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Everything posted by damnimgood

  1. Reading a few things..putting ice/ice Stalker on the table too 😉
  2. LMFAO!!!!
  3. Their survivability is pretty low, I know there's things you can do, but in general..
  4. Thank you everyone for your help. So narrowing out some choices I'm left with..Ice/Cold Dom,Ice/Cold Corr or Ice/TA Controller. DECISIONS!!
  5. Ah Snarky. Good to see you. You've helped me many times over the years, intentionally and unintentionally with your vast COH knowledge. Thank you very much.
  6. Thanks. And LOL..
  7. LMAO.
  8. What combination would be the best use of a cold offense that wouldn't get me squashed like a blaster? I really want to use cold/ice because I haven't really messed with it. THANKS!
  9. Am using this build,and having fun with it. So...THANK YOU.
  10. I have a Water/Will that I love, but I want to add my new Leviathan powers. I LOVE the shark attack and those 2 shark attack powers would go great with my character. Help please.
  11. Was thinking Dark,Kin, or Thermal for Corruptor.
  12. I gots them questions yo! lol. 1)What's a good secondary? I see people using storm or rad. emission for Corrupter. 2)Corrupter over Blaster? Why? I never got into Corrupters. Maybe now is the time. Enlighten me please. Thank you.
  13. Anyone have a build,please?
  14. Does anyone have a good Bio/Staff Tank Build that does damage? (I know, I know..Brute... But this is where I'm at lol.)
  15. damnimgood

    Fun Tank?

    Are any tank powers actually...fun? It seems like the choices are slow, repetitive, or powers that are better placed on a different archetype. I KNOW I'm generalizing, but maybe one of you fine tank expert (tankspert?) folks has a combo that's fun and damaging.
  16. I have two dual pistols sentinel characters. Which would be more effective, dual pistols/regeneration or dual pistols/super reflexes?
  17. mids?
  18. When it comes to just Inf., GENERALLY SPEAKING, which builds are the most expensive and which builds are the cheapest?
  19. Im in the middle of making it so,no I can't. Do you have an answer to my question?
  20. Like I said,I made a tweak, a different choice. So now I have left overs. The build is fine.
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