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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. Nobody fire farms in a hami raid. So, I have no idea why you're calling these people "firefarmers". Seems like your own prejudices are biasing how you categorise people, and making you treat two sets of activities as one set of people. Besides, AFKing in a hami raid is not the same as AFKing in an AE farm. The former negatively impacts other players. The latter does not.
  2. Vet levels don't have integrity. They're basically just a "how long have you played this character at 50" measuring stick. I am a positive fire farmer. I know plenty of other positive fire farmers. None of us would support vet level nerfs.
  3. Yes.
  4. AFK Farming hurts nothing other than the pride of those players who weirdly see vet levels as some sort of accomplishment. Vet levels are not accomplishments. Once you've used them to unlock incarnates, vet levels are just an indicator of how often you play a character at 50, nothing more.
  5. That's what the forums are for.
  6. Rule 1 of zone pvp: Turn off the chat tab so other players can't broadcastvoke or broadcastplacate you.
  7. eye thing your write
  8. People who start threads to complain about other people, in a game community designed to be inclusive, are my biggest pet peeve.
  9. How has this thread turned into an anti-farming thread? Lmfao
  10. Last page of the Blue King one. And...uh...a midway cameo in the other one. (Can't remember the page exactly.)
  11. No, it's ignorance which allows that. You cure ignorance by educating players, not by changing the game. I mean, really; "We must make the game LONGER for everyone because a small subset of players at 50 are clueless!" is your argument? Utter nonsense.
  12. What about having Ouroboros mendor costume pieces unlock at level 100? The "story" reason being that you got so powerful your future self came back to visit. I know unlockable costume pieces are a touchy subject. But given that they weren't available on live, returning players shouldn't feel anything has been taken away from them.
  13. For a community that claims to hate PVP, you sure do a lot of it on the forums.
  14. Neither of these suggestions would make the game harder. They'd just make everything take longer. Terrible ideas.
  15. Preach. I've never understood why the old devs were so obsessed with hiding our costumes.
  16. A minfx option on ALL armours/buffs would be amazing. Being able to see my costume...whilst playing the game...oh joy! I can but dream!
  17. 6 ACC/DAM Hami O's in every attack prior to ED. Twas a glorious time.
  18. It's all part of his glorious strategy.
  19. You can put catalysts in salvage bins in bases.
  20. Plz nerf forum rep farming.
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