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The Chairman

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Everything posted by The Chairman

  1. Sadly, no. That's just the name of the icon for the macro.
  2. I agree that a "No XP when Exemplared" option would be useful, and I second the suggestion. In the meantime, here is a macro I use to create an On/Off button for XP that fits in my powers tray: /macro_image "DayJob_XPBoost" "XP Toggle" "option_toggle noxp" It's a bit more convenient than going into the options menu to flip the switch.
  3. @shortguy on indom: How, specifically, have you six slotted each power? Are we talking sets, SOs, common IOs? Knowing that would assist the discussion.
  4. Remember, this is the same guy who thinks people who play at 50+ aren't playing the game.
  5. Fire Mastery is an Epic Power Pool available at 35. You might be thinking of Pyronic Judgement which is an Incarnate power.
  6. Says the guy who called someone a Nazi for wanting a Mekman PAP costume and accused those joking about delicious panda meat of being racist against asians...
  7. I would be interested to see where people are getting the idea that NCSoft was the driving force behind PvP being added to the game. The Arena was added in May 2005 (I4), and PvP zones were introduced with the launch of CoV (I6) in October 2005. NCSoft announced their purchase of the Co* IP on November 6, 2007. PvP had already existed for 2 and a half years by that point.
  8. It's official. This guy is just delusional.
  9. Is "panda" code for something?
  10. Your level 33 that hasn't completed the arc can do so by going straight to Montague. I've done it as high as level 49.
  11. The sound still plays, and your character still undergoes the activation animation. The tailor just makes it so your arms aren't aglow. If there is a way to remove the activation animation, I would be interested in learning. I like the sound since it reassures me that the power has, in fact, gone off.
  12. I think it also depends on what content you're running. I'll do the Triple Hami Raid on Excel when I'm building an Incarnate, and I get loads of shards from the Mitos.
  13. Minions of Igneous do scale to at least level 20. They appear as such in SSA1 Part 1 - Who Will Die? Part 1.
  14. No it doesn't. It debuffs defense. From the Page 5 patch notes: Fire Sword Now does pure fire damage. Now grants a small defense debuff. Now accepts accurate defense debuff and defense debuff enhancements and sets.
  15. I think you may be reading too much into @Astralock's point. He was responding to the assertion that the Devs were making changes that no one asked for. This assertion appears to be unfounded. Astralock's point was that a majority of changes made have, in fact, been requested. I do not believe that this point was intended to go any further than refuting that initial assertion. It was not intended to insinuate that most people or a majority of people asked for the listed changes or that, by being requested, the changes are therefore good. I could be wrong, but that is how I read it.
  16. Temporal Warriors (PvP Insta-50s) count as level 1 for name retention purposes.
  17. Twice now I have had a character introduced to Pavel Garnier. According to the HC Wiki, this contact gives The Vahzilok Plague story arc. Each time, he only gives the non-story missions and the badge mission (Plague Stopper). Once these missions are given, he introduces me to a new contact and fails to give further missions. Once Pavel Garnier is received as a contact, other contacts will not introduce me to an alternative contact that provides The Vahzilok Plague. Pavel Garnier appears to bugged.
  18. Not a thread, but you can go to https://midsreborn.com/ and download the latest version which includes the Page 4 changes. Since Page 5 just dropped today, I suspect it will be a few days before it's updated again.
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