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Everything posted by Ohsirus

  1. Has to be fresh kills for them to work each time. I sometimes pick one that's been down too long and it disappears mid animation.
  2. I just use Lutris now, soo easy and flexible .
  3. Before there was CoV, there was StrykeForce. Welcome Back!
  4. I’m not sure what all this means, but you all seem to think it’s a good idea so I will gamble a Congratulations to you.
  5. Sorry I missed the window!
  6. Always a joy to give.
  7. Seen it a few times, usually goes away after a rezone or two.
  8. If there is a targetable body and we go thru the animation of spawning Extracted Essence.......GIVE US THE PET!!!!! Tired of Non-Spawns!
  9. I don't know if any of the Major Super Groups were recreated post Snap. I'm not even sure if Super Groups even exist like they did when on Live.
  10. Yeah, I figured it out. It was looking like it needed to redownload the files, but once clicked it does the file check and pops ready to play.
  11. Which .exe are you using as mine won't launch and the original just redownloads it all.
  12. Should have said use Shadow Cloak as I have it as a mule also. I saw they added the costume fade option for it.
  13. I always take them as Mules., but now It may give me a reason to get Orbiting Death and Shadow Cloak on my WS.....maybe.
  14. Got my Steam Deck last week. Haven't installed CoH yet, curious if you have tried/discovered anything new?
  15. Yay, now when I shift from Nova to Human I won't fall out the air.
  16. You'll see a lot more Lvl 1 toons making that death trek thru PI heading to Portal, praying that a Sniper ignores them.
  17. Bet it was fun! Used to do all-Kheld TFs on live. Majority were PBs usually.
  18. Did you enable the gamepad under the options?
  19. Can't wait for Q3!!
  20. CoH has gamepad support so you could/should be able to use the sticks for movement.
  21. Anybody manage to test it on a Steam Deck yet?
  22. I wouldn't mind it as a option. You could even reduce the XP to keep it from being exploited also make the mobs +4 or higher to make up for loss of powers.
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