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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Crumpet

  1. I remember the ticket and Willow's reply. she is looking into it
  2. As per OP request this thread is closed
  3. You can always DM me on discord. I can't promise to answer your questions, but if I know or am allowed I can try. Some things I truly don't know, other things I'm obviously not allowed to say, but if I know the answer I'm happy to clarify any queries you might have. Things you brought up in your post like microtransactions, we feel the same way and it's not even on our radar. The other stuff is pretty much where we would like to go. New content, continuity etc. The name thing is harder due to the way the game stores stuff in the database, but please pay me. I have dogs who need feeding 🙂. Seriously, we all do this for the love of the game and our respect for players. Helping as a GM has been a privilege for the last nearly 2 years and is still as satisfying now as the day I started
  4. We are very firm in the neutral ground area. Politics and "flavour of the day" stuff is very much out of bounds as far as possible. Sometimes we don't get it right, but we try for inclusivity no matter the race, gender, gender identity, sexuality, political opinions etc. I honestly can't see that changing, we are a multinational team from all corners of the world and one countries hot button topic is another countries "meh". I'm sure Americans don't care about a minor British scandal, or an Australian election problem any more than we non Americans care about a particular politician or scandal dominating the landscape over there. It may be relevant to you in real life, but not in this game.
  5. Hi This is not the place to discuss this issue. Please use the ticket system so that it can be discussed in private.
  6. I'm a little confused as to why this is a problem? It's not a player file as such, it tells the game exactly where you have organised the list of characters. It's editable because occasionally it can give two characters the same number and so they appear on top of each other and you need to change the number to make the "missing" alt reappear. You have 300 alts organised where you want them. You may have a screen for each AT, or blue/red/gold, or any number of logical ways to find the alt you want to play. Without the playerslot there is no way for any organisation to work. Every time you log in the order is the order created. No other possibility. With a 1000 slots over 5 shards you'll spend ages searching for the one you want. When you drag your alts round so they are where you want them then log in fully the game edits the playerslot so it's current. You can stop it doing this by making it read only, but in my opinion that actively makes your game worse not better. You can also easily copy the file and send it to a different machine. I have a desktop at home and laptop at work. If I move stuff round and do housekeeping I'll email myself the current playerslot file and just drag it to where it's needed. No need to do all that work again.
  7. All complete and fully funded for another month. Thank you to everyone who contributed
  8. I don't farm for inf, when I do farm it's just for levelling up an alt I like. Some hit 50 and incarnate, others I find aren't as much fun as I thought so I do a respec, sell all the enhancements, recipes, inspirations, salvage, then convert the merits to converters and sell them. Once everything possible is converted to inf I email it to my global then delete the alt. It's amazing how much inf is tied up in unplayed toons. I also do the "craft recipe/convert it to something profitable/ sell on the auction house" thing. It doesn't really take that long. I currently have around 800 million inf in my email inbox and to fully IO set a level 50 costs somewhere in the region of 30 million inf. Sometimes a lot more if I'm really going for a specific thing like permadom, but on most toons it can be a lot lower. I always buy attuned, as some great sets become available really early (I think level 7) like Blessing of the Zephyr. Inf is available for those who want to spend a (not that great) amount of time actually making it.
  9. Just check your tickets. If You've put one in this week that Katie is stuck in a wall.........
  10. I don't know if it's going to get an updated patch to be honest. Eventually we will probably move completely to the new launcher and stop supporting Tequila which is old, outdated, highly unsecure and open to hacking, and hasn't been updated in years.
  11. Please avoid spoilers for a film that has barely even started. It's not even available in a lot of countries yet.
  12. Is that a chromebook? They don't really have the ability to play CoX like a proper laptop or mac or PC. I don't really know much about them, or how CoX reacts to the OS but they have weird architecture and are fine for what they are designed for, but don't have the versatility that other machines do
  13. I'm the opposite. I prefer tells. If I'm building a league it can get very messy with all the chat and the bright yellow colour stands out. I often miss broadcasts as they don't really stand out, but a bright yellow tell catches my eye. I don't refuse broadcast or local, it's just that I'm less likely to see them. I also agree that if someone's being rude then they don't get an invite. "Hi is there still room" is polite and if I have room they get a spot "Oi, F***ing invite me now F****r" does not make me inclined to acquiesce.
  14. As volunteers with full lives and jobs and all kinds of outside things going on, the GM and Dev team is busy dealing with immediate priorities. Players are invited to edit the wiki as they wish, but without holding a gun to their head there isn't much we can do. The knowledge required to write posts and make changes other than cosmetic ones is quite specialised. We appreciate all the help players give in that regard, but most people don't have the time or inclination to write long essays backed up with detailed research. It is what it is I'm afraid. People do what they can, but it will never be enough. The skills required to make a professional edit and page look correct is quite rare.
  15. I tried WoW and hated it with a passion. And I know dedicated WoW players who hated CoX with a passion. The two demographics don't necessarily have that much of an overlap. The only overlap is DCU and CO players tend to migrate to CoX and find it a more satisfying experience. They look pretty, have differing power sets and storylines, but there is something missing that is hard to quantify.
  16. Can I just say, when I feel a little down I pop on here and have a good read. It always cheers me up no end. I am probably biased, but I think we have the best community out there. We do what we do partly because we love the game, but mostly because we love you guys, and this game and this server would be nothing without you all.
  17. I'm locking this thread. It has some interesting discussions but also some nastiness.
  18. As a HC GM I'd like to say, we don't have any animosity or bad feeling for any of the other servers. Be it Thunderspy, Cake, Rebirth etc. We actually barely talk about them except to mention a new change one of them have implemented along the lines of "That sounds really cool". The world is a big place and if one flavour of server doesn't thrill you, then perhaps a different one will. Do we have different ways of doing things? Of course we do. That's the nature of things. I would be so happy if people could move away from the idea that there is a rivalry and any animosity towards the other servers. On our side we truly wish the other servers well. It's good for the community to have a choice. I have no idea of the feelings other server admins and GM's have for us. I'd like to think they have a generosity of spirit and a love for the game and the players just as we do. I assume the server admins and GM's on the other servers have the players best interests at heart. I just wish the fighting would stop.
  19. This thread seems to be out of control. I'm locking it.
  20. If you have a build in mind and the levels permit, always buy attuned enhancements not level locked ones. They are exactly the same price and level with you. I always take Blessing of the Zephyr in fly at level 7 when they become available and buy attuned, then never have to worry about them again. The enhancements level with me and so do the bonuses.
  21. It's probably because we have no other information to give you. I won't lie or try to fob people off, I think an honest response is the least I can give to a question. It's one of those difficult subjects where people often ask different variations of the same question. And the answer is always a different variation of the same answer. We would like to, and if it's possible we will, but as a legacy fan run server we just don't have the ability of the devs on live to make sweeping changes easily or quickly. Even if we are able to do something, it's going to take a vast amount of time and not be ready for a long time.
  22. Oh lord yes. A few years a ago I bought a red Nissan Juke, I thought it looked wonderful and it drove like a dream. The next day I was out driving it and couldn't move for red Nissan Jukes, which up till that point I had never noticed. It turns out it was a very popular make and model. I've just swapped to a Mazda 2 and so far (touch wood) I haven't seen any others on the road. I've finally picked a car nobody else likes, which is slightly worrying 🙂
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