AF03E3E71E9B05| |0BCC7B2A97C3E399F32CF4BDB9D48658CB4A0C7376F2D19E9E0A4B160652DB38294| |00962427E45969E6A53E9596C923F605CBF6F3444266A5D4E7728629F3A27ED6B2B| |2FA3C4939CB2EA40A8665FA1CE9B891395730CC4C95F336979372C1EB0C67648A42| |33CD933923AD1FB5170B3239672D66938954BE20ED8B01B2D04DDF171EFA514A168| |B8A68A4C188265C0DE04A6477CE2DFA5C8E561901ABFA9951B07600EC8981AF685F| |05B19A6242EBB39836330F469E20DF2AE553399F7A597334ED0AF32AB8EF1AF33A5| |879037C4DF9DC8815EE90C0FE54E70AD62A9629975F136B94C3034DF5B0AF488EC9| |BEA2ECEB0DED59CD7EAA3FA88EE6FDC8FC04EEFFCCFC02D67E052394DB2790DBD70| |64D6D12A286B59A56787C4B39EA90C355C7F5AFE7FAD7D7822F698D9F7DF837B057| |C377E60FB0E927F31718DC0415F2D1C8391B8BF408959466DEADB934E8D0446014A| |B03517A8F68A2731C993BE360700C7C474E5A9C6B2DBA5BB610D3BAAD3A956DDDC1| |7BFB6FE61FB0F32FA851DE36EE88363E69F024E642D3CCE3607C0A0C534C0777674| |7AC54318F0831DF93972EBEDDAE4338C773BADD309F2D7C0B9DD1BDCCBCCDBC03F6| |DC65DE03D394B297637B375CCE7E4323E8047D107EF4FB583BFC90F908FCE615A29| |F63FB57B88B9E3257C18135E63AF3192869EB18C7C646A10D8E31C79907C0A183CC| |30FCACD37975BE5DFD01E69AA86671AE4B9CEBDCAE097E8AF429754154DBFD6F176| |7F6CCCE6A3C498AE2289B55BBEB79CDF67FC52542F0337C0AF9E2D3E8A3AD3D513B| |E5CA4D383E4DDA087B49958DCF948D67CBC6FF0049F6DD48| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| With 1 target for Energy Absorption & No Incarnates but does have the +res procced: Please let me know your thoughts!!
  10. I'd like to see this happen, even if it requires the movement of Trip Mine to the T9, replacing Time Bomb (which, frankly, may as well not exist).
  11. I like poison a lot and feel like it doesn't really need much. I'd like to see Noxious Breath have some value, maybe -def? Would make it a good power for me, especially if you wanted to add damage procs. I'd also like to see VG get suppressed when mezzed instead of detoggled. Struggling with mez feels important, but is pretty punishing at the moment.
  12. I guess my main concern with almost all of the suggestions here is that they overlap with, and occasionally cannibalize, certain qualities of some of the support powersets. I think that the Defender passive ability could increase their resistance to slow & maybe other debuffs like -acc, -speed, -def. That might be eating up some special quality of a set I'm not thinking of, and definitely overlaps with some enhancements or pool powers, but it still feels good to me. I think adding those resistances as an inherent wouldn't damage the specific characteristics of any of their power choices and might be interesting. I'm sure that top tier builds might not notice the change very much, but it still feels responsible, characterful, and meaningful to newer players.
  13. You're right, the issue is the number of complaints I receive from teammates when playing 😞
  14. I wanted to raise this back up because after a little over a year and a half, I came back to suggest a change to Sonic Resonance:Sonic Repulsion's sound effect and remembered I wrote this post. I think its a simple change, and it would make a huge difference to all 5 of us that play sonic resonance. Please directly replace Sonic Repulsion's sound effect with that of Kinetics:Repel. I also stand by my other suggestions, but it's so weird how unpleasant Sonic Repulsion is.
  15. IIRC Liquefy is very poor at utilizing Procs, FYI
  16. It might be harder to think of a combination of 4 corruptors/defenders that CANT handle the content in this game. That said, this looks like a powerful composition!
  17. I've been playing my Elec/Thermal Corruptor and Thermal/Elec Defender and thoroughly prefer the Corruptor (even though I want the Defender to be better). I have some endurance modification slotted in my blasts and it is comically easy to drain full groups. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of runners. I think that Corruptors got the better tradeoff; with 1.1x (instead of 1.25x) on End Drain it is still easy to flatline enemies. Then you have higher "Shock" damage & Scourge. The damage output difference between the two is much much more noticeable than the end drain effect. For me, anyway.
  18. That makes a ton of sense to me, Psylenz. I'd struggled with the decision regarding Fold Space; Combat jumping as it is slotted provides 4% def. The same amount as Stealth. With Nerve, I feel pretty good about the Acc!
  19. Hi all, working on my Kin/Sonic defender and enjoying it tremendously! I've done my best here to create a great team build with good soloability (insofar as that's possible!) I have a wonderful tip to share for any Sonic Blast defenders. You can put damage procs in Siren's Song and it doesnt break the sleep (due to the 0.25s delay on the sleep application) I'm looking for general feedback as well as specific feedback on the following: Proposed Incarnates: Nerve, Diamagnetic (100% to-hit, 50% regen), Support, Ageless Damage levels; do you feel like the attacks are slotted in a way that makes sense? Resilience: hardest thing for me to evaluate and balance! Thank you!
  20. Hi Generator. Musculature is always a good choice. People often recommend Agility or Cardiac, based on your current defense or endurance needs. I find Spiritual a little disappointing for most characters due to the fact that it lowers proc rates (by enhancing the power itself for recharge).
  21. Searching the forums I came across @Camel's amazing Fire Control / Darkness Affinity build here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20369-camels-firedarkfire-controller-45-defense-to-meleerangedaoe-perma-hasten-fade-and-soul-absorption-post-fade-nerf/ It doesn't seem like a direct translation to Mind Control works but its a great backbone for the Darkness Affinity half:
  22. As far as I can tell, Thermal Radiation / Electric Blast is the strongest sapping combo due to Heat Exhaustion. That aside, a sentinel will, ironically, do a better job most of the time simply due to Thunderous Blast.
  23. Hi everyone, This morning I brought my Mind/Dark controller; Hecate's Epiphany to level 50. I've struggled to find a good build path for him, would anyone be kind enough to share their version? Thank you!
  24. Having personally tested this on live, no it surprisingly does not. here are the two possible power effects in City of Data https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=villain_pets.poison_poison_gas.poison_trap&at=minion_pets https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=villain_pets.poison_poison_gas.initial_poison_gas&at=minion_pets You'll notice there's a 1.5% chance of -10% end and a 1.5% chance of -2.25 end. There's also a 100% chance of -100% recovery... but for what duration? Turns out it's less than a full second. That's why the effect tooltip says: "The Poison Trap is making you tired and choking. The gas has drained some of your Endurance and you feel nauseous." That's it. I was so disappointed because the tooltip makes it seem like that -100% recovery is a persistent effect. Sadly, it is not.
  25. The real impact is that RoP can't be stacked with Melee incarn for full-time mez protection right? Seems reasonable to me to gate mez protection behind primary/secondary powersets or destiny incarn. I'm not sure of the significance here given that there's a temp power that accomplishes this, unless for some reason that's unacceptable? If that temp power were less expensive would this be as problematic for people? Or is it just for the "no temps" feeling?
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